Well-Known Member
No argument. Care to opine on the morality of human sacrifice and those who would line up to ride their Jesus scapegoat? Regards DL
I dont believe human sacrifice is necessary in any instance. I believe its illegal, like murder, but then there is abortion thats legal. Abortion is murder, plain and simple. There should be no human sacrifice and no abortion either, I dont care what people believe. There is plenty of abortion but not so much (adult) human sacrifice that I know of.
But as far as the Jesus the scapegoat thing goes, I dont believe in Jesus so I dont think Jesus did anything for My sins. At the moment I'm not even sure if there is such a thing as sin but there is bad behavior but thats inate to all of us. If sin is for real than sin is doing what YOU believe is wrong. You cant "sin" if you are doing what you believe is right. But even if you do something that you know is wrong then its just a natural thing that every person does, some more then others. If God created us then God should have known how we would act, as humans. I do believe in God, just not Jesus. Why would God need to redeem us from ourselves if He made us and knew how we would act.
I dont believe that God would cast anyone to hell, no matter what they did in their life. Hell, if there is a hell, is reserved for the devil.
I dont blame the Christians for believing in Jesus, I used to believe in Jesus but I never read the Bible at that time. So I was a Christian and then I watched the movie Zeitgeist and I became an Agnostic. Shortly after I became an Agnostic I found out that I'm Christ. I read the Bible about a year after I found out that I'm Christ and then I read all the fairy tales but I also read some of the stories that I have fulfilled from the New Testament. I dont know why the Christians believe in so many fairy tales but maybe its the need to believe in the supernatural, like miracles that God can do. I have many Christian friends (in person) and many Athiest friends on RIU, and I choose the be in the middle- an Agnostic. I wouldnt consider Myself a Christian any more and I'm not an Athiest so I'm Agnostic.
I actually believe that I'm Christ. I could tell you why but some of you already know why. But just ask Me if you are interested in why I believe that I'm Christ. I'm not Jesus though because the Jesus from the Bible is a fictional character and I'm a real person like most of you.