LAst person to try and axe the Federal Reserve was JFK with Executive 1110. He was shot for it, and 24 hours later LBJ scrapped EX 1110 and recalled all the "US Notes" that JFK had put into circulation. It is a conspiracy but that doesnt change the facts.
Heres a speech that contributed to JFKs removal. Listen carefull to the part that starts with "we are opposed by a ruthless, monolithic conspiracy....". oh also "and there is very grave danger that an anounced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand it's meaning...."
think this new? this has been going on a long time
just a little more obvious, to some of us
and for those that think Paul's out there or whatever
it's not the job of the corporate press to make that call, last i looked this was still a pretense of a democracy
but then, i've always been a little naive