Who supports Trump here

Unhinged Evidence

Exhibit A:

Yes bleach bit.... the software/deletion/cleaning tool.... You know... That thing hillarys people TRIED to use to destroy evidence.... You know, Paul Combetta who posted on reddit asking for advice on how to change the email address on sent emails... and how he worked for hillary.... Yeah... That thing... Bleach bit...

Put your emotions to the side and just look at the evidence.... forget anyones political affiliations for one minute and just look at integrity of sources...
Check the archive of the reddit posts for this guy looking to destroy it.... Then giving up, and using bleachbit... Then look at the leaks of all this... and then MAKE YOUR OWN DECISION.... No ones telling you to listen to me, just realize your a puppet and need to start looking into things yourself, because you guys are just regurgitating all the same talking points that you hear from all the other sheep out there on fb and twitter...
And when Trump trash has nothing Americans will support they drag out Hillary
Sorry kid but Trump has reduced his support among most real republicans
Republicans spent a decade false accusing Hillary and Trump barely won that
Joe is untouchable and Trump knows it
He has no chance but to claim a rigged election
And when Trump trash has nothing Americans will support they drag out Hillary
Sorry kid but Trump has reduced his support among most real republicans
Republicans spent a decade false accusing Hillary and Trump barely won that
Joe is untouchable and Trump knows it
He has no chance but to claim a rigged election
Negotiated agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates just recently... Thats something I can get behind, as an independent.

Joes untouchable because he tows the line... If its not obvious that hes been in politics for 47 years, accomplished nothing, gotten rich somehow, and has fought for the very bills that have caused people including marginalized communities so much pain and suffering, yet is being touted by dems and the media and trying to emotionally appeal to the masses saying "Look! Racism!" "Look! Trump bad!" .... as a former dem, now independent, its been very obvious for a long time now they've been becoming more and more unhinged.

Please dont quote my posts, I'd like to avoid notifications and try not to get into any of these discussions on a marijuana website of all places.. Should never have responded, Just showing you theres normal people out there that supported trump and still plan to, and that were not all racist...and wanted to do it under my one and only account of 10+ years here but hey maybe that was a mistake, but sure explains why the dems eat their own and drive away members from their party including me for years... Hope everyone has a great life. Going to try and stop responding now. Cheers :peace:
Negotiated agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates just recently... Thats something I can get behind, as an independent.

Joes untouchable because he tows the line... If its not obvious that hes been in politics for 47 years, accomplished nothing, gotten rich somehow, and has fought for the very bills that have caused people including marginalized communities so much pain and suffering, yet is being touted by dems and the media and trying to emotionally appeal to the masses saying "Look! Racism!" "Look! Trump bad!" .... as a former dem, now independent, its been very obvious for a long time now they've been becoming more and more unhinged.

Please dont quote my posts, I'd like to avoid notifications and try not to get into any of these discussions on a marijuana website of all places.. Should never have responded, Just showing you theres normal people out there that supported trump and still plan to, and that were not all racist...and wanted to do it under my one and only account of 10+ years here but hey maybe that was a mistake, but sure explains why the dems eat their own and drive away members from their party including me for years... Hope everyone has a great life. Going to try and stop responding now. Cheers :peace:
Log off
You've said that before genius......yet your sorry magat ass is still here.
Well if you knew how the website worked you would know I get notified from a quoted post... Genius.
The statement is true then and now, be more original with the magat by the way.... You're all just proving my point further... You guys are all unhinged if anyone doesn't tow your line and push your narrative you all resort to childish name calling bullshit... So please continue, Im not trying to convince any of you guys, Im convincing the lurkers just reading, you know, that silent majority they talk about....

Hey... Going to try and stop responding now.... No promises..;-)
Well if you knew how the website worked you would know I get notified from a quoted post... Genius.
I'm aware of how the website works.......just because you got notified of a quoted post doesn't mean you are required to respond.
After all.......you have said at least twice that you're not going to respond anymore.......yet, here you are again.
So now you're not only a deplorable, but you're a liar as well.......not surprising. You've learned well from your lyin king.
Just can't help yourself......can you?

