How do I get to heaven? Answers to your questions on eternal life.


They are incompatible because (as Neer often brings up) science is all about test, and religion cannot bring anything to test to the table. When religion makes fact claims that are erroneous (all of them?), science easily refutes them with facts that are incompatible with the dogma. Religion wants to be friends with science, but science attempts to stay away from religion. Why is that?


You keep using that word...I don't think it means what you think it means.


Radiation Rocks! Here's a couple more helpful things it produces -

LOL! That's good ;) It seems that the party that continuously extends it's hand requesting friendship after consistent rejection is the one that is insecure. Religion seems to seek validation from science, whereas science needs no validation from religion...

...nature is balanced all on its own, correct? Included in nature of man is spirituality, art, philosophy and science. Those are the staples, we can't change that.

...I like that you said "seems to seek" as opposed "seeks". Shows me that you're not making an invalid claim, staying true to what you preach. There are a few here that could really learn something from you. Sorry, too friendly? ;)
Spirituality... wonder

Art... expression

Philosophy... thought

Science... the closest approximation to the truth of this reality

WHY? .......... unanswered.

don't forget to breathe
...nature is balanced all on its own, correct? Included in nature of man is spirituality, art, philosophy and science. Those are the staples, we can't change that.

...I like that you said "seems to seek" as opposed "seeks". Shows me that you're not making an invalid claim, staying true to what you preach. There are a few here that could really learn something from you. Sorry, too friendly? ;)

Art, philosophy, and science are all products of language. Early humans weren't capable of articulating these ideas, so it could be argued they're not natural or intrinsic to humans, if that's the definition of 'nature' or 'natural' people choose to use in this case.

It kind of reminds me of the term 'organic'. It can mean so many things, and people often apply their own meaning to the word.
Art, philosophy, and science are all products of language. Early humans weren't capable of articulating these ideas, so it could be argued they're not natural or intrinsic to humans, if that's the definition of 'nature' or 'natural' people choose to use in this case.

It kind of reminds me of the term 'organic'. It can mean so many things, and people often apply their own meaning to the word.

...I always thought math was the 'perfect' language?

...nb: we're still early humans :razz:
Don't allow evil to change the way you think about Jesus. Jesus is and always will be our God and our Savior. Just cry out Jesus save me and feel God come to you.

What a load of regurgitated nonsense. Are you that insecure in your beliefs that you have to spew this crap? To what end? I was raised in a 'house of the lord' & just about every experience with christians was what led me to break free of my indoctrination. And listening to your hollow words only reinforces my resolve, thanks :)
Why do you, like most christians, ignore the very words of 'jesus' in that book of fiction? Instead of 'living your life like a shining light' you may as well be 'offering pearls to swine'. haha.
You, like most born-agains, pay attention to what suits your ego [the adversary within - you call it satan or devil. Yw :)] & ignore what doesn't.
How do you live with your hypocrisy? When you [or anyone else for that matter] attains perfection then I might be inclined to listen but at the moment your just regurgitating a load of garbage from a fictional book that's endured a very long game of chinese whispers (over 14,800 significant changes from the original bible [Sinai] & the KJV)
Do something about 'the log in your own eye' rather than attending to the specks in others. 'Judge not lest ye be judged'. Get your own house in order before you come knocking at others doors. Oh & I must ask - How exactly does 'god' move you to share your superstitious fairy-tale? If your hearing voices then you need medication. It is NOT, I repeat NOT god but a figment of your imagination.

Oh & btw, I already have 'eternal' life. I do not need to 'pray' to anyone, especially not a fictional character [the name 'jesus' is not recorded by ANY historian of the time nor any event in the new testament]. Reincarnation was a basic tenet of the christian faith until it was pronounced anathema for political reasons. But why let facts get in the way of your ignorance?
Our Creator will not let any fall by the wayside. Even your book of fiction promises the same ['god' looks after every little sparrow but I'm up shit creek if I ignore delusional wankers like yourself? haha.]
You probably mean well so I'll leave you with this - instead of annoying others by repeating crap like a parrot without any positive affect, why not try volunteering at your local soup kitchen or retirement home & do something useful & positive? Just a thought :)
Peace :)
lol,Greylord,I dont think youll be getting any responses from OG anytime soon.He hasnt posted for months now.I think the skeptics and atheists of RIU SS&P drove him out.,,but who knows about that one.
Ah you think after all these years I would stop reacting to their need to ram their nonsense down others throats Dis-midge
Somethings very wrong with ones beliefs if that belief needs those around him to believe the same. Personally I couldn't care less what others believe as long as it's positive & doesn't infringe on others.
I have studied many religions and practiced them as well. I have had many spiritual experiences and have often felt God and angels helping me. Nothing has changed me or given me so much understanding, strength, and hope as having the Holy spirit working in me and doing my best to live a righteous life following the Holy Word of God. I've seen many accounts of blind people gaining sight because of the healing power of God. People getting healed of inoperable cancer through prayer and laying on of hands and letting the spirit of God work through people. Christianity isn't just a means of control, it is the way to eternal life in paradise. And the way of true healing from God. The path to holiness and righteousness.

"I've seen many accounts of blind people gaining sight because of the healing power of God." If you mean spiritually blind, fine. If you mean literally BLIND as in eyesight, I call BS and I call you a liar.
I have been moved by God to begin a thread on the way to heaven,
I pray that many people will be saved from hell by viewing this thread.
This is not a place to slander Christianity. Please keep it clean.

Jesus is the only way in which we can enter into the gates of heaven.
His sacrifice enables us to be cleansed from our many sins,
being made righteous through Him.

We must ask Jesus aloud to be our savior.

"Jesus, please save me. In Jesus name amen."

Get baptized, and turn from your sin.

Know you are going to heaven by doing these three simple things.

Read the bible to find strength and knowledge in God and His path for your life.

do you realize you suffer from a mental disorder?
Its crazy but I think he uses telepathy you listen to our prayers there is no magical formula its all super advanced technology. Think of it this way, Jesus is a highly advanced humanoid who shares our ancestoral DNA, he is the king of this galaxy and travels though space and time in a UFO type ship. He loves us and came to earth and restored his gospel through a prophet named Joseph Smith. ThelLDS church is partially true, its just been corrupted by human ignorance, the teaching are all in line with living a long happy life on earth and in heaven