Jesus names as evil those who think his Father would break heavenly law and have him

No argument. Care to opine on the morality of human sacrifice and those who would line up to ride their Jesus scapegoat? Regards DL

I dont believe human sacrifice is necessary in any instance. I believe its illegal, like murder, but then there is abortion thats legal. Abortion is murder, plain and simple. There should be no human sacrifice and no abortion either, I dont care what people believe. There is plenty of abortion but not so much (adult) human sacrifice that I know of.

But as far as the Jesus the scapegoat thing goes, I dont believe in Jesus so I dont think Jesus did anything for My sins. At the moment I'm not even sure if there is such a thing as sin but there is bad behavior but thats inate to all of us. If sin is for real than sin is doing what YOU believe is wrong. You cant "sin" if you are doing what you believe is right. But even if you do something that you know is wrong then its just a natural thing that every person does, some more then others. If God created us then God should have known how we would act, as humans. I do believe in God, just not Jesus. Why would God need to redeem us from ourselves if He made us and knew how we would act.

I dont believe that God would cast anyone to hell, no matter what they did in their life. Hell, if there is a hell, is reserved for the devil.

I dont blame the Christians for believing in Jesus, I used to believe in Jesus but I never read the Bible at that time. So I was a Christian and then I watched the movie Zeitgeist and I became an Agnostic. Shortly after I became an Agnostic I found out that I'm Christ. I read the Bible about a year after I found out that I'm Christ and then I read all the fairy tales but I also read some of the stories that I have fulfilled from the New Testament. I dont know why the Christians believe in so many fairy tales but maybe its the need to believe in the supernatural, like miracles that God can do. I have many Christian friends (in person) and many Athiest friends on RIU, and I choose the be in the middle- an Agnostic. I wouldnt consider Myself a Christian any more and I'm not an Athiest so I'm Agnostic.

I actually believe that I'm Christ. I could tell you why but some of you already know why. But just ask Me if you are interested in why I believe that I'm Christ. I'm not Jesus though because the Jesus from the Bible is a fictional character and I'm a real person like most of you.

I dont believe human sacrifice is necessary in any instance. I believe its illegal, like murder, but then there is abortion thats legal. Abortion is murder, plain and simple. There should be no human sacrifice and no abortion either, I dont care what people believe. There is plenty of abortion but not so much (adult) human sacrifice that I know of.

Abortion is not murder, as a fetus is not a human being but the potential for one. It's not your body and unless you are willing to contribute your time and money for unwanted babies you should STFU. People don't care what you believe, either...
But as far as the Jesus the scapegoat thing goes, I dont believe in Jesus so I dont think Jesus did anything for My sins. At the moment I'm not even sure if there is such a thing as sin but there is bad behavior but thats inate to all of us. If sin is for real than sin is doing what YOU believe is wrong. You cant "sin" if you are doing what you believe is right. But even if you do something that you know is wrong then its just a natural thing that every person does, some more then others. If God created us then God should have known how we would act, as humans. I do believe in God, just not Jesus. Why would God need to redeem us from ourselves if He made us and knew how we would act.

I dont believe that God would cast anyone to hell, no matter what they did in their life. Hell, if there is a hell, is reserved for the devil.

I dont blame the Christians for believing in Jesus, I used to believe in Jesus but I never read the Bible at that time. So I was a Christian and then I watched the movie Zeitgeist and I became an Agnostic. Shortly after I became an Agnostic I found out that I'm Christ. I read the Bible about a year after I found out that I'm Christ and then I read all the fairy tales but I also read some of the stories that I have fulfilled from the New Testament. I dont know why the Christians believe in so many fairy tales but maybe its the need to believe in the supernatural, like miracles that God can do. I have many Christian friends (in person) and many Athiest friends on RIU, and I choose the be in the middle- an Agnostic. I wouldnt consider Myself a Christian any more and I'm not an Athiest so I'm Agnostic.

