Why does god allow people to go to the lake of fire?


Well-Known Member
Alright so im scared of hell (lake of fire) and I don't believe anyone should go there even for a day, but people will spend eternity there. I know my parents love me and would do anything to keep me out of hell so if god loves us more why doesn't he just close the gates of hell? I know we don't deserve to go to heaven and I know some of you are gonna say god doesnt send us there we send ourselves, but I'm not asking to go to heaven (which I would love) all I'm asking is that I don't have to go to the lake of fire for eternity. Why do we only get two options (heaven or hell)? Why can't we just roam other dimensions with the people we love? Another question is does the bible say we have free will or did people come up with that? Because do you believe that having free will means not getting to choose anything else besides heaven or hell? I'm not mad at god just really depressed looking around and seeing people who don't believe in god and how the bible says they will have there part in the lake of fire, or when I'm watching tv and see people like charlie day from it's always sunny and start to think how could someone send a great guy like that to hell. Im a Christian and I believe I will probably go to hell because I don't try my hardest to avoid sin. So basically my question is why does god send people to hell?:fire:
First of all the concept of the modern Christian Hell isn't Biblical. Or isn't in the Torah I should say. It's a Hellenistic construct adopted from pagan beliefs. The original word was Sheol. Which can be interpreted as grave, pit or abyss. It's a place where the righteous and wicked go after death. The spirit world, if you will. When the bible was translated into Greek the word Sheol was substituted with Hades. A pagan afterlife of fire, brimstone and retribution.

Sheol in the New Testament was used as a metaphor for the consequences of sin. A personal torment brought on by the full remembrance of every sin we've ever committed in life that has drawn us away from the light of God. There is no literal place of eternal torment full of flames and farty smells.
Yes we have free will. Which is actually a slight problem. Jesus is a gentleman, he'll knock on the door, try and give you a reality check and nudge you in the right direction but at the end of the day he can't MAKE people do good or bad things.

Hell is there for Satan and his angels. God is the benchmark of purity and his standards seem so ridiculously high to us humans. It is in our nature to sin, and it's also in our nature to shrug and think it's no big deal. We're a selfish species, most of the atrocities in the world are our fault, but we're also too proud to admit it. Sin is sin and for a reason. God can't really see why we turned around and decided it was much more self gratifying to do some of the crap we do. Being holy and all his standards are high, we're not clean enough to reside in heaven, but that's what jesus is for. That brother that's got your back.

God doesn't want us in hell. But look what happens when we're left to do our own thing- the cock ups between the Flood and the present... Looks pretty messy.

This early world pretty much belongs to satan now, but God left us with an invitation and a set of house keys with your name on it.

If we choose to try and bat for both teams or live under satan's influence, we're going down with him, simple as. After having seen the peak of corruption and total destruction of his people once god wants another Flood type event? Can't make those mistakes again.

I was about to say god's biggest mistake was making us with free will, but he wants us to go out there and do our thing (glorifying his name) He wants people with different talents, desires and dreans, not mindless minions, that would be boring.

Jeremiah 29:11-14

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans
to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray
to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek
me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the LORD, “and will bring you back from captivity"
^^^ I know bro but that's what makes me kinda depressed like if I wanna watch a show I'm being lazy which is a sin if I get mad at someone it's a sin if I "lust" after a girl I'm sinning. And I know I'm sinning while I'm doing it but I just shrug it off and continue doing it but I still don't believe people deserve to go to hell for this and I also agreethat they don't deserve to go to heaven but those are my only choices. I don't join the devil if he came to me and asked me to sell my soul to him I would punch him in the face so shouldn't god know that im not one of satans angels im not gonna join satans army no matter how bad he punishes me so why do I have to spend eternity with him?

