why are they so small?


they have been growing for 4 weeks now and they are only 4inches tall... i use miracle grow seed and root soil(i already know... NO MIRACLE GROW) but its too late, i already been using MG soil after germination... then after they grew 3 inches i transplanted them in a bigger pot and started using Scotts potting soil... i probly water them once every 2-3 days but i mist them every day.. they get sunlight from 8am-8pm but thats periodaclly because the rotation of the earth, so they dont get full length of sunlight... after that i bring them under the lamp from 8pm-8am... i obvisiouly know i need a better light system, but is there anything i can do to keep them growing while i work on getting the neccessities... this is my first time and honestly i feel good about what i got so far considering the shim sham set up i'm currently using.. i have some pics, can anyone give me a hand?



When you are using a compact florescent bulb like that you want to have it very close to the top of your plant. Try 2-3 inches away to give them more light.


Active Member
you def need more light.if you can do some research on here and build yourself a grow box you would see much better results.maybe look into a pc server grow if you dont have much space.never be affraid to ask questions on here this place is a gold mine of inforemation.good luck to you.


Well-Known Member
also you have 2 plants in the same pot... you gotta fix that before they kill each other or further stunt growth. then that you would prolly be better off having them under better lights, going from the sun to the cfl is prolly confusing the plant lol going from great light to horrable


they got bent by my germs in the red cup so they were hanging over and not upright.. they seemed to still be alive after i tied them together... i think they still might have a chance... how can i separate them without killing them.. they seem so fragile right now.. another question: should i plant one seed at a time instead of throwing 3 seeds per cup? about the grow box... i was thinking of getting one of those hard plastic tool sheds you get from walmart and constructing my own grow box...

chuck taylor

Active Member
1 plant per solo cup and maybe 3 or 4 23 watt cool white or soft white bulbs at a minium of 4 inches away and fresh air they should be fine for the first 2 to 3 weeks no nutes needed the soil provides enough for now


damn... so all my new germs are 3 seeds at a time, i have to fix that.. but my next question is, can anyone tell wether they are female or male at this stage? oh and thanks for the advice.. no one answer me before i put some pics up! so again thanks dudes!


Well-Known Member
You need to do alot more research before you start growing. Look at the newbie forums, there's alot of good info there.


Active Member
Those plants aren't receiving good light, either from the sun or your light bulb. A plant that was getting 12 hours of good sunshine would be much bigger now.

chuck taylor

Active Member
like napa said knowledge is power read up as much as u can but dont read to much a once tho for instance dont worrie about reading up on flowering just yet. try lookin up veg and seedling since that where ya at.


Those plants aren't receiving good light, either from the sun or your light bulb. A plant that was getting 12 hours of good sunshine would be much bigger now.[/QUOTE

yeah, i live in boston and its cloudy alot but its still hot as hell in the summer.. but i can see where the stunt can be from the light like take for instance today.. its 91 degrees but its cloudy like a mufucka.. but how long can they hold out till i fix my lighting set up... or are they useless now from the stunting? i guess can they survive in there current conditions until i get set up? oh yea, and an someone recomend me some good nutes for they will probly need some soon? right now, i ordered some dyna-gro foliage pro 9-3-6 and dyna-gro pro Tekt 0-0-3 but i keep reading that FF nutrients are better... i dont know, i'm trying!


Well-Known Member
Honestly, take this however you want, I would quit this grow and start over. The plants are stretched, dont have nearly enough light to flower anything worthwhile, dont have stems that will hold any more leaves let alone bud, etc.

Before you start your next grow... READ. ALOT. And then some more.