Don't allow evil to change the way you think about Jesus. Jesus is and always will be our God and our Savior. Just cry out Jesus save me and feel God come to you.
What a load of regurgitated nonsense. Are you that insecure in your beliefs that you have to spew this crap? To what end? I was raised in a 'house of the lord' & just about every experience with christians was what led me to break free of my indoctrination. And listening to your hollow words only reinforces my resolve, thanks

Why do you, like most christians, ignore the very words of 'jesus' in that book of fiction? Instead of 'living your life like a shining light' you may as well be 'offering pearls to swine'. haha.
You, like most born-agains, pay attention to what suits your ego [the adversary within - you call it satan or devil. Yw

] & ignore what doesn't.
How do you live with your hypocrisy? When you [or anyone else for that matter] attains perfection then I might be inclined to listen but at the moment your just regurgitating a load of garbage from a fictional book that's endured a very long game of chinese whispers (over 14,800 significant changes from the original bible [Sinai] & the KJV)
Do something about 'the log in your own eye' rather than attending to the specks in others. 'Judge not lest ye be judged'. Get your own house in order before you come knocking at others doors. Oh & I must ask - How exactly does 'god' move you to share your superstitious fairy-tale? If your hearing voices then you need medication. It is NOT, I repeat NOT god but a figment of your imagination.
Oh & btw, I already have 'eternal' life. I do not need to 'pray' to anyone, especially not a fictional character [the name 'jesus' is not recorded by ANY historian of the time nor any event in the new testament]. Reincarnation was a basic tenet of the christian faith until it was pronounced anathema for political reasons. But why let facts get in the way of your ignorance?
Our Creator will not let any fall by the wayside. Even your book of fiction promises the same ['god' looks after every little sparrow but I'm up shit creek if I ignore delusional wankers like yourself? haha.]
You probably mean well so I'll leave you with this - instead of annoying others by repeating crap like a parrot without any positive affect, why not try volunteering at your local soup kitchen or retirement home & do something useful & positive? Just a thought