And came seca I know what you mean I kinda believe that but what always throws me off is when the bible says "and death and hades (hell) were cast into the lake of fire." so hades is translated into hell and the lake of fire is the second death. So then I believe that hell is in fact a grave but when Jesus comes back we will be lifted from hell and judged by god and he decides if he should dump us in the lake of fire or let us into heaven.
And so we live in the gift curse of this life basically.but you cant be afraid of sinning,its part of the experience of living,u have to sin no matter what,but u know what i hate most about christianity?Its principle of heaven and hell punishment would state no matter what if u die without knowing Jesus as the savior u go to hell forever.That is truly the dumbest thing ive ever herd.Basicaly saying even if youre an infant or a person from another country and religion, never knowing Jesus and you died ..of to hell u go...i despise this principle personaly.Alot of the Bibles messages are truth but certainly not every word in the Bible is true,for it is written by the hand of man it will be full of falacies and written to subjegate the readers own reasoning.I would recomend honest discourse with the self before believing whole heartedly every word in the scriptures.Ask yourself a question why would a benevolent creator intentionally put his children directly in harms way?God is omniscient and omnipotent,he well knows what happens if his children come to the world under satans control,so giving us free will in this place allows us to become potentialy influenced by the devil then thrown into hell with him forever.To be loved with tests of faith potentialy putting you into eternal damnation........seems more of a prerogative for proliferating fear into the reader/believer.Fear leading to control over the mind and heart,to the point youre mind is so connected to these precepts that u believe them to be truth of truths.No one knows for sure what happens after death,but we can deduce from living life that we came from a source,it is always good to question existence but you have to look within for the answers u wont find them in writings only signs for the right direction.How is it humankind presumes to know the will of God?Dose he attempt to imagine Gods will ?Or is he told by angels and messengers?Then man would write things in this book so outlandish and unreal as to bend any reasoning and logic to "just have faith" and do not question, follow me .......do we truly keep holding on to the thought that these events occured in such a way that goes beyond limits of actuality and just having faith that they happend,and that the believing in these phenomina are more tests of faith at this juncture?.....sorry for my rant i could go on,My point to this is to look within for the truth because the lies are everywhere else u look.
fear, nothing more than fear and subjugation over men
believe in that shite and you're just as dumb as the rest of those sheep

in fact why don't you send me a few thousand dollars and I will personally guarantee you a get out of hell free pass, I'll even print it up on fancy cloud paper and I won't use Helvetica font
We all sin- and the price of sin is death, but we have the option to acknowledge, repent and atone for our sins. A sincere heart is all god is looking for.

Look at great people in the bible, Daniel SURE wasn't perfect and even Moses had a hissy fit with God once. The disciples were actually a pretty shifty bunch too. Don't think you are a lost cause because of your sin. Jesus is here for sinners- he hung out with prostitutes!

Try and think about WHY certain things are a sin and their consequences. Is your sin premeditated? Urges are perfectly natural, but one can choose whether or not to indulge themselves.

Like covetuousness, of course if you see something you like you may want it. But what you want to do is legitimately acquire the means to obtain the object of your desire. The alternative option is fostering bitterness, greed and even incitement to harm someone who has something more than you- those are the the negativities entailing the sin of covetuousness. You see how there is a reason and downward spiral? But there is nothing wrong with you suddenly see something or someone you like and thinking 'I want'. It's how you deal with the thought thereafter and the nature of your ambition.

Sometimes one has to sit down and ask Jesus 'Dude what would you do?' Guy's been in some pretty sticky situations X3

Those who have an eye to see and an ear to hear etc...

If you heard the gospel and ignored it, that's something different.

Children (under the age of accountabilty) are protected by the grace of god. They can choose to be baptised later- the point is making a conscious choice to accept God into your life. Another reason baby baptisms are a bit of pointless parent paranoia and 'religiousness' rather than faith.

I might need to double check with Pastor about people in remote countries who have never heard the gospel...
"Where do bad folks go when they die?
They dont go to heaven where the angels fly.
they go to a place of fire and fry,
wont see them again till 4th of july."

We all sin- and the price of sin is death, but we have the option to acknowledge, repent and atone for our sins. A sincere heart is all god is looking for.

Look at great people in the bible, Daniel SURE wasn't perfect and even Moses had a hissy fit with God once. The disciples were actually a pretty shifty bunch too. Don't think you are a lost cause because of your sin. Jesus is here for sinners- he hung out with prostitutes!

Try and think about WHY certain things are a sin and their consequences. Is your sin premeditated? Urges are perfectly natural, but one can choose whether or not to indulge themselves.

Like covetuousness, of course if you see something you like you may want it. But what you want to do is legitimately acquire the means to obtain the object of your desire. The alternative option is fostering bitterness, greed and even incitement to harm someone who has something more than you- those are the the negativities entailing the sin of covetuousness. You see how there is a reason and downward spiral? But there is nothing wrong with you suddenly see something or someone you like and thinking 'I want'. It's how you deal with the thought thereafter and the nature of your ambition.

Sometimes one has to sit down and ask Jesus 'Dude what would you do?' Guy's been in some pretty sticky situations X3

Those who have an eye to see and an ear to hear etc...

If you heard the gospel and ignored it, that's something different.

Children (under the age of accountabilty) are protected by the grace of god. They can choose to be baptised later- the point is making a conscious choice to accept God into your life. Another reason baby baptisms are a bit of pointless parent paranoia and 'religiousness' rather than faith.

