Jesus names as evil those who think his Father would break heavenly law and have him

What about women who are on birth control and still get pregnant? Do you consider it murder to take the morning after pill?

I don't consider it murder to use the morning after pill at all. I think its a blessing that should be implemented whenever needed.

I don't think early abortion is that bad either BUT there comes a time when its an unborn CHILD in the womb and not just a piece of flesh. I'm against all abortion because I think its just a sick practice but I'm not a fanatic about it. Its just a person opinion that I am entitled to.

And by the way Greatest I am, I tried to quote you but My something happened, it was all in code like I have never seen before. But I think your an astute dude, I had to look up a couple words you said, lol!

Those who can do. Those who can’t criticize.

Some say they like my style, others not. Being French doesgive me a distinct writing style but most are bright enough to get it and themixed reviews are about even.


You have 92 posts.

I have over 3000.

Been 'doing' a hell of a lot more than you.

It has nothing to do with being bright and understanding it. You move from idea to idea without giving the reader any idea how your ideas connect. You just say shit like "as is above, so is below" which is pretty out of context when speaking about the bible, considering the origins of the quote. And what the fuck does that have to do with the land and the sea? Just because one is above and one is below doesn't mean the context of the quote fits every single conceptualization of "above" and " below".

How the fuck do Christians want atheists to commit human sacrifice?

This is what I'm talking about. You're ideas are disjointed and don't logically follow. It's most likely why the majority of people didn't bother to read it.
I assume too much perhaps and think that the reader can follow along if he reads carefully. That is the hope anyway. I did hear you though. Check your P M. Regards DL
I assume too much perhaps and think that the reader can follow along if he reads carefully. That is the hope anyway. I did hear you though. Check your P M. Regards DL

You seem to have a very high opinion of yourself.

Doesn't it seem odd that virtually everyone feels the same way about it? If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a shitty writer... I mean, duck....
You seem to have a very high opinion of yourself.

Doesn't it seem odd that virtually everyone feels the same way about it? If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a shitty writer... I mean, duck....

My opinion of my thinking is high because of my experiences I admit. Not my presentation as I know I can fuck up in three different languages and it has been said that anyone who knows more than on language will lose some of the nuance in them. I really don't care that much as I do ok as I stated. That does not mean that this Frenchman is so egotistical that I think I cannot learn, --- hence my P M to you. Your criticism is rather like water off this ducks back but if you want to put your money where you mouth is and teach instead of just berate then take the opportunity I have provided. Your choice. Regards DL
I don't consider it murder to use the morning after pill at all. I think its a blessing that should be implemented whenever needed.

I don't think early abortion is that bad either BUT there comes a time when its an unborn CHILD in the womb and not just a piece of flesh. I'm against all abortion because I think its just a sick practice but I'm not a fanatic about it. Its just a person opinion that I am entitled to.

And by the way Greatest I am, I tried to quote you but My something happened, it was all in code like I have never seen before. But I think your an astute dude, I had to look up a couple words you said, lol!

If you believe there is a GOD you have to see him as GOD...he can do what ever he wants that's what makes him GOD he makes live and he makes dead, those that are born are born by his command those that are dead... by his command
"the wages of sin is death". Jesus paid it because he was the only sinless man. He loves us more than any. What many do not realize is that "the Son" was "God in flesh". You can bow to that beautiful reality now or later. Take your pic.

i really hope one day you realize how silly you sound, and see the light!

Death will answer all my questions, until that time I amuse myself with the delusion of intelligence.