If you believe in god, you are a theist, that's the fucking definition. Jesus has nothing to do if one is atheist or theist, there are billions of theists that do not believe in jesus. Agnostic is a question about knowledge, not belief. It asks if we can know whether or not god exists, not if one believes...

I actually believe that I'm Christ. I could tell you why but some of you already know why. But just ask Me if you are interested in why I believe that I'm Christ. I'm not Jesus though because the Jesus from the Bible is a fictional character and I'm a real person like most of you.

It has been pointed out to you many times that you discount the bible as fairy tales, but use the same book to verify that you are christ. It is one or the other, unless god authored a book of in which most everything is false except for a few select passages that confirm you are divine. That would truly be retarded...
Jesus names as evil those who think his Father would break heavenly law and have him sacrificed.

The law in heaven is that the oldest dies first if there is to be a death. That is the only proper law for Gods, --- if they could die that is.

As above so below.

If we interpret that law and apply it to a human family,then the first to die would be fathers, followed by wives and lastly, children. Fathers are to die before sons. That is God’s law.

As above so below then would indicate that the law of the sea should also be the law of the land. It says that women and children are saved first then the men.

Men would need to recognize their duty to sanctify the family by placing women and children above themselves. IOW, equality does not exist in heaven nor should it exist in our human law.

Knowing this, God would never have his son sacrifice for a ransom that God himself would have had to set. One does not put a bounty on a son’s head.

I am not an atheist but Satan and Christians want atheists to embrace barbaric human sacrifice and the notion that we should profit from punishing the innocent instead of the guilty. Christian preach for Satan. Shame on Christians for their immoral dogma and tradition of embracing blood sacrifice.

In reality, if God did demand such a barbaric sacrifice, he would be sinning. He would know that barbaric human sacrifice is immoral.

You do as well. Right?

Those with good morals will know that no noble and gracious God would demand the sacrifice of a so called son just to prove it's benevolence nor would God break heavenly law.

If you are a believer in the vile notion of the human sacrifice of Jesus Christ, when you die, Satan will ask you; how was your ticket to heaven purchased?
With innocent blood?

If you say yes and point to you scapegoat Jesus, you become Satan’s.

Have you embraced human sacrifice and do you plan to try to ride your scapegoat Jesus into heaven, --- on your way to hell?


what is this thread even about?:lol:
Abortion is not murder, as a fetus is not a human being but the potential for one. It's not your body and unless you are willing to contribute your time and money for unwanted babies you should STFU. People don't care what you believe, either...

I disagree, abortion TO ME is murder. Especially at the latter stages of pregnacy like 7, 8 or 9 months into it.

I'll take it your pro-choice Tyler? I'm pro-life. Women should be on birth control if they dont want to get pregnant and still have sex.

If you believe in god, you are a theist, that's the fucking definition. Jesus has nothing to do if one is atheist or theist, there are billions of theists that do not believe in jesus. Agnostic is a question about knowledge, not belief. It asks if we can know whether or not god exists, not if one believes...

I guess I'm a Theist then. I dont believe in the God of the Bible though, I just belive God had to create the Big Bang but I dont know much about God because I have never heard from Him. But in a sense, I dont know if God exists or not but I believe He might.

It has been pointed out to you many times that you discount the bible as fairy tales, but use the same book to verify that you are christ. It is one or the other, unless god authored a book of in which most everything is false except for a few select passages that confirm you are divine. That would truly be retarded...

The Bible could have some fact and some fiction in it. I just dont know how to discern the fact from the fiction in the Bible. I just know that some of the stories that are written in the Bible have actually happened to Me, like epic parallels.

All I know is that I have inadvertently fulfilled some of the stories from the Bible. Mabe its a big coincidence but regardless, it says X in the Bible and X literally happened in My life. Either way, its a fact that it says these things in the Bible and its a fact that these things have happened to Me but its subjective whether it has any meaning or not.

