Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb?

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There are several reasons:

immunity is not perfect, and declines after long periods (different times for different vaccines).
Some people have allergic or bad reactions to the ingredients in vaccines and can't be vaccinated.
Some times the vaccine is ineffective for some people.

Pad may fall into one of these categories. Whether he is in one of these categories (which he may not know unless he got infected), or is in fact totally immune to infection, he still doesn't want to sit in a cesspool of it unnecessarily. If nearly everyone is vaccinated, and the vaccine works for nearly everyone, then those people that are vulnerable will be protected from the virus because they won't be exposed to it - herd immunity. When you don't get vaccinated you act as a potential host for that virus to thrive and spread.

If nearly everyone is vaccinated and there are still people who cannot be vaccinated/it doesn't work for them, how is that not the exact same threat as someone who willingly chooses to not get vaccinated?
I am bored typing words. Yay

I've found posting funny images and vid's to be both satisfying and effective scrolling their propaganda since they are not interested in dialog but using this as a wall. LOL good to see ya Kite how's your summer treating you?
If nearly everyone is vaccinated and there are still people who cannot be vaccinated/it doesn't work for them, how is that not the exact same threat as someone who willingly chooses to not get vaccinated?

It is the same threat, but they have legitimate reasons for posing that threat where as you just have ignorance to blame, which is inexcusable.
I've found posting funny images and vid's to be both satisfying and effective scrolling their propaganda since they are not interested in dialog but using this as a wall. LOL good to see ya Kite how's your summer treating you?
Thanx fer askin. Just had double hernia repair surgery a week ago. HURTS LIKe A MOFO.

And just completed harvesting FS C99. Man they trippy and potency is off the charts.ism.

And how you been my genius goil? Haven't been on as much due to nazi censorship and just cronyism of this self styled matriarchal clusterfuck...and please do not take this as against women...i love all of you girls...what I am implying subtly cuts much deeper to the intended recipient..the art of the slice if you will gambit
It is the same threat, but they have legitimate reasons for posing that threat where as you just have ignorance to blame, which is inexcusable.

It's not inexcusable. Can you guarantee I wont become a victim of adverse vaccine reactions? Can you prove the long-term safety of vaccines? No and no. You cant even provide one single bit of evidence that directly proves vaccines are responsible for the decline of any disease. Inexcusable is trying to force someone to inject themselves with well-known neurotoxins.
Well you don't take your vaccines and I will then we can both inject our selves with whatever horrible disease you want and see who lives lol
It is inexcusable. Your scientific ignorance and illiteracy has a measurable effect on the rest of society. It has already been posted in this thread about outbreaks of diseases in areas where people opt not to vaccinate. You claim you want direct proof but you simply dismiss everything that has showed you direct evidence. Any direct proof is merely proof of the conspiracy. There is plenty of direct evidence in this thread, you are just too deep in little pharma's pocket to see it.
Hey I was looking for the 'Reasons why conspiracy theorists are so smart thread.' I can't seem to find it? Coincidence or is it because of the fluoridated chem trails? hmmm
It is inexcusable. Your scientific ignorance and illiteracy has a measurable effect on the rest of society. It has already been posted in this thread about outbreaks of diseases in areas where people opt not to vaccinate. You claim you want direct proof but you simply dismiss everything that has showed you direct evidence. Any direct proof is merely proof of the conspiracy. There is plenty of direct evidence in this thread, you are just too deep in little pharma's pocket to see it.


103 Nobel Prizes

That single link alone is enough to prove to any rational person that vaccines are effective

But lets see how this dummy rationalizes his conspiracy. I put money down he quotes his retarded talking point question again for the 27th consecutive time, like the hamster he is, because he can't think of anything himself.

It actually makes me happy this dummy thinks he's won something when the rest of reality shows he's clearly lost by fuckin' miles! He is literally the William Hung of conspiracy theories!


and it's adorable!

Keep up the fight jtprin!
It is inexcusable. Your scientific ignorance and illiteracy has a measurable effect on the rest of society. It has already been posted in this thread about outbreaks of diseases in areas where people opt not to vaccinate. You claim you want direct proof but you simply dismiss everything that has showed you direct evidence. Any direct proof is merely proof of the conspiracy. There is plenty of direct evidence in this thread, you are just too deep in little pharma's pocket to see it.

You cannot guarantee the long-term safety of vaccines nor guarantee that I won't be another victim of vaccines. No scientific evidence proving vaccines are directly responsible for the decline of any disease has been posted in this thread.

103 Nobel Prizes

That single link alone is enough to prove to any rational person that vaccines are effective

But lets see how this dummy rationalizes his conspiracy. I put money down he quotes his retarded talking point question again for the 27th consecutive time, like the hamster he is, because he can't think of anything himself.

It actually makes me happy this dummy thinks he's won something when the rest of reality shows he's clearly lost by fuckin' miles! He is literally the William Hung of conspiracy theories!


and it's adorable!

Keep up the fight jtprin!

Back to the ad hominem's cause you got absolutely destroyed...

103 Nobel Prizes

That single link alone is enough to prove to any rational person that vaccines are effective

But lets see how this dummy rationalizes his conspiracy. I put money down he quotes his retarded talking point question again for the 27th consecutive time, like the hamster he is, because he can't think of anything himself.

