Who thinks Obama should step down or be impeached ?

Should Obama step down?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 45 60.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
December 2, 1993 - Leading conservative operative William Kristol privately circulates a strategy document to Republicans in Congress. Kristol writes that congressional Republicans should work to "kill" -- not amend -- the Clinton plan because it presents a real danger to the Republican future: Its passage will give the Democrats a lock on the crucial middle-class vote and revive the reputation of the party. Nearly a full year before Republicans will unite behind the "Contract With America," Kristol has provided the rationale and the steel for them to achieve their aims of winning control of Congress and becoming America's majority party. Killing health care will serve both ends. The timing of the memo dovetails with a growing private consensus among Republicans that all-out opposition to the Clinton plan is in their best political interest. Until the memo surfaces, most opponents prefer behind-the-scenes warfare largely shielded from public view. The boldness of Kristol's strategy signals a new turn in the battle. Not only is it politically acceptable to criticize the Clinton plan on policy grounds, it is also politically advantageous. By the end of 1993, blocking reform poses little risk as the public becomes increasingly fearful of what it has heard about the Clinton plan.

The Republican plan in the 90s was exactly what Obamacare is now

munch box

Well-Known Member
So I guess all the people that voted, "Yes" want Joe Bidden as their president? Have you been smoking powdery mildew?
I've been saying that Joe Biden is as dumb as Obama for years. I would have never voted for Obama. I knew his record as senator.He could have cut me a check for a thousand dollars and I still wouldn't have voted for either one of them.


Well-Known Member
mmKay So what about the part of aiding our allies?
ot the fact the Senate Unanimously voted for establishing a no fly zone?
Or official US policy of Regime change for the last 3 decades in Libya
Or the 200 american men women children and babies that died in Lockerbie
(1) "THIS [the U.S.] Constitution," (2) "the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof" (i.e., as permitted by, in conformity with, and to implement this Constitution), and (3) "all treaties made....under the Authority of the United States" ("under" designates that treaties are not over, not above, and not even equal to the authority of the United States granted to it by the States via the U.S. Constitution - but remain under, inferior to its jurisdiction).
A treaty may not do or exceed what the Congress is charged to do or what it is forbidden to do. Constitutional authority supersedes, overrules, and precludes any contrary treaty authority.

2) Controversy on that as well (Absolutely no clearance for an American war)
So who is right? Did the president go to war without any approval from the Senate, as Sen. Paul says? Or did the Senate approve the president’s use of military force, as Secretary Clinton claims?

The answer involves a secretive Senate procedure known as “hotlining.” Hotlining is a system that allows legislation to pass by “unanimous consent,” usually in the evening, when almost no Senators are present. Prior to a bill’s consideration, the Democrat and Republican Cloakrooms send out hotline notices – automated phone calls and emails – to key staff. The hotline notices typically include the bill number, so members can look it up and review its contents. However, in the case of the Libya, the resolution was not made public until the day after the Senate approved it.

According to numerous congressional aides, almost no members knew about the no-fly zone language. Most offices thought they were approving a different resolution – with the same sponsor and a nearly identical title – that had been circulating among congressional offices for two weeks.

In a February 22, email obtained by the Examiner, an aide to Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) sent a resolution to the staff of members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee condemning human rights abuses in Libya. There was no mention of a no-fly zone.

On March 1st, at 4:03pm, a different resolution was “hotlined.” The only information provided in the hotline email was the title: “S. Res. __ A resolution strongly condemning the gross and systematic violations of human rights in Libya, including violent attacks on protesters demanding democratic reforms, and for other purposes.”