P.S. Thanks for being so patient with Me. I know you're a hard-core skeptic and Atheist too. I could see how you would get frusterated with a person like Me who is claiming some extrodinary things. You want facts and so dont I, but I just cant give you all the evidence to My facts that I am claiming. Either way, I think you're a great guy and I like you for the most part. I just dont like the name calling and swears. You seem like a very astute gentleman and you're adept at critical thinking and I commend you for it. Just dont think of Me as the enemy because I'm not. I'm just looking for answers too, and I have actually learned a lot from the Atheists from RIU.

Greatest I Am

I had edited my post to include that Jesus was a fictional character, and that whomever was sacrificed on the cross was not him (the first black op?)

Alas, I hit a wrong key and deleted it

Felt what I had written was already more than christians could absorb

Been there and felt that with less put up my friend. Fight on. Regards DL
Well, the blood is key. TMU, the sacrificing of Christic atoms is what is meant. The 'waste' of 'non-physical potential' by means of sexual gratification. Tons of literalists out there to show 'God' as a mean dude sitting up in the sky waiting sacrifice his only begotten (all of us).

The thing is that we act on 'His' behalf. So, who sacrifices who?

It's a formula, but, you have to 'be a kid' to benefit from it.
Not sure what you said and I see no one acting on his behalf so I cannot comment. Regards DL
I dont believe human sacrifice is necessary in any instance. I believe its illegal, like murder, but then there is abortion thats legal. Abortion is murder, plain and simple. There should be no human sacrifice and no abortion either, I dont care what people believe. There is plenty of abortion but not so much (adult) human sacrifice that I know of.

But as far as the Jesus the scapegoat thing goes, I dont believe in Jesus so I dont think Jesus did anything for My sins. At the moment I'm not even sure if there is such a thing as sin but there is bad behavior but thats inate to all of us. If sin is for real than sin is doing what YOU believe is wrong. You cant "sin" if you are doing what you believe is right. But even if you do something that you know is wrong then its just a natural thing that every person does, some more then others. If God created us then God should have known how we would act, as humans. I do believe in God, just not Jesus. Why would God need to redeem us from ourselves if He made us and knew how we would act.

I dont believe that God would cast anyone to hell, no matter what they did in their life. Hell, if there is a hell, is reserved for the devil.

I dont blame the Christians for believing in Jesus, I used to believe in Jesus but I never read the Bible at that time. So I was a Christian and then I watched the movie Zeitgeist and I became an Agnostic. Shortly after I became an Agnostic I found out that I'm Christ. I read the Bible about a year after I found out that I'm Christ and then I read all the fairy tales but I also read some of the stories that I have fulfilled from the New Testament. I dont know why the Christians believe in so many fairy tales but maybe its the need to believe in the supernatural, like miracles that God can do. I have many Christian friends (in person) and many Athiest friends on RIU, and I choose the be in the middle- an Agnostic. I wouldnt consider Myself a Christian any more and I'm not an Athiest so I'm Agnostic.

I actually believe that I'm Christ. I could tell you why but some of you already know why. But just ask Me if you are interested in why I believe that I'm Christ. I'm not Jesus though because the Jesus from the Bible is a fictional character and I'm a real person like most of you.

"I do believe in God, just not Jesus." Not a miracle working God I hope.

Yet you believe in Christ and they are the same FMPO.

Which God do you follow if not your Christ?

Before you reply let me give you my anecdotal story and whatI promote so that you will see how I see Jesus/Christ /God/Satan ---- and allthe other archetype characters.

The Godhead I know in a nutshell.
I was a skeptic till the age of 39.
I then had an apotheosis and later branded myself anesoteric ecumenist and Gnostic Christian. Gnostic Christian because I exemplifythis quote from William Blake.

“Both read the Bible day and night, But thou read'st blackwhere I read white.”

This refers to how Gnostics tend to reverse, for moralreasons, what Christians see in the Bible. We tend to recognize the evil waysof O T God where literal Christians will see God’s killing as good. Christiansare sheep where Gnostic Christians are goats.
This is perhaps why we see the use of a Jesus scapegoat asimmoral, while theists like to make Jesus their beast of burden. An immoralposition.

