Why do Republicans suck?

One/another reason that Republicans suck is that they're fucking idiots that elect persons like these.
One great example of that is Rep.Elise Stefanick, who represents the 21st Congressional district in New York, a shit hole above the Adirondack mountains that is composed of a few dozen dairy farmers. That's it, that's who she represents yet she's a driving force in the Congress of the United States.
She represents shit, yet she is the 3rd ranking Republican in Congress & she's a fucking clown/idiot & ugly as sin.
So this is the face of the GOP today?


And this, who also represent a dump.


Holy fuck

We're doomed if this is an example of the best the Republicans have to offer the American people

And we can't forget this cunt

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Proud Patriots for life.
Poor people vote Democrat
What do you consider poor?

Because 'poor' to me is a pretty wide range of people, and I am sure that people who I would consider 'poor' voted for the Republicans and Trump even though they have proven for the last 5 decades to not be willing to pass anything to help our economically poor to have opportunities to achieve more.
Can anyone answer that question?
Why are Republicans so fucked up?
Really, what the fuck is up with them?
Is it lack of education?
Just plain stupidity, caused by generations of inbreeding?
Hate of everything they're not?
I mean they love/adulate Trump, and he's the best the GOP has to offer it seems, that delusional fucking idiot.
That means over 1/3 of the citizens of the USA are mentally deranged/handicapped, at least in my opinion.
They like Trump and what he stands for.
Just think of that for a moment & try not to puke.
Also, what kind of monster/cunt would cut aid to it's constituents during a fucking Pandemic & at the same time basically say, ah, you don't have to wear a mask or get vaccinated, that's up to your dumb ass, fuck concern for your family, friends & neighbors?
A fucking Republican, that's who.
So, what do you think it is?
What caused this plethora of mutants to emerge?
Bad water?
Too many X Rays?
Abuse as a child"
Abuse as an adult?
Who amongst you know why, please tell me, I'm trying to figure it out & can't.

I feel like a really big problem is that Democrats really really suck as well. When you have so many Americans who really would be better served by voting for Democrats and they don't realize it, is that because of the Republicans or the Democrats? The Democrats have failed miserably at their messaging and are in my opinion equally to blame for the shit show known as American politics. First step, stop the blame game and offer solutions and messaging that people can get behind, and stop harping on issues that mean shit for all. Like immigration for example. What do people really think is going to happen? Do we really believe that they are going to round up all the illegals and kick them out? Have to pick better fights.
another reason that Republicans suck is that they're fucking idiots

If they are such idiots why do they have so much power? Obviously they are doing something very well. But we are on a pot board, so yeah, everybody but me is an idiot and I have a giant penis, boo-ya.
It’s just a bipartisan illusion… left, right, red, blue… all that differs is rhetoric. I hope, for my kids sake, that people wake up and grasp this reality… let’s stop fighting one another, and fight the real enemy together… or, we can all just continue to play into “divide and rule” strategy.
I feel like a really big problem is that Democrats really really suck as well. When you have so many Americans who really would be better served by voting for Democrats and they don't realize it, is that because of the Republicans or the Democrats? The Democrats have failed miserably at their messaging and are in my opinion equally to blame for the shit show known as American politics. First step, stop the blame game and offer solutions and messaging that people can get behind, and stop harping on issues that mean shit for all. Like immigration for example. What do people really think is going to happen? Do we really believe that they are going to round up all the illegals and kick them out? Have to pick better fights.
What 'blame game' outside of actually figuring out crimes and trying like hell to stop them while the Republicans continue their troll?

If they are such idiots why do they have so much power? Obviously they are doing something very well. But we are on a pot board, so yeah, everybody but me is an idiot and I have a giant penis, boo-ya.
Why? voter suppression, gerrymandering, Fox, Hate radio, evangelicals, dicks like the Koch bros. spending billions to get propaganda professors in universities around the nation so that they could be called to give bullshit propaganda testimony for Republicans who need trolls in their hearings to keep the con going, then while stopping all the ability to stop dark money in our political system they flood all of our citizens with disinformation online that is aimed to help the handpicked insurrectionist Republicans in power.

The Democrats are decades behind this because they haven't set up a brainwashing machine over the last half century like the Republicans have.
It’s just a bipartisan illusion… left, right, red, blue… all that differs is rhetoric. I hope, for my kids sake, that people wake up and grasp this reality… let’s stop fighting one another, and fight the real enemy together… or, we can all just continue to play into “divide and rule” strategy.
Except the real enemy to democracy is the Republican party.

