Who supports Trump here

Nope. I and many people would love to hear why trump supporters will vote for him again, or keep supporting him.
I dunno the 700k factory jobs he brought back into or the fact that there we are energy independent for the first time in American history. Or maybe that every part of this country experienced the highest wage increase under one president in .... I dunno .... rite that never happened in American history before. But for sure I would support him because I don't want to live in an Nancy Pelosi's and the demercratic version of America that look like third world country feed the children commercials. Kamala Harris tweeted " a cage is a cage is a cage, no human deserves to be in a cage." She has been quoted to say she would ABOLISH prisons across American. And do what with the people in them? Release them on us. I like America, I like my freedom and even my fleeting safety. So yeah just a few reasons to vote for Trump
Looks like the Trumper kamikaze sock charge has begun, orders must have come in from Moscow. Makes no difference if they a Russians or American useful idiots, they all sing the same song from the same script. All enemies foreign and domestic remember.
I dunno the 700k factory jobs he brought back into or the fact that there we are energy independent for the first time in American history. Or maybe that every part of this country experienced the highest wage increase under one president in .... I dunno .... rite that never happened in American history before. But for sure I would support him because I don't want to live in an Nancy Pelosi's and the demercratic version of America that look like third world country feed the children commercials. Kamala Harris tweeted " a cage is a cage is a cage, no human deserves to be in a cage." She has been quoted to say she would ABOLISH prisons across American. And do what with the people in them? Release them on us. I like America, I like my freedom and even my fleeting safety. So yeah just a few reasons to vote for Trump
You're not only delusional but your lack of intelligence makes you the perfect deplorable for your king.
I dunno the 700k factory jobs he brought back into or the fact that there we are energy independent for the first time in American history. Or maybe that every part of this country experienced the highest wage increase under one president in .... I dunno .... rite that never happened in American history before. But for sure I would support him because I don't want to live in an Nancy Pelosi's and the demercratic version of America that look like third world country feed the children commercials. Kamala Harris tweeted " a cage is a cage is a cage, no human deserves to be in a cage." She has been quoted to say she would ABOLISH prisons across American. And do what with the people in them? Release them on us. I like America, I like my freedom and even my fleeting safety. So yeah just a few reasons to vote for Trump
How about the 200,000 dead, the treason and corruption, the abuse of office, the constitutional violations and the open threats against liberal democracy. Trump isn't running against Biden now, he's running against the US constitution and the rule of law, he said as much publicly. Donald is a malicious sociopathic moron with a professionally assessed IQ of 78, a Machiavellian moron.

The choice is between right and wrong, you either don't know the difference, or don't care, amoral or immoral, take yer pick, limited choices.
I dunno the 700k factory jobs he brought back into or the fact that there we are energy independent for the first time in American history. Or maybe that every part of this country experienced the highest wage increase under one president in .... I dunno .... rite that never happened in American history before. But for sure I would support him because I don't want to live in an Nancy Pelosi's and the demercratic version of America that look like third world country feed the children commercials. Kamala Harris tweeted " a cage is a cage is a cage, no human deserves to be in a cage." She has been quoted to say she would ABOLISH prisons across American. And do what with the people in them? Release them on us. I like America, I like my freedom and even my fleeting safety. So yeah just a few reasons to vote for Trump
Are we just supposed to take your word for these things, because I call bullshit on much of it.

I think if you are not just another in the long line of paid trolls, and are an actual American, you have been under attack with Trump's trolls lies if you actually think any of that is real.
I dunno the 700k factory jobs he brought back into or the fact that there we are energy independent for the first time in American history. Or maybe that every part of this country experienced the highest wage increase under one president in .... I dunno .... rite that never happened in American history before. But for sure I would support him because I don't want to live in an Nancy Pelosi's and the demercratic version of America that look like third world country feed the children commercials. Kamala Harris tweeted " a cage is a cage is a cage, no human deserves to be in a cage." She has been quoted to say she would ABOLISH prisons across American. And do what with the people in them? Release them on us. I like America, I like my freedom and even my fleeting safety. So yeah just a few reasons to vote for Trump
You do remember Reagan opening the nuthouse doors right?
I dunno the 700k factory jobs he brought back into or the fact that there we are energy independent for the first time in American history. Or maybe that every part of this country experienced the highest wage increase under one president in .... I dunno .... rite that never happened in American history before. But for sure I would support him because I don't want to live in an Nancy Pelosi's and the demercratic version of America that look like third world country feed the children commercials. Kamala Harris tweeted " a cage is a cage is a cage, no human deserves to be in a cage." She has been quoted to say she would ABOLISH prisons across American. And do what with the people in them? Release them on us. I like America, I like my freedom and even my fleeting safety. So yeah just a few reasons to vote for Trump

Manufacturing was already in recession before Covid-19 hit us. The date of this report is September, 2019

Friday's jobs report represented another SOS from the manufacturing sector, hard hit by the trade war and slowing global demand. Already in a recession, manufacturers added just 3,000 jobs in August, continuing a trend that's fostering concerns about the rest of the economy, not to mention President Donald Trump's re-election chances.

A widely used definition of a recession is when economic output shrinks for two straight quarters. According to Federal Reserve data, the manufacturing sector contracted in both the January through March period and again from April through June.

