Why aren't there any successful conservative stand up comedians?


Well-Known Member
Nice try at weaseling your way out of this one but my initial comment never implied that you couldn't make decent money as a comedian, but that conservatives make more money in Wall Street. Your're welcome PADA.
Kings and queens and presidents and giant movie stars make more money too, and all of them have fuck all to do with this conversation

Conservative comedians suck balls and nobody but southern folk who share the same accent find them the least bit funny. Just watch the two examples I posted earlier for some cringeworthy awfulness!


Well-Known Member
Pada, Pada, Pada! Come down my friend. Just admit you are wrong and smoke it up. I am not a conservative so not sure why your feelings are hurt. If I could, I would give you some of this top shelf Kali Mist I grew to lighten your mood. Are you puffing on schwag?


desert dude

Well-Known Member
No really, fascism is a form of capitalism, hence the privatization. You're also completely racist, just like every other fascist.

George Carlin however was LEFT WING, and not a mouthbreathing fucktard like you.
I tried to find Carlin's political affiliations and came up dry. I am sticking with my characterization of Libertarian.

You are a fascist. I know it is a painful thing to acknowledge. Please confirm your fascism by calling me a name.


Well-Known Member
Your limited vocabulary is not impressive and I can tell by your angry mood, you do not smoke anything good. Maybe you should go on a forum such as "Little dicks big tempers" or "I smoke schwag because I'm an idiot"?
Maybe you should log on to your main account and stop making sock puppet accounts. Then get the penis out of your mouth and quit pretending like you smoke weed.

Maybe then you'll learn to take a joke.


Well-Known Member
I tried to find Carlin's political affiliations and came up dry. I am sticking with my characterization of Libertarian.

You are a fascist. I know it is a painful thing to acknowledge. Please confirm your fascism by calling me a name.

"I know you are but what am I?"

Case in point, conservatives are just not funny, particularly lolbertarians. Carlin was hilarious though.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Carlin embodied libertarian ideals. Live and let live.

You are the weakest link, AC.

I shall now have a big family dinner.


Well-Known Member
Carlin embodied libertarian ideals. Live and let live.

You are the weakest link, AC.

I shall now have a big family dinner.
Quotes from Napalm & Silly Putty by George Carlin:

Libertarian in the United States has a meaning which is almost the opposite of what it has in the rest of the world traditionally. Here, libertarian means ultra right-wing capitalist. In the European tradition, libertarian meant socialist. So,anarchism was sometimes called libertarian socialism, a large wing of anarchism, so we have to be a little careful about terminology. I was drawn pretty early, maybe in the early teens, towards anarchist thinking and activities, and even spent a lot of time in anarchist bookstores and picking up pamphlets and talking to mostly Europeans who had fled or had been driven out of a pretty ugly continent in the 1930s.
"One of the more pretentious political self-descriptions is "Libertarian." People think it puts them above the fray. It sounds fashionable, and to the uninitiated, faintly dangerous. Actually, it's just one more bullshit political philosophy."


Well-Known Member
Why won't you tell us what you are smoking on? We know you smoke schwag. That's why you are so irritable. Do you have irritable bowel syndrome? Tell your dad to take it easy on your backside for a few weeks and stop smoking schwag.
Just so funny! You are such a hilarious person.

You must be a conservative.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to burst your bubble ("abandonconflict" ironic name don't you think?) but I am not a conservative. I hail from the grandest land of all with the most potent cannabis, San Francisco California. What are you smoking on? I bet you are smoking schwag!
Seriously, so hilarious. One of the funniest things I have ever heard. It's like a story that is cool, which you be a bro and tell again.