Bring a “both sides” cuck makes you look stupid.
It’s just a bipartisan illusion… left, right, red, blue… all that differs is rhetoric. I hope, for my kids sake, that people wake up and grasp this reality… let’s stop fighting one another, and fight the real enemy together… or, we can all just continue to play into “divide and rule” strategy.
You are not very perceptive or informed, this fight is between patriots and traitors to the constitution, rule of law and country. The republicans are in bed with a hostile foreign power that has thousands of nuclear weapons pointed at you, wake up. Trump is a criminal and a traitor, it's obvious and can be proven in a court of law.

The courts are independent and judges hear cases if there are any to be made and juries decide unanimously based on evidence. If it wasn't this way, Trump would be POTUS and Biden, most democrats and many of the press would be in prison. When Trump goes to prison, it will be a judge and jury in NY that will put him there, nobody else.
What 'blame game' outside of actually figuring out crimes and trying like hell to stop them while the Republicans continue their troll?

Why? voter suppression, gerrymandering, Fox, Hate radio, evangelicals, dicks like the Koch bros. spending billions to get propaganda professors in universities around the nation so that they could be called to give bullshit propaganda testimony for Republicans who need trolls in their hearings to keep the con going, then while stopping all the ability to stop dark money in our political system they flood all of our citizens with disinformation online that is aimed to help the handpicked insurrectionist Republicans in power.

The Democrats are decades behind this because they haven't set up a brainwashing machine over the last half century like the Republicans have.
Exactly, Democrats dropped the ball.
It’s just a bipartisan illusion… left, right, red, blue… all that differs is rhetoric. I hope, for my kids sake, that people wake up and grasp this reality… let’s stop fighting one another, and fight the real enemy together… or, we can all just continue to play into “divide and rule” strategy.
Welcome to RIU
Funny your first post is in the POLITICS section :bigjoint:
Exactly, Democrats dropped the ball.
The Democrats were not given a ball when their rich daddies handed it to them as kids in anything near the scale that is represented by the Republicans. I bet if you look at the people with first generational wealth in Biden's cabinet picks, it would better represent the middle class than any other in history by a mile. Same with the entire Democratic party in DC today I would bet.

So maybe a better way to say it is that the people who were given the ball by their rich daddies that support today's Democratic party were never really considering using that ball to smash apart the ability to have 100% of our population's children have all the resources that they need to achieve the same level of success it takes to buy a ball of their own.

Democrats were not weaponizing 'media/science' to attack our citizens over the last 50 years while simultaneously trolling to the public that actually the 'media/science' is all left any chance that they could.

It’s just a bipartisan illusion… left, right, red, blue… all that differs is rhetoric. I hope, for my kids sake, that people wake up and grasp this reality… let’s stop fighting one another, and fight the real enemy together… or, we can all just continue to play into “divide and rule” strategy.
A lot of time and money has gone into producing this exact kind of thinking.
Welcome to RIU
Funny your first post is in the POLITICS section :bigjoint:

I’ve never been an overly active member in here, but I’ve been part of this community for years, this is just a new account. My actual first post was my very first grow, 4’x4’ tent, 1000w hps, scrog…
And I get it, republicans are still paid to fight any sort of legalization. This is a marijuana forum. Unfortunately, so many people are “single issue” voters. I literally did time in Duluth, MN over a b/s marijuana case…. Yet, I’m still here screaming, both sides are not on our side…. And I get these…. “Very passionate” responses, calling it a fight between patriots and traitors of the constitution! . I am the most die hard Ron Paul fan in the world.. and the is no “constitutionalist” on planet earth that understands that historical document better than him. So I don’t even understand where this stuff comes from.
Either way, no one is wanting any waking up around here by the looks of it.
I’ve never been an overly active member in here, but I’ve been part of this community for years, this is just a new account. My actual first post was my very first grow, 4’x4’ tent, 1000w hps, scrog…
And I get it, republicans are still paid to fight any sort of legalization. This is a marijuana forum. Unfortunately, so many people are “single issue” voters. I literally did time in Duluth, MN over a b/s marijuana case…. Yet, I’m still here screaming, both sides are not on our side…. And I get these…. “Very passionate” responses, calling it a fight between patriots and traitors of the constitution! . I am the most die hard Ron Paul fan in the world.. and the is no “constitutionalist” on planet earth that understands that historical document better than him. So I don’t even understand where this stuff comes from.
Either way, no one is wanting any waking up around here by the looks of it.
Ron Paul and Rant are against the American way

Sorry but both are useless...here is YOUR wake up call
You are not very perceptive or informed, this fight is between patriots and traitors to the constitution, rule of law and country. The republicans are in bed with a hostile foreign power that has thousands of nuclear weapons pointed at you, wake up. Trump is a criminal and a traitor, it's obvious and can be proven in a court of law.

The courts are independent and judges hear cases if there are any to be made and juries decide unanimously based on evidence. If it wasn't this way, Trump would be POTUS and Biden, most democrats and many of the press would be in prison. When Trump goes to prison, it will be a judge and jury in NY that will put him there, nobody else.

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