why does my butthole always hurt?

Lol nah I love my roomates, if they are doing something like that Im sure Im doing something as payback in the process... theres like an ongoing prankwar and there has been for a few years now.

This gives me a new idea though, a jalapeno cut in half and inserted into their ass while sleeping? I think yes.

if you don't actually want to insert the pepper into their ass, i do have an alternate suggestion. i did this to a friend when i was a teenager and worked in produce, and the story seems relevant...

we got in a big shipment of rainier cherries and i knew they were this kid's favorite. so i took a habanero pepper and cut the top off. i then poked a bunch of tiny holes into the most beautiful cherry i could find, and i placed said cherry snugly into the habanero. filled my apron pocket with cherries and made a little cardboard divider and also put the pepper cherry in there. i located the kid and started pulling cherries out of my pocket and started making subtle nomnom noises in his presence. he demanded i give him one. i did. :fire:

it was fucking glorious. he could barely breathe for 10 minutes and he was screaming bloody murder (this was at a supermarket, in the bakery section) and he was pissed at me for a few days. totally worth it.
lol okay spiking people with pepper seeds and juice sounds better than messing with any butts!

Great idea! haha
Cheap chinese toilet paper. Feels like sandpaper, almost makes your ass bleed. Get some decent shit paper.

Anyways no not butt sex, I take a shower every morning and at night sometimes and I wipe effectively. Yet my butthole hurts all the time. Like rug burn.. Or a swim suit rash..

Is someone buttfucking me in my sleep?:dunce:

You have threadworms
the female threadworm is biting your anus as she lays her eggs
check your shit for worms
Man, I laughed my ass off while I was reading this thread, some funny shit goings on. But maybe its early roids maybe u should invest in one of the blow-up donuts to sit on while u drive.

Cause honestly you use it better than a lot of people who were brought up in English speaking households...

I know, it is ironic isn't it. Old South African schooling system was awesome. I'm from a very bilingual community though.
Our teachers used to complain that us afrikaans kids would do better at english than the english kids. But it is because we were taught structuraly correct, rather than learning by ear.
Hey do this and if it hurts ur might have a really bad hernia, take ur finger and poke it into ur belly button right in the middle of it where that lil knot is, and press on it, and if u feel it all the way down in ur taint that means u were really supposed to be born a woman that thats where u vagina canal should have been.