Stoney McFried
Well-Known Member
I call mine Sugarcock more than I call him the old man.
Why is pumpkin a cute term?................there orange and round
I like the term buttercups![]()
Aw.. You're gonna get me all verklempt, Lacy. I do love him dearly. Although, last night I was playing some of fdd's links in Sexyfattops's rock thread, and there was a vid of GBH from '85 or '86, which is a show I would have gone to back then. Not Dave!![]()
Timing is everything.
its a term of endearment if your man is calling you his ole' lady he is really down to ride for you even if you dont like the term my fiance calls me honey bunny and i hate it but shes down to ride for me so i deal with it
I found this doing a google search
ahhh very good. So it was something from the bikers. Very interesting.
I rep'ed you for that.
This is a good explanation. I never think of googling stuff like this. Good idea. "Old lady" in this sense is a baby-boomer word. When I was young, "my old lady" did indeed mean one's mother. It came into its present use gradually, as boomers grew old enough to think of their girlfriends as women.
GenJen54 is close enough in her etymology. The early bikers were a subset of the Beat crowd in the early 50s, and not quite the same as the "outlaw" variety of a decade later, such as the Hell's Angels.
So the bikers got "my old lady" from the Beats, who also used "mama" as a term of endearment, borrowing it from the blacks whose association beat hipsters were ambitious to cultivate. This is the origin of "motorcycle mama."
The Hippies and flower-power "youth movement" crowd made it a part of the Counterculture's vernacular-- but I think when feminism went angry in the mid-70s or so, fewer and fewer guys started talking about their "old lady."
It wasn't so much the "old" part that offended-- feminists decided the gentility of "lady" was an obnoxious relic of the oppressive Old Order-- people who said "lady" in any context were sneered at, punched out and generally read the riot act, same thing that happened when you tried to open a door for a feminist.
I'm not veering off into satire here, or expressing anti-feminist ideas-- men really did get ripped for showing "gentlemanly" deference, and women were so serious about it that they forwent the privilege of letting the man pay for dinner, the movie, whatever. When they took interest in a man, they did so as women, not ladies-- the latter, as I remember, did a lot of sitting around waiting, and were never the ones who Did the Asking.
Great times.
So don't people say "old lady" any more? Or has that been revived, along with makeup and foundation garments?
I am not sure whether to laugh or not[quote=Stoney McFried;908959]I call mine Sugarcock more than I call him the old man.
i don't mind being called old man at all, it makes me feel distinguished and wise.
i tried calling my wife : "hey wife!" but it dod'nt go down well.
she preferred 'peaches'
how about the ol battle ax for those that just bitch& complain about everythingoh and here is another wonderful term of endearment....
the ball and chain![]()
Would like us to call you "Our Old Men" lol. "So me and the old man were out shopping the other day". No I don't like the sounds of that either, lol. What's wrong with calling her your girlfriend or wife when referring to her?![]()
i don't mind being called old man at all, it makes me feel distinguished and wise.
i tried calling my wife : "hey wife!" but it did'nt go down well.
she preferred 'peaches'
Well when referring directly to her, pet names are cute. But no woman wants to hear you referring to your wife as "old Lady" escpecially her, lol.![]()
how about the ol battle ax for those that just bitch& complain about everything
Yes thank chiceh. Exactly.
The members who voted it is just a term of endearment obviously didn't ask their wives if they thought so.
I guess they didn't ask them eh? lol
Yo old man wouldn't go over too well in this house either but we probably would both laugh![]()