Why do Republicans suck?

i participate in the limited events that happen in my area. i try to sway the opinions of people, with varying success. i donate to causes i deem worthy and check out. i do what i can with my limited resources. when i don't have anything better to do, i come here and try to sway the opinions of people, with varying success....

That's not what I meant, so I apologize. I should have been more clear.

Thank you for your efforts in the propulsion of our infection.
The masses are pacified enough. Seeing through the bullshit, as the kids say, often just ends up with lazy people people sitting on their ass at home watching things crumble but not willing to do anything about it.
The masses in this Land of who the fuck knows what it is anymore (thanks Trump) are satisfied with their lot?

Products - Data Briefs - Number 309 - June 2018 (cdc.gov)

In this Land of racial strife & vast income inequality, it's 2022 & it really hasn't changed much since slavery for the Blacks, has it?

Oh yea, they can vote now & ride at the front of the bus, but educationally/economically they still are left far behind.

They are still targets

Economically, we are a road to poverty for most & for a few, wealth that really would be unimageable 50 years ago.

Trends in U.S. income and wealth inequality | Pew Research Center

Oh well

It is what is, and we just now are seeing the effects of unfettered American Capitalism on a population.

Wait another 20 years if things don't change

Nice, isn't it

Good tune/great band :)

TRUMP 2022

are u triggered now?
need ur safe space now?
Hey I meet morons and assholes everyday and ya just don't let them ruin yer day for a second. Having a penis is a fine thing, it's ok to be proud of it and there are no colors on RIU, just text and videos, you could be black as the ace of spades. As for being straight, most are here I believe and RIU politics is largely populated by older married gentlemen.

Now if you support Trump or fascism put yer cards on the table.
TRUMP 2022

are u triggered now?
need ur safe space now?
Oh boy
Just what this forum needed
Another delusional, pretty much incomprehensible Trump loving troll.
Where the fuck are they all coming from?
This guy is like the 3rd this week that is presenting their idiocy.
Ok, you want/like to troll?
Your in the right place then
Please continue
It will give me pleasure to debate you
Go for it
TRUMP 2022

are u triggered now?
need ur safe space now?
the only thing you said that i give 1/4 of a small fuck about is trump 2022...there are no presidential elections in 2022....otherwise, i welcome a trump run in 2024...he'll split the republican base nicely, he'll take the magats, who ever they run against him will take the republican base that isn't radicalized racist fuckbags, and democrats will cruise into the white house for at least another 4 years....
TRUMP 2022

Oh boy
Just what this forum needed
Another delusional, pretty much incomprehensible Trump loving troll.
Where the fuck are they all coming from?
This guy is like the 3rd this week that is presenting their idiocy.
Ok, you want/like to troll?
Your in the right place then
Please continue
It will give me pleasure to debate you
Go for it

ok for one obviously it was a joke hence why I said u triggered yet.
for two I don’t like trump but god damn this Biden guy is a embarrassment
For 3 I don’t care dem or republican cause it’s a joke. It doesn’t matter who we get if it’s republican or democrat they are all fucking idiots and it’s a annoying I live way out in the country with my guns my dogs 4wheelers and don’t have cable tv or social media so I have no clue what’s going on in the world 24/7 and I hear people talking about it and it drives me nuts like eveeyone should fuck off
I have rich dems moving up north to the country where I live all the time posting there land complaining about fires, guns, 4 wheelers snowmobiles that’s my problem with the left they want to move to the country to get out of shitty city’s then they want to make the country like there city.
I was hoping he would expand upon that and other things in his manifesto, but I don't expect him back in these parts.
Expand on what?
my point got proven I put 10 words on here and wrote r u triggered yet and look at the responses. It’s hilarious I don’t give a fuck if it’s republican or democrat I hate politics I come on a weed sight and first thing I find is someone bitching about republicans and I go to work and here someone bitching about politics.

this world sucks I feel really bad for my kids growing up in this soft ass world.
ok for one obviously it was a joke hence why I said u triggered yet.
for two I don’t like trump but god damn this Biden guy is a embarrassment
For 3 I don’t care dem or republican cause it’s a joke. It doesn’t matter who we get if it’s republican or democrat they are all fucking idiots and it’s a annoying I live way out in the country with my guns my dogs 4wheelers and don’t have cable tv or social media so I have no clue what’s going on in the world 24/7 and I hear people talking about it and it drives me nuts like eveeyone should fuck off
I have rich dems moving up north to the country where I live all the time posting there land complaining about fires, guns, 4 wheelers snowmobiles that’s my problem with the left they want to move to the country to get out of shitty city’s then they want to make the country like there city.
It is always funny when people say they don't have social media and are here posting on social media.
Most Republicans had their books dumped in High School and got a wedgie in Gym.
They become politicians because they need to re-do those HS years to prove they are now Cool.

I have found - most GOP have perfected the BJ

Most Republicans had their books dumped in High School and got a wedgie in Gym.
They become politicians because they need to re-do those HS years to prove they are now Cool.

I have found - most GOP have perfected the BJ
the only thing you said that i give 1/4 of a small fuck about is trump 2022...there are no presidential elections in 2022....otherwise, i welcome a trump run in 2024...he'll split the republican base nicely, he'll take the magats, who ever they run against him will take the republican base that isn't radicalized racist fuckbags, and democrats will cruise into the white house for at least another 4 years....
The one thing I do find funny is all the dems that hate trump come up to
It is always funny when people say they don't have social media and are here posting on social media.
i downloaded this yesterday to ask about a plant and this is what I find half the post are about this shit
The one thing I do find funny is all the dems that hate trump come up to

i downloaded this yesterday to ask about a plant and this is what I find half the post are about this shit
Well you are in the political section of this site.

But that is how it works, any website with a chat is also being spammed by foreign bots spreading their hateful narratives. If we Americans don't stand up to the constant noise, then people who don't understand this attack on our democracy might not ever see anything that has not been bought and paid for by right wing dictators (foreign and domestic).