Well-Known Member
Alright so im scared of hell (lake of fire) and I don't believe anyone should go there even for a day, but people will spend eternity there. I know my parents love me and would do anything to keep me out of hell so if god loves us more why doesn't he just close the gates of hell? I know we don't deserve to go to heaven and I know some of you are gonna say god doesnt send us there we send ourselves, but I'm not asking to go to heaven (which I would love) all I'm asking is that I don't have to go to the lake of fire for eternity. Why do we only get two options (heaven or hell)? Why can't we just roam other dimensions with the people we love? Another question is does the bible say we have free will or did people come up with that? Because do you believe that having free will means not getting to choose anything else besides heaven or hell? I'm not mad at god just really depressed looking around and seeing people who don't believe in god and how the bible says they will have there part in the lake of fire, or when I'm watching tv and see people like charlie day from it's always sunny and start to think how could someone send a great guy like that to hell. Im a Christian and I believe I will probably go to hell because I don't try my hardest to avoid sin. So basically my question is why does god send people to hell?