During my apotheosis, something that only lasted 5 or 6seconds, the only things of note to happen was that my paradigm of reality wasconfirmed and I was chastised to think more demographically. What I found waswhat I call a cosmic consciousness. Not a new term but one that is a close butnot exact fit.

I recognize that I have no proof. That is always the waywith apotheosis.
This is also why I prefer to stick to issues of moralitybecause no one has yet been able to prove that God is real and I have no moreproof than they for the cosmic consciousness.

The cosmic consciousness is not a miracle working God. Hedoes not interfere with us save when one of us finds it. Not a common thingfrom what I can see. It is a part of nature and our next evolutionary step.

I tend to have more in common with atheists who ignore whatthey see as my delusion because our morals are basically identical. Theist tendnot to like me much as I have no respect for literalists and fundamentals andthink that most Christians have tribal mentalities and poor morals.

I am rather between a rock and a hard place but this Icannot help.

I am happy to be questioned on what I believe but whether ornot God exists is basically irrelevant to this world for all that he does notdo, and I prefer to thrash out moral issues that can actually find an endpoint. The search for God is never ending when you are of the Gnosticpersuasion. My apotheosis basically says that I am to discard whatever God Ifound, God as a set of rules that is, not idol worship it but instead, raise mybar and seek further.

My apotheosis also showed me that God has no need for love,adoration or obedience. He has no needs. Man has dominion here on earth and isto be and is the supreme being.

Here is a link showing what was close to what I did to pushmy apotheosis.

At first I thought the op got reeeally stoned and wrote the original post, and you know how sometimes when high everything - anything - seems awesome and really insightful, so he was stoned and posted it. But he keeps it going. Maybe he has a big supply.
At first I thought the op got reeeally stoned and wrote the original post, and you know how sometimes when high everything - anything - seems awesome and really insightful, so he was stoned and posted it. But he keeps it going. Maybe he has a big supply.
No. It is just awesome my little friend. Regards DL
I disagree, abortion TO ME is murder. Especially at the latter stages of pregnacy like 7, 8 or 9 months into it.

I'll take it your pro-choice Tyler? I'm pro-life. Women should be on birth control if they dont want to get pregnant and still have sex.

What about women who are on birth control and still get pregnant? Do you consider it murder to take the morning after pill?
Jesus names as evil those who think his Father would break heavenly law and have him sacrificed.

The law in heaven is that the oldest dies first if there is to be a death. That is the only proper law for Gods, --- if they could die that is.

As above so below.

fuck your god and fuck your mental retardation ....................................

If we interpret that law and apply it to a human family,then the first to die would be fathers, followed by wives and lastly, children. Fathers are to die before sons. That is God’s law.

As above so below then would indicate that the law of the sea should also be the law of the land. It says that women and children are saved first then the men.

Men would need to recognize their duty to sanctify the family by placing women and children above themselves. IOW, equality does not exist in heaven nor should it exist in our human law.

Knowing this, God would never have his son sacrifice for a ransom that God himself would have had to set. One does not put a bounty on a son’s head.

I am not an atheist but Satan and Christians want atheists to embrace barbaric human sacrifice and the notion that we should profit from punishing the innocent instead of the guilty. Christian preach for Satan. Shame on Christians for their immoral dogma and tradition of embracing blood sacrifice.

In reality, if God did demand such a barbaric sacrifice, he would be sinning. He would know that barbaric human sacrifice is immoral.

You do as well. Right?

Those with good morals will know that no noble and gracious God would demand the sacrifice of a so called son just to prove it's benevolence nor would God break heavenly law.

If you are a believer in the vile notion of the human sacrifice of Jesus Christ, when you die, Satan will ask you; how was your ticket to heaven purchased?
With innocent blood?

If you say yes and point to you scapegoat Jesus, you become Satan’s.