But what Senate offices did not know was that the sponsors had secretly slipped into the resolution the following sentence:
“[the Senate] urges the United Nations Security Council to take such further action as may be necessary to protect civilians in Libya from attack, including the possible imposition of a no-fly zone over Libyan territory"​

U.S. and U.K. defense officials have repeatedly said that the UN resolution authorizing the military action doesn’t include removing the Libyan leader from power. That was reinforced today by by Ben Rhodes, Obama’s deputy national security adviser for strategic communications, in a briefing aboard Air Force One.
“There are very clearly defined goals for the military operations that we taking,” Rhodes said. “It’s not about regime change.”
Obama said the U.S. will hand off command of military operations in Libya once the initial phase -- knocking out Qaddafi’s air defenses -- is completed.
4) I'm guessing you are talking about the lockerbie bombing? In that case: First off, stop trying to use scare tactics to launch wars. I'm not into propaganda bullshit. Secondly, 178 americans were killed and that was in 1988. Thirdly, the United States government has stood behind the fact that they do not believe Libya had anything to do with it, even if they had they already paid $2.7 billion in compensation to the families of the victims.



Well-Known Member
You mean Last great actor,,,Beside's John wayne,,,Right. I know my grandmother loved Ronald Regan and John wayne,,,she died in the 90's she would have been over 100 year's old Today.
Ummmm,,,Wake up!!! alhehimerz...What...Nuke's fuck'em Bring down the wall...Luck has it i HAVE BEEN PAYING HIS DEBT'S,,,Do I care no,,,Do you care about 20 or 30 year's from now???,,,It just keep's on spinnning go with the flow and enjoy' life it's too short to be angry and hate...It's all good tho.....

munch box

Well-Known Member
I heard when you take money from productive people and give it to unproductive people, then after a while everybody becomes unproductive. Is that true?


Well-Known Member
Sen C. will you convert to Obamanism with me? We can worship him & when we pass we will each get our own Armored Bus to ride around in for Eternity.


Well-Known Member
I heard when you take money from productive people and give it to unproductive people, then after a while everybody becomes unproductive. Is that true?
Look at it like taking a class room full of students and giving them a test. At the end of the test, you take the average grade and give it to every student. Sure, at first it would be great! Eventually, though, the hard working students would get frustrated at the class clowns getting the same grade and they themselves would begin to stop trying. This, obviously, would drag the average down.

munch box

Well-Known Member
If your trying to say Obama is a tyrant I agree. Hes always asking people to give up thier rights. If only he could get exactly what he wants, then we could all exist in perfect little world he wants us to live in. I know Obama cares. but that doesn't make him smart."you get socialism when emotions superceed common sense." And that ones all me. I'm going to trade mark that right there. Its my new one liner, to put obama supporters in check


Active Member
Aawww come on. You mean to tell me that Karl Marx and the Democrat Party have been wrong all these years?
The democratic party couldn't be further away from the teachings of Karl Marx. Do you understand what Marxism is? Can you please cite for us examples of marxism being practiced in the USA as a direct result of Democratic policy?


Well-Known Member
If your trying to say Obama is a tyrant I agree. Hes always asking people to give up thier rights. If only he could get exactly what he wants, then we could all exist in perfect little world he wants us to live in. I know Obama cares. but that doesn't make him smart."you get socialism when emotions superceed common sense." And that ones all me. I'm going to trade mark that right there. Its my new one liner, to put obama supporters in check
Wow...I think you got something there. i think you should call or email Fox new's right away...You are my True blooded American hero! Thank's man.

munch box

Well-Known Member
Look at it like taking a class room full of students and giving them a test. At the end of the test, you take the average grade and give it to every student. Sure, at first it would be great! Eventually, though, the hard working students would get frustrated at the class clowns getting the same grade and they themselves would begin to stop trying. This, obviously, would drag the average down.
Its important to want to be the best. socialists discourage this behavior. Any type of competition is considered to be arrogant. Some democrats even discourage competition on a sports level. they don't keep score and any ambition to become the best will be met with fierce resistance. To democrats the free market system is not fair. Nothing is fair to Democrats unless they have the ability to go in, put red tape around it, and then regulate it out of business.


Well-Known Member
Its important to want to be the best. socialists discourage this behavior. Any type of competition is considered to be arrogant. Some democrats even discourage competition on a sports level. they don't keep score and any ambition to become the best will be met with fierce resistance. To democrats the free market system is not fair. Nothing is fair to Democrats unless they have the ability to go in, put red tape around it, and then regulate it out of business.
Yea kinnda Like The Great "Miami" team lol.....