Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

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Well-Known Member
oh yes, the publik skools are a shining example taint... I'm way way off. :roll:
Public schools are obviously having a rough go at it. You won't hear any argument from me regarding that.
But to claim that the Democratic party is keeping the public schools in their current condition, purposely, to produce voters is just a dumb thing to say ...like, Jay Severin dumb. Actually, it was funnier when he made that claim a couple of years ago. It's all in the delivery. :lol: :clap:
If you're going to make this right-wing comedian career work, CJ, you've got to at least come up with some original material. :mrgreen:


New Member
The Dem's run the school system. Anything UNION is democrat, even you,...... even you know that. They have destroyed the education system and resist any improvements what so ever if it means them losing CONTROL.

Keeping students barely educated is a GREAT way to get democrats......


Well-Known Member
The Dem's run the school system. Anything UNION is democrat, even you,...... even you know that. They have destroyed the education system and resist any improvements what so ever if it means them losing CONTROL.

Keeping students barely educated is a GREAT way to get democrats......
Like I stated earlier - it was funnier when Jay Severin said it. He's got the delivery down pat! He's no Rush Limbaugh, but he is hilarious.
Are you headlining Vegas anytime soon? I'd love to catch the rest of your bit live. I hope in your live act you do your bit about Obama not being a citizen. Maybe you should open with that one. :lol:

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
The Dem's run the school system. Anything UNION is democrat, even you,...... even you know that. They have destroyed the education system and resist any improvements what so ever if it means them losing CONTROL.

Keeping students barely educated is a GREAT way to get democrats......
+1 :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
it starts at home. if your kid comes home from school dumb and you allow him/her to stay that way, then it's on you. you CAN supplement an education. kids do have parents don't they?


Well-Known Member
The Dem's run the school system. Anything UNION is democrat, even you,...... even you know that. They have destroyed the education system and resist any improvements what so ever if it means them losing CONTROL.

Keeping students barely educated is a GREAT way to get democrats......
The government destroying the educational system I can agree with. To point the finger directly towards the democratic party is just ridiculous. Republicans are in on it also...


Well-Known Member
Look - Obama is the president. You can talk about this tin foil theory all day, but he is the president. Period. Talk about his policies and what you don't like about his presidency, but why go on about this specific topic when it's a dead issue.

I was upset that Bush stole the presidency from Gore, but once it was clear that he was going to be the president, I got over it and stopped complaining about it because it was a dead issue. The supreme court made a ruling, it's over!
They are one in the same as far as i can see.



Like some other people said he a puppet. One good thing I can say about him is he's a good liar. Hes no leader he hasnt even chosen a church yet because he scared that people might get mad if he goes to a all black church. Grow some balls we already you hate white people lol.
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