Why do Republicans suck?

I’m out of here… funny it’s being implied that I’m “right wing”, just because I don’t agree with the non-sense being regurgitated here.
Remember people, it’s a bipartisan illusion, and I just got caught up in it. Let’s come together someday and fight together.
Yea right eh?
Libertarians are always loners/losers
Yea, “gold standard b/s”…. I don’t even now how to respond. We printed and tossed $2 trillion into circulation last year back by two man made coins, this is possible because we no longer do the “gold standard b/s”.
And I’m deep in the rabbit hole? My god
Judging by your response, yes. How much money do you think the wealthiest earn on their 'savings' every year? Why is it that the benefits of inflation should only go to the wealthiest in our country and not to the people who do all the work in our country too? These numbers seem big when they get repreated with their propagandist tv personality trolls, but in context of how much wealth we have as a nation they really are not that scary when you consider them in the timescale that they cover and the returns on the investments that we see as a nation.

Seriously though, are you ok with the fact that Trump's campaign manager gave the data on American citizens that Trump got from the RNC to a Russian agent so that the Russian military could use it to attack our citizens?


I’m out of here… funny it’s being implied that I’m “right wing”, just because I don’t agree with the non-sense being regurgitated here.
Remember people, it’s a bipartisan illusion, and I just got caught up in it. Let’s come together someday and fight together.
Yea right eh?
I live in a socialist paradise with free healthcare and one to the highest vaccination rates in the developed world and still going strong and vaxxing. We are consistently rated in the top 10 countries and often number one for quality of life and happiness.

You should try socialism, lot's of people have and it works great! If libertarianism worked, how come no country on the planet uses it? No country uses pure capitalism either or socialism for that matter, almost everybody uses a blend of the two. Of course socialism might mean sharing shit with black and brown people and that's the real problem.
Got his troll nut off and is now leaving.

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Well hopefully they won't feel the need to pick a fight with someone in real life today since they got their political release.
The Democrats were not given a ball when their rich daddies handed it to them as kids in anything near the scale that is represented by the Republicans. I bet if you look at the people with first generational wealth in Biden's cabinet picks, it would better represent the middle class than any other in history by a mile. Same with the entire Democratic party in DC today I would bet.

So maybe a better way to say it is that the people who were given the ball by their rich daddies that support today's Democratic party were never really considering using that ball to smash apart the ability to have 100% of our population's children have all the resources that they need to achieve the same level of success it takes to buy a ball of their own.

Democrats were not weaponizing 'media/science' to attack our citizens over the last 50 years while simultaneously trolling to the public that actually the 'media/science' is all left any chance that they could.

A lot of time and money has gone into producing this exact kind of thinking.

So you agree with me but you just want to make excuses really.
and fight the real enemy together
And what is that?
In my mind, the real enemy today, #1, is the Republican party, which is controlled by Trump & his acolytes.
Then the Pandemic, which seemingly the Republicans, especially in the South have no problem with, unless they're fucking dieing of it, and then it's " "I should have worn a mask/gotten the vacine"
Well, the way I look at it is one less dumb fuck Trump supporter & one less Republican
Works for me :)
And what is that?
In my mind, the real enemy today, #1, is the Republican party, which is controlled by Trump & his acolytes.
Then the Pandemic, which seemingly the Republicans, especially in the South have no problem with, unless they're fucking dieing of it, and then it's " "I should have worn a mask/gotten the vacine"
Well, the way I look at it is one less dumb fuck Trump supporter & one less Republican
Works for me :)
you answer your own question, and then go off on a pissed off rant, praising the death of another human. Sweet baby Jesus
“Love/respect/be kind to each other/that's all that is needed for existence/Peace out :)

you seem extremely confused/delusional. Maybe get off the Internet, and take a walk in the real world, while out there maybe stop and talk to somebody.
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If they are such idiots why do they have so much power? Obviously they are doing something very well. But we are on a pot board, so yeah, everybody but me is an idiot and I have a giant penis, boo-ya.
Why do Republicans have so much power?
Good question
Well, the Republican politicians are very, very good at suckering the feeble minded (your average American/Trump supporter) and enriching themselves & the facts will prove that, just look at the growth of income disparity & the redistribution of wealth to the top 3% under Republican administrations.
Yea, the Republicans have power because they rounded up every cretin/idiot with the IQ of a frog and convinced them to vote for them as a unit, something the Democrats have a hard time doing.

Oh, for those that might feel offended by me calling Americans dummies, the facts prove it, we pretty much are :(

How do U.S. students compare with their peers around the world? Recently released data from international math and science assessments indicate that U.S. students continue to rank around the middle of the pack, and behind many other advanced industrial nations.

One of the biggest cross-national tests is the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), which every three years measures reading ability, math and science literacy and other key skills among 15-year-olds in dozens of developed and developing countries. The most recent PISA results, from 2015, placed the U.S. an unimpressive 38th out of 71 countries in math and 24th in science. Among the 35 members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which sponsors the PISA initiative, the U.S. ranked 30th in math and 19th in science.

And you know what is funny?

Republicans voted to DECREASE Federal funding for Education by $7.1 BILLION FUCKING DOLLARS under Trump, which is simply a contuation of Republican policies apparently.

Did I answer your question?

Let me know :)
“Love/respect/be kind to each other/that's all that is needed for existence/Peace out :)

you seem extremely confused/delusional. Maybe get off the Internet, and take a walk in the real world, while out there maybe stop and talk to somebody.
I'm not confused.
I try to live up to that, but sometimes it doesn't work out.
I guess I ain't no Jesus Christ, because I would have had no problem in killing someone like Hitler.
Maybe if more Republicans lived up to this "Love/respect/be kind to each" (Show me an example), this country wouldn't be so fucked up.