I predict he will simply dismiss it, as you for direct evidence, and claim more ad hominem attacks against him. He has already done this about 25 times in this thread.
You cannot guarantee the long-term safety of vaccines nor guarantee that I won't be another victim of vaccines. No scientific evidence proving vaccines are directly responsible for the decline of any disease has been posted in this thread.

I can't guarantee you won't have a deadly reaction to an anti biotic either, but you would be a fool to absorb a significantly higher risk simply to avoid a small one. Especially since we do have the evidence to back it up.

Small pox has been eradicated since before I was born. The evidence is in man. Open your eyes and get out of little pharmas pocket.

You are incapable of critical thought or discerning pseudoscience quacks from legitimate doctors. You tout evidence from "doctors" and consistently insist we take the statements at face value, because after all this person is a doctor right? Who am I to know better than a doctor? When it is pointed out that your expert dr is on the fringe of the scientific community and most of the time is speaking on a subject that is NOT their expertise (Viera Scheibner - she is a micropalentoligist, Andrew Wakefield - not even a doctor anymore, taken away due to fraud) you simply dismiss it and attack anyone that is not anti-vaccine as being in big pharmas pocket.

You have repeatedly stated that you can't open pdf files on your computer. This tells me that you don't read the sources of the bullshit you post, you just take it at face value. Even when it is pointed out to you that the author is disingenuous, has over looked flaws in the methodology, and has grossly misinterpreted the study you still insist he is correct even though you lack the critical thinking skills to make such a determination, and clearly did not check the study out for yourself because you can't open pdfs.

You are a joke. I hope you realize everyone reading this thread is laughing at you.
I can't guarantee you won't have a deadly reaction to an anti biotic either, but you would be a fool to absorb a significantly higher risk simply to avoid a small one. Especially since we do have the evidence to back it up.

Small pox has been eradicated since before I was born. The evidence is in man. Open your eyes and get out of little pharmas pocket.

You are incapable of critical thought or discerning pseudoscience quacks from legitimate doctors. You tout evidence from "doctors" and consistently insist we take the statements at face value, because after all this person is a doctor right? Who am I to know better than a doctor? When it is pointed out that your expert dr is on the fringe of the scientific community and most of the time is speaking on a subject that is NOT their expertise (Viera Scheibner - she is a micropalentoligist, Andrew Wakefield - not even a doctor anymore, taken away due to fraud) you simply dismiss it and attack anyone that is not anti-vaccine as being in big pharmas pocket.

You have repeatedly stated that you can't open pdf files on your computer. This tells me that you don't read the sources of the bullshit you post, you just take it at face value. Even when it is pointed out to you that the author is disingenuous, has over looked flaws in the methodology, and has grossly misinterpreted the study you still insist he is correct even though you lack the critical thinking skills to make such a determination, and clearly did not check the study out for yourself because you can't open pdfs.

You are a joke. I hope you realize everyone reading this thread is laughing at you.

I'd be a fool not to take antibiotics? You mean the drugs that destroy all the good bacteria in your gut, which is absolutely vital for overall health? If you cannot guarantee that I will not become a vaccine victim NOR prove the long-term safety of them... why the hell should I inject myself with neurotoxins? If I have smallpox and you don't, how do I put you at risk for smallpox if you were vaccinated? Answer please. Where is your scientific data that directly proves vaccines are responsible for the decline of any disease? Answer the damn question and I won't keep asking it. Let me guess, you're going to respond with "I already posted it" even though you haven't posted shit that answers that question. Note: Bullshit graphs with no source or data behind them isn't evidence. Smallpox has the exact same symptoms and is clinically indistinguishable from monkeypox and just so happened to originate right around the time smallpox was "eradicated".
I'd be a fool not to take antibiotics? You mean the drugs that destroy all the good bacteria in your gut, which is absolutely vital for overall health? If you cannot guarantee that I will not become a vaccine victim NOR prove the long-term safety of them... why the hell should I inject myself with neurotoxins? If I have smallpox and you don't, how do I put you at risk for smallpox if you were vaccinated? Answer please. Where is your scientific data that directly proves vaccines are responsible for the decline of any disease? Answer the damn question and I won't keep asking it. Let me guess, you're going to respond with "I already posted it" even though you haven't posted shit that answers that question. Note: Bullshit graphs with no source or data behind them isn't evidence. Smallpox has the exact same symptoms and is clinically indistinguishable from monkeypox and just so happened to originate right around the time smallpox was "eradicated".

Your anti-antibiotics stance speaks volumes for how much of a brain washed sheep you are. I'm not going to bother explaining why you are such an idiot for that statement, everyone else already knows. I hope you get infected with a preventible or treatable disease though, then we can witness darwinism at work.
Your anti-antibiotics stance speaks volumes for how much of a brain washed sheep you are. I'm not going to bother explaining why you are such an idiot for that statement, everyone else already knows. I hope you get infected with a preventible or treatable disease though, then we can witness darwinism at work.

Lmao are you saying antibiotics don't destroy the healthy bacteria in your gut?
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