Why do Republicans suck?

Why do they suck dead donkey dicks.?

Because they are POS 's that absolutely do nothing but strive to undermine the elected POTUS, that's it.
Now they are blaming Biden for a lack of baby formula, gas prices,, inflation, conveniently forgetting that the whole fucking Planet is undergoing the same problems
But it's Bidens fucking fault, right?
Jesus fucking Christ, wake the fuck up, but that's impossible.

And this cunt is an example of what the Republicans represent

Yep, they is take'n over and someone had to do something! He was at war, he went from cold civil, to hot war murderer complete with uniform and helmet. He is an extreme manifestation of what really motivates white people to vote republican, it is only a matter of degree. With him the impulse control was gone and he let it all hang out, the ugliness disguised by the mealy mouth lies and false excuses. No sane person would vote for Trump or the republicans, only racist fascists and morons would, they had a greater cause than Trump, he was but an instrument.

What's next, Putin warns Ontario to re elect ROFO! Seriously who the fuck does he think he is exactly that he can tell other people in other countries what to do? He can't even make his fucking army in Ukraine do what he wants them to do! Nor the hundreds of thousands of Russia's best brains who voted with their feet and left Russia and will haunt the regime for as long as it lasts.

Unless Vlad wants to commit nuclear suicide along with 90% of the Russian population, he is toothless. Fight with the Finns in the state his military is in and they will occupy St. Petersburg in under a week, if they wanted to, but reclaiming their stolen territory might not be out of the question, if attacked, just like Ukraine. The smaller the country that defeats him the larger the humiliation, the Finns did it before and they figure with the recent news they can do it again.

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Americans aren’t getting what a majority of us want, even when we show up in majority numbers to vote.

The problem is that we’ve trusted the rich to run things here in America for 42 years now since the Reagan Revolution, and it’s not working.

The morbidly rich and their political and bureaucratic factotums, along with the media and a considerable retinue of hangers-on, are converging on Davos, Switzerland this week for a conference themed around “History at a Turning Point.”
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The last time I checked, being an asshole usually got ya a punch in the face and shunned by decent people, racists are assholes and most are liars, character flaws often come in clusters. Whether someone else made them suckers and fools or they got hooked by their own bigotry and brainwashed by hate radio, foxnews, propaganda, nutbar or social media, makes no difference. The moron who recently murdered 10 people in Buffalo, was brain washed by social media, but he already had a good head start on white supremacy.

She can complain all she wants, people will still call her an asshole and idiot to her horse face, when she shows it is public.
But that would be communism! Code for the black people might get some too in a liberal democracy and they are the enemy of the tribe, the other. The dog whistles become more shrill as the truth becomes more obvious, racists and bigots are suckers used by corrupt elitist republican politicians using fake populism to keep everybody down and subjugated. No matter how corrupt or unfit they are, if they blow the dog whistle loud enough they will get elected in racist states and districts.

You can't be a patriot and strangle your government, big government propaganda is bullshit, any large organization can be mismanaged, even private ones and thousands go bankrupt every year. It just more old recycled civil war propaganda, more government means interfering with their lives, a large part of which involves conducting civil war on a minority of American citizens. That's about it and why civil servants are thoughtlessly abused by being called bureaucrats, like those found in the old soviet union. It why American liberal democracy has been warped to the point of near collapse, racism and bigotry are the cement holding these self destructive forces together.

I don't care if they tax me to death and don't tax billionaires, destroy the climate and environment, steal the government blind, waste taxpayer money or kill the population with incompetence during a pandemic. As long as they, let me keep my gun (toy) make abortion illegal, and above all, make sure the black people don't get any social benefits, even if we have to fuck ourselves to do it. In war sacrifices have to be made and it's how you can judge the level of tribalism in a society, how much they are willing to sacrifice for a cause. America is the richest country on earth and in human history, there are reasons most of the population lives in border line poverty, there is no public healthcare or social safety net and the education system sucks and is neighborhood by neighborhood instead of state wide and why states want to control education for political purposes.

'Patriotic Millionaires' at Davos: tax us more
1,353 views May 23, 2022 Phil White, a representative of Patriotic Millionaires UK, comprising over 100 billionaires and millionaires, joins activists in Davos to demand higher taxes on the ultra-wealthy.
I have hardly seen this guy but that was fucking brilliant.
I worked construction for 35 years & pretty much have seen generations in the field pass, from the old days when for lunch/break you would have your two beers in your lunch box.
Going out for lunch to the nearest bar/pub that severed hamburgers & ice cold beer..
Fuck yea!!!! :)
Ah, the good old day's before timeclocks & OSHA :(.