Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb?

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Nice goal dance there. You spoke of sodium fluoride and are now pretending sodium fluosilicate is the same. In low concentrations, fluosilicate decomposes to the active which is, guess what, fluoride ion.

I never said they were the same, but sodium fluosilicates are what is used to fluoridate water and damage human health as well (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17420053). Also, I may have been mistaken, sodium fluoride is added to toothpastes, mouthwash, and other products while sodium fluosilicates are used for tap water. Nonetheless... Calcium Fluoride does not break up into ions very well, so it does not dissolve very well. But at 1ppm most if not all of the dissolved Calcium Fluoride has split up into Calcium ions and Fluoride ions. Silicofluorides are much more soluble than Calcium Fluoride, and ionise in a 2-stage process. However they do not completely break down into Fluoride ions. This was shown by Crosby in 1969. The dissociation was between 87% and 95%. Crosby is constantly misquoted as proving the dissociation was 100%, which is incorrect. More importantly, all components remain available for chemical reaction, so whether the substance has fully ionised or not is in this respect irrelevant. Further, when silicofluorides are put in acidic conditions, such as stomach acid, they tend to return to the molecular form (the dissociation constant shifts). According to WHO (2006) 50% of fluoride in the stomach is absorbed as molecular hydrofluoric acid, the most corrosive acid known, and which can attack DNA (i.e. is mutagenic/carcinogenic).
Let's see if my magic 8 ball is still working. You do not make your living as a scientist... ROFLMAO!!

Right, because scientists and only scientists are the only people on this planet capable of intelligence, reason, and evidence. Only believing in something if "science says so" is devastating to human creativity and limits human potential. Science cannot even explain consciousness let alone all that is left undiscovered on Earth and in the Universe.
You liar, quite being disingenuous. I quoted and responded to your post and it had no sources. You added those 7 minutes after the fact, when my reply was already being drafted. Don't go sneaking links back in during an edit then come claim that I didn't look at them.

Well now that you have the links, please, share all the facts you have on the wonderful GMO's. I would really like to see what you come up with.

For those who think this is so far fetched, and dont want to do the research to find out just how bad GMO's are for human health and the planet in general, consider this. The government and tobacco industry promoted cigarettes for over 50 years. They said there was nothing wrong with them and they didnt cause cancer, only "coolness". If the term "conspiracy theory" was coined back then, anyone who said cigarettes will dramatically increase your risk of cancer, lung disease, heart problems, you would be a "conspiracy theorist". After half a century of keeping that lie going to pad the pockets of the tobacco industry, it was finally exposed that there are numerous carcinogens in cigarettes and it does lower your life expectancy. The people who echo the government in saying that theres nothing wrong with GMO's, are the same ones who are speaking through a voice box in their neck or are 6 feet under. Obviously you cant see how this is the same with GMO's and a lot of other "conspiracy theories". You dont do your research, you believe the corporations who are making trillions off of your ignorance, and the ball keeps rolling.

This is the same thing with Marijuana. The government has kept this drug illegal with absolutely no facts proving its dangerous and no deaths in human history. Also, with the medical marijuana system that certain states and provinces have authorized, the medical benefits of Marijuana are amazing. Why is marijuana still illegal? It has been proven that prohibition only makes things worse. The drug companies, who give campaign donations and other funds to politicians, cannot allow a plant to be legal that cures dozens, if not hundreds of diseases, and can be grown for less than one month of prescriptions of their chemical, side-effect riddled drugs.

Obviously you are too far into the matrix to be able to see reality, and the people you label as idiot conspiracy nuts are the ones trying to help you.
When it comes down to it, ill be safe, and you'll be sorry.
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