Other indicators are suggesting further shrinkage through the summer: A monthly survey by the Institute for Supply Management, an association of purchasing managers, this week showed that U.S. factory production and new orders fell sharply in August
Joes untouchable because he tows the line... If its not obvious that hes been in politics for 47 years, accomplished nothing, gotten rich somehow, and has fought for the very bills that have caused people including marginalized communities so much pain and suffering, yet is being touted by dems and the media and trying to emotionally appeal to the masses saying "Look! Racism!" "Look! Trump bad!" .... as a former dem, now independent, its been very obvious for a long time now they've been becoming more and more unhinged.
And trump pays $750 in taxes per year. soooo? What’s your issue?
I dunno the 700k factory jobs he brought back into or the fact that there we are energy independent for the first time in American history. Or maybe that every part of this country experienced the highest wage increase under one president in .... I dunno .... rite that never happened in American history before. But for sure I would support him because I don't want to live in an Nancy Pelosi's and the demercratic version of America that look like third world country feed the children commercials. Kamala Harris tweeted " a cage is a cage is a cage, no human deserves to be in a cage." She has been quoted to say she would ABOLISH prisons across American. And do what with the people in them? Release them on us. I like America, I like my freedom and even my fleeting safety. So yeah just a few reasons to vote for Trump
Not sure what type of job you have but we saw no wage increase because of trump in my entire industry. Fake news!!!

citation for your fake news statement required
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I dunno the 700k factory jobs he brought back into or the fact that there we are energy independent for the first time in American history. Or maybe that every part of this country experienced the highest wage increase under one president in .... I dunno .... rite that never happened in American history before. But for sure I would support him because I don't want to live in an Nancy Pelosi's and the demercratic version of America that look like third world country feed the children commercials. Kamala Harris tweeted " a cage is a cage is a cage, no human deserves to be in a cage." She has been quoted to say she would ABOLISH prisons across American. And do what with the people in them? Release them on us. I like America, I like my freedom and even my fleeting safety. So yeah just a few reasons to vote for Trump
Q2 GDP was -30%. LOL.
Registered independent, voted obama 08, no vote 2012, trump 2016.. and will vote Trump 2020 as well.

Why? Because he wasnt a bad person until he threatened peoples power, then he became racist and the worst thing ever... I didnt like him at first, hated him during the apprentice years couldnt stand his voice, his look, everything... Just a meme caricature of a comic book business man really...

Wasnt really into politics until I started getting accused of racism because I grew up poor white, with more girlfriends who werent white than were.... best friends arent white, never even discussed race ever... Then all of a sudden Im the bad guy, and I just watched the left get crazier and crazier... These politicians on the left are so new to social media they think the loudest ones on twitter are the american opinion, so they keep moving farther and farther left... Where I cant believe how much racism and sexism, and just all out bullshit that you hear from the left... I see it all coming from the left...

This does not make me republican, although I lean more conservative fiscally, 2A rights, free speech, constitution, Im all for making America great again, and not some bs dogwhistle shit like I want it white or some bullshit... I want America to be the land of the free, and with big tech libs deleting accounts, censoring press and any views that dont fit with their narrative of pandemic, BLM, etc. doesnt matter what it is... if you dont fall in line with them they try to cancel you. Its hypocritical bullshit... And TBH I feel like all these kids who grew up online, dont actually have any real experiences in life, they only read about and view videos of these crazy things happening... Thats why they seem so angry and up in arms, and call everyone a racist homophobic whatever, even though I just want people to leave me alone, while I do all I can to build myself, my family, my community, and my country up to be better than ever before, so we can give people a good life, The ones that want to abide by law and order at least... Anyways... I feel like these kids in there teens and 20s in these protests are looking for that life experience, and they believe its a racist country everywhere you go or whatever... so they're going out and burning and looting and all this bullshit... No matter what the subject is... if it comes from someones mouth they dont like... they try to cancel... Even if trump came out tomorrow and said yeah I was wrong you are right were going to do everything you guys want... They'd still find something wrong with it.

Thats just how I see it... I've noticed the left getting more and more unhinged, the media continuing to try and stay alive in the tech era by pushing out salacious news stories for clicks, with no journalistic integrity... and they just pander and play games with people. I had to stop voting dems, and thats why I didnt vote obama again, he pulled some fucked up shit if you look into it... back when I was an obama supporter this fucked me up... Then didnt vote 2012.. then trump 2016 because he was this outsider who wanted to change things for the american people, thats why they fight him so much on shit, and thats why no matter what he does or says its wrong and bad... where as biden hillary, obama... all were tight with the media elite, and they were giving softball questions with no push back... As a regular person I saw this and it doesnt take a high IQ to know... these people just started doing this when they realized he had a chance and the support of the general american public, so they went all out attack.... fuck it whether you support him or not... If you cant see there is some power struggle hypocritical bullshit going on in media with both dems and gop then your crazy...

I've heard millions of reasons from everyday people why they support trump, especially considering I live in liberal massachusetts you wouldnt think thats really the case but it is... You just hear the loud fear mongering fake news... viral feeds on twitter and shit because thats the stuff that gets shares/views ($ ad revenue...)

What I would really love to hear is why anyone would support Biden... and not because of what trump is or isnt, but what specially Biden offers you as a candidate.

But dont worry, Im not expecting any intelligent response, as I can tell the OP is just an angst-y teen whos mad at the world because of some brainwashing stuff hes seen on his facebook/twitter/social feed.

FYI: Im unwatching this thread so I will not get reply notifications, honestly this thread was shit before the 3rd page, even after you had said you wont be calling anyone names, or anything, But hey... maybe the last 6 pages I didnt read were redeeming... Ill never know... Dont expect a reply or read. Can hit me in private message if you'd like to discuss anything further or get my attention. Thanks for reading.
Me either lol
Yepper, tldr. lulz

I don't know which is worse, the way Trump's goon army repeats right wing propaganda and lies or when they launch into a whiny diatribe that lists their grievances as if they mattered.

How many times has Trump demanded that we just ignore people dying around us and get back to work? And that guy just wanted to talk about his hurt feelz. Same planet, different world.