You have some white stuff in the corner of your mouth.
I'm aware of how the website works.......just because you got notified of a quoted post doesn't mean you are required to respond.
After all.......you have said at least twice that you're not going to respond anymore.......yet, here you are again.
Just can't help yourself......can you?

You have some white stuff in the corner of your mouth.
Learn to read, the key word was try... I could if wanted, but like I said, I love this country... and if an opportunity presents itself to lend some service and gain some members, Im all for putting in the work. Unlike you guys, who still continue to try and call names to hurt feelings I guess?... Like my emotions run my life or something, Doesnt work like that for normal people sorry... Maybe you guys will see that some day.
Well if you knew how the website worked you would know I get notified from a quoted post... Genius.
The statement is true then and now, be more original with the magat by the way.... You're all just proving my point further... You guys are all unhinged if anyone doesn't tow your line and push your narrative you all resort to childish name calling bullshit... So please continue, Im not trying to convince any of you guys, Im convincing the lurkers just reading, you know, that silent majority they talk about....

Hey... Going to try and stop responding now.... No promises..;-)
Oh no please don’t stop responding. We run you dumbass magats off because you are supporting the worst president in us history. Plain and simple.
Disgusting ignorance.
Well if you knew how the website worked you would know I get notified from a quoted post... Genius.
The statement is true then and now, be more original with the magat by the way.... You're all just proving my point further... You guys are all unhinged if anyone doesn't tow your line and push your narrative you all resort to childish name calling bullshit... So please continue, Im not trying to convince any of you guys, Im convincing the lurkers just reading, you know, that silent majority they talk about....

Hey... Going to try and stop responding now.... No promises..;-)
If you know how well it works and you don’t want to respond all you have to do is put us on ignore. Works really well.
Negotiated agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates just recently...
So the country that he rolled over and moved the embassy (for nothing in return (wink wink, nudge nudge)) ran by Netanyahu, and the UAE who just happened to be meeting with Flynn around the same time he was arguably committing treason with Russia, nailed out some deal and Trump came in and wiped his name on it, is Trump's accomplishment.

Cool I can buy it, good job Trump, I am sure that this is not a bees nest we will ever have to deal with in the future.

Thats something I can get behind, as an independent.

Joes untouchable because he tows the line...
What line? The American one that is not ok with selling out our national interests to get favors like political dirt on a American opponent like Trump did to not have to run against Biden?

If its not obvious that hes been in politics for 47 years, accomplished nothing, gotten rich somehow, and has fought for the very bills that have caused people including marginalized communities so much pain and suffering, yet is being touted by dems and the media and trying to emotionally appeal to the masses saying "Look! Racism!"
You are mistaken, Biden is one of the only politicians to actually not cash in on his political office. Middle Class Joe didn't make money until after he left office and had no power to cash in on.

Also Biden passed a lot of very important bills during that time. even if you don't realize the Democrats only had 2 years in each presidential term over the last 50 to get anything done before Republicans obstructed legislation trolling it as some kind of 'ism' unless it helped out the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only demographic.

When pointing out racism, it is appropriate to call it out for what it is. Just like back when Biden pointed out that white people being happy in their nice white suburbs if they let some poor kids form the city take a bus for a couple hours a day to go to school in the nice neighborhood would lead us right to where we are at today.

Please dont quote my posts, I'd like to avoid notifications and try not to get into any of these discussions on a marijuana website of all places.. Should never have responded, Just showing you theres normal people out there that supported trump and still plan to, and that were not all racist...and wanted to do it under my one and only account of 10+ years here but hey maybe that was a mistake, but sure explains why the dems eat their own and drive away members from their party including me for years... Hope everyone has a great life. Going to try and stop responding now. Cheers :peace:

Learn to read, the key word was try... I could if wanted, but like I said, I love this country... and if an opportunity presents itself to lend some service and gain some members, Im all for putting in the work. Unlike you guys, who still continue to try and call names to hurt feelings I guess?... Like my emotions run my life or something, Doesnt work like that for normal people sorry... Maybe you guys will see that some day.
You are the one acting all defensive while not using your ignore button if you feel like people are treating you poorly.