Why do men call their girlfriend or wife 'Old Lady?'

Why do you call the women you LOVE old lady?

  • because it is a term of endearment

    Votes: 18 45.0%
  • because everyone else says it and I want to be cool

    Votes: 10 25.0%
  • because she loves it really!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • because I don't kow any better

    Votes: 9 22.5%
  • because she is A LOT older than me and I want it to be known

    Votes: 3 7.5%

  • Total voters
Oh I am not saying it is the worst I have heard either.

Good point. I think :roll:

It came from a biker tracker term? Really! I did not know that.
I think it started out as a biker /trucker term... sounds better than some other things Ive heard guys call there wifes
Now Lacy.... it's not just men calling the wives "Old Lady".... have you never heard somebody say something like "Ask the OLD MAN?!"

I think thats more common than old lady to be honest.... sheesh, women. :-P
Hey my man calls me all kinds of names but not old lady. that really would not go over well with me. :|
ok Daniel. What country are you from?

And NO I never refer to my hubby as my old man. :-|
That just sounds so lame. :roll:

I've called him many names before but not in referring him as my hubby. Not to other people.

Just recently someone I know had a child and the response was "hey him and his old lady had another kid' :-?:confused:

Now I have never done the child labour thing but I am sure this woman probably wouldn't appreciate laying in the hospital being called an old woman.

LMAO!!! I'm sort of being serious but I do think it is funny at the same time in a morbid type of way;)

Oh I am one silly woman. :lol::clap:
I was just kiddin....

but i've never heard old lady b4 except in describing an old lady. :-/
Ok maybe I'm wrong. My hubby says most guys at his work call their wives old lady excpet of course when she is present;)

but it is nice to know not all men do. :)
I sure hope my man doesn't ever call me old lady even when I get old :|
well don't look at it age wise, think more as old lady means thats the woman they want to grow old with. So its his "Old lady".
I refer to my wife (Seamaiden) as either my woman, my sweetheart, or my baby. The term "ol' lady" has always seemed derogatory to me, but then again my mother and grandmother had more to play in my upbringing than anyone else so maybe that's where the difference lies (at least to me).
And since I apparently look (and often feel) older than you, I cannot accurately call you my ol' man. I do sometimes call you The Man, though. :)
Ok maybe I'm wrong. My hubby says most guys at his work call their wives old lady excpet of course when she is present;)

but it is nice to know not all men do. :)
I sure hope my man doesn't ever call me old lady even when I get old :|

Ya really need to get out more lacykins lol:joint::mrgreen:
well im from tennessee and growin up anywhere you're bound to inherent the dialect.. yeah i say ol' lady.. its just a pet name. thats all. theres no real rhyme or reason i don't believe.

perhaps the government is putting something in the water.
Ok maybe I'm wrong. My hubby says most guys at his work call their wives old lady excpet of course when she is present;)

but it is nice to know not all men do. :)
I sure hope my man doesn't ever call me old lady even when I get old :|
he should call you miss fancy pants...
Yes Dave. I think you two make a delightful couple. Much honour and respect there but you also allow each other freedom and breathing space for each other to be their true selves.

I know this is just me looking in from a distance but it is nice to observe all the same.

I have much respect for your wife also. I admire her intergrity and communication skills. She writes and expresses herself well and thats something I really admire in either sex.

Good man Dave :mrgreen::peace:
I refer to my wife (Seamaiden) as either my woman, my sweetheart, or my baby. The term "ol' lady" has always seemed derogatory to me, but then again my mother and grandmother had more to play in my upbringing than anyone else so maybe that's where the difference lies (at least to me).