Have you embraced human sacrifice and do you plan to try to ride your scapegoat Jesus into heaven, --- on your way to hell?

fuck your mental illness and fuck your retarded god
Jesus names as evil those who think his Father would break heavenly law and have him sacrificed.

The law in heaven is that the oldest dies first if there is to be a death. That is the only proper law for Gods, --- if they could die that is.

As above so below.

If we interpret that law and apply it to a human family,then the first to die would be fathers, followed by wives and lastly, children. Fathers are to die before sons. That is God’s law.

As above so below then would indicate that the law of the sea should also be the law of the land. It says that women and children are saved first then the men.

Men would need to recognize their duty to sanctify the family by placing women and children above themselves. IOW, equality does not exist in heaven nor should it exist in our human law.

Knowing this, God would never have his son sacrifice for a ransom that God himself would have had to set. One does not put a bounty on a son’s head.

I am not an atheist but Satan and Christians want atheists to embrace barbaric human sacrifice and the notion that we should profit from punishing the innocent instead of the guilty. Christian preach for Satan. Shame on Christians for their immoral dogma and tradition of embracing blood sacrifice.

In reality, if God did demand such a barbaric sacrifice, he would be sinning. He would know that barbaric human sacrifice is immoral.

You do as well. Right?

Those with good morals will know that no noble and gracious God would demand the sacrifice of a so called son just to prove it's benevolence nor would God break heavenly law.

If you are a believer in the vile notion of the human sacrifice of Jesus Christ, when you die, Satan will ask you; how was your ticket to heaven purchased?
With innocent blood?

If you say yes and point to you scapegoat Jesus, you become Satan’s.

Have you embraced human sacrifice and do you plan to try to ride your scapegoat Jesus into heaven, --- on your way to hell?


LMAO, hey everybody, let's have a slight history lesson!

By the by, if god wiped out the earth in a huge flood, then why is there no mention in Chinese records of such an event at that time? Oh yeah, their record keeping goes back before christianity was even thought of.
I actually read it.

I lost interest at "As above so below", but kept reading anyway.

It's very disjointed and the ideas don't logically connect.
I actually read it.

I lost interest at "As above so below", but kept reading anyway.

It's very disjointed and the ideas don't logically connect.

Those who can do. Those who can’t criticize.

Some say they like my style, others not. Being French doesgive me a distinct writing style but most are bright enough to get it and themixed reviews are about even.

"the wages of sin is death". Jesus paid it because he was the only sinless man. He loves us more than any. What many do not realize is that "the Son" was "God in flesh". You can bow to that beautiful reality now or later. Take your pic.

Now, later or NEVER. Sorry, some of us have either broken through our indoctrination & have learned to think for ourselves :) btw I bow to no-one. Despite what you think god is not an insecure entity who needs his/her arse kissed on a regular basis. Rather, I'd like to think that 'god' would be more interested in how we treat those around us especially those who are unable to care for themselves.
When I was very young & on the street, the only thing I was offered [I rarely asked] by christians were their prayers [oh & a couple of bibles] really fucking helpful when cold & hungry.
The HariKrishnas offered a free nutritional meal EVERY day & didn't ask for a thing in return & never tried to use the opportunity to indoctrinate a captive audience.
The only christian effort to feed the homeless & poor required prayer & bible readings BEFORE one ate. One organisation actually complained that there was no real need for the service because so few went for a 'free meal' [usually re-heated crap from god knows where- in fact several men were hospitalised for food poisoning.Investigators found that the food poisoning was a result of putting ALL left-overs back in the same pot over & over regardless how old or how many times the food had been reheated. The dickhead in charge blamed the outbreak on the afflicteds poor hygiene. No one apologised probably because it was 'gods will'. Well that's certainly more convenient than to accept personal responsibility for ones own actions. Probably the fictional 'devils' fault.]
Oh & btw, 'jesus' is a fictional character. Read 'The Bible Fraud' by Tony Bushby, very enlightening for those with an open mind. Thoroughly researched backed with references [so no, not suitable for the brain-washed] :)