I might need to double check with Pastor about people in remote countries who have never heard the gospel...

the price of sin is not death, that's the price of life... sin is such bs, it's a word maybe up by the religious to make people feel guilty for having wants and needs and for trying to get those wants and needs.. sin is such bs, a nice word made up by the catholics to keep the sheep in line..
and how can you say a baby who dies died because of so called sin? what sin did a day old or two day old baby commit? nothing, so that theory is out of the window..
and i honestly don't believe that people really still believe in heaven and hell.. come on now, we all die, and we are worm food, nothing more, nothing less... i can't believe in this day and age people still believe in this horse shit.. you stopped believing in santa probably around 7 or so, why do you hang on to the rest of that bs ??
this imo people need to stop worrying about what happens when you die and live to the fullest now. you should fear nothing and do what ever you want no matter any one else says.

fear is the biggest emotion next to love. we have to live every moment we get to the fullest
every breath its a gift.
This is a major problem with modern Christianity. The most logical outcome for the average Christian who doesn't lie to themself and convince themself that they are not a sinner will end up in hell. There is no way to live up to the exacting standards put forth by the modern version of the bible.

Someone who follows a new age or eastern tradition will be reincarnated, or merge with the universal consciousness. Someone who follows a Norse tradition will go to valhalla if they fall in battle, or Hel(which isa fairly basic underworld, not a place of torment like Hell) if they simply die of natural causes.. A pagan will go to the summerland. Atheists get to just sort of blank out of existence. Places such as Tartarus, Niflheim, or other "hell-like" places are reserved for the truly wicked, such as rapists, breakers of oaths, and murderers. Christianity and Islam are really the only two religions that send people to eternal torment for essentially being human.

I'm not sure why Yahweh sends people to Hell for following natural instincts that He supposedly endowed us with. Based on the stories from the Old Testament, it seems like he just has a big problem with humans.
and i honestly don't believe that people really still believe in heaven and hell.. come on now, we all die, and we are worm food, nothing more, nothing less... i can't believe in this day and age people still believe in this horse shit.. you stopped believing in santa probably around 7 or so, why do you hang on to the rest of that bs ??
Well everyone is entitled to there own belief. I believe in the bible because it shows so much wisdom. Also I don't know why I believe in god I just do no one forced me to believe in him, I don't even go to church I follow my religion with just me and god so no one is keeping me in line. Also bro I hope I won't see you burning in hell.
Well everyone is entitled to there own belief. I believe in the bible because it shows so much wisdom. Also I don't know why I believe in god I just do no one forced me to believe in him, I don't even go to church I follow my religion with just me and god so no one is keeping me in line. Also bro I hope I won't see you burning in hell.

If you don't go to church and therefore don't subscribe to any particular sect of Christianity, why do you hold the belief that you will go to hell?

It seems to me that as long as you try your hardest to live in line with Jesus' teachings, you shouldn't have anything to worry about. Usually those that fear Hell the most are the ones who do frequently go to church and have a preacher that regularly preaches fire and brimstone. For independent followers such as yourself, it would be better to focus on the positive aspects of Jesus' message, and spend your efforsts simply improving yourself and expanding your knowledge of his teachings, rather than worrying about whether or not you are doing a good enough job to avoid hell.
if you dont want to watch the whole thing, skip to 4:00.

Well everyone is entitled to there own belief. I believe in the bible because it shows so much wisdom. Also I don't know why I believe in god I just do no one forced me to believe in him, I don't even go to church I follow my religion with just me and god so no one is keeping me in line. Also bro I hope I won't see you burning in hell.

yah, i don't get it either, for a religion that says it's about peace and love, i've never seen a more hateful, vengeful bunch in my life.. do as we say, we'll the bible, but they are preach the bible, or you're going to burn in a fire death.. really, and just who are you exactly? that's right, the son of god, my bad... the whole thing is so far fetched for me to even try to believe in, jesu..
instead of worrying about going against what is written in some book, i try to live my life as a nice person and help people where i can, and to try and grow and learn from past mistakes.. if that earns me a place in your hell, so be it...
i just love how a lot of bible thumpers are the most hateful people ever.. just saying if i don't believe in your idea of a god, then i'm going to burn in hellfire for eternity, how much more viscous thing can one say to another human being... i don't care that you do believe in whatever, i'd never say to a christian that because they don't believe what i believe in means that you'll end up in my idea of hell... that's just crazy talk..
and for me, heaven and hell was created by christian churches to try and keep people inline and not free thinking.. if you don't follow their doctrone and words, then shame on you.. they try and make people feel guilty about being people and having feelings.. things like lust.. who isn't always thinking of boning some hot piece of ass that you see? just because you're married or what have you, you have to cut that part of your libido out?? idk man... they're are enough people trying to hold us back as is with big government and capitolism that i don't really have time nor strength to fight anyone or group back like a church or religious thought...
^^^hey bro the part I wrote about you burning in hell was just a point like how you said it's messed upfor Christians to say that they believe you will go to hell, it's equally messed up for you to say we are going to be worm food and that there is no god, so no hard feelings I was just making a point. And bro just because I'm a Christian that doesn't mean I'm hateful or vengeful I would love for you to go to heaven someday. I hope that we will both be happy in the after life someday.