Why I don't believe in god

The fact that we don't know, and may never know the precise size of the universe means something to me, there are so many reasons a deity doesn't make sense, the first that came to me I think was the amount of different religions. It really snowballs from blind belief to rational disbelief once you start thinking about it.
Greek Mythology... eventually it will be Christian Mythology, Judaism Mythology... etc. etc. etc. As the human race searches for truth within the realms of science, rather than made up fantasy and willed delusion.
Bro I love every comment on here.
Full of "Realizing" truths..

I talked to a black man(no rascism intended) awhile back and he told me god is the flow of energy of all living things.
Only thing I disagree is when people talk about, who created god. When the picture of god is a misunderstanding.
I think jesus is a very selfish portrail of humans and their are so many other species in the world, why a MAN(HUMAN) on a cross.

What hapens when dogs get interlectual. Is their going to be a K9 on a cross? Feel my drift?

Anyways my interpratation of god is the flow of energy through everything. If theirs dark matter theirs light matter, aka energy.
Thats god, god is life, satan is dark.. its just filled with a bunch of talking whales and dancing clouds(BS).

Im going to end this right here cause I forget i dont like talking bout this online cause everyone in this would is different and theirs not enough emotion in texts,
and everyone has their own intrupations on things and this leads to wars with the narrowminded ones who dont respect all opinions.
Good bye.
Greek Mythology... eventually it will be Christian Mythology, Judaism Mythology... etc. etc. etc. As the human race searches for truth within the realms of science, rather than made up fantasy and willed delusion.
Yeah buddy! have you noticed that all of the organized religions go thru a turbulant time in their teen years. That is why we see such trouble coming from islam now
Yeah buddy! have you noticed that all of the organized religions go thru a turbulant time in their teen years. That is why we see such trouble coming from islam now

ROFLMAO. So you believe the Muslim faith is in it's infancy!? Or were you referring to the "Nation of Islam" founded in 1930?
No muslims are in there teens. the religion was formed about 600 ad so this time frame is about when Christians got all jiggy with the crusades.
No muslims are in there teens. the religion was formed about 600 ad so this time frame is about when Christians got all jiggy with the crusades.

Muhammad was a profit, not the creator of Islam. Even if we agree that 600 is the birth of the Islam faith, they are only 150-200 years behind Christians. They both branched from Judaic beliefs 450 some odd years AFTER Jesus died.
"If you have to change the way you normally think to accept an idea, stop yourself right there."

Overall I agree with your sentiments on religion and what you teach your children, but I couldn't disagree with this quote more. It's this mentality that allows bigotry, racism, and other terrible things in the world to persist. Please don't get me wrong, i'm not saying you're a bigot or a racist (rather I'm just trying to use obvious examples to make a point), what I'm saying is that in order for a racist to stop being a racist, they need to change the way they think about things, no? They need to change the way they view people of other ethnic backgrounds, to accept the idea that these people are equal.

Now, perhaps I'm misinterpreting your quote. Perhaps what you meant was something akin to, "If you have to abandon critical thinking to accept an idea, then stop right there." If that's the case, then yes, I'd agree, and you can disregard the above paragraph.
Overall I agree with your sentiments on religion and what you teach your children, but I couldn't disagree with this quote more. It's this mentality that allows bigotry, racism, and other terrible things in the world to persist. Please don't get me wrong, i'm not saying you're a bigot or a racist (rather I'm just trying to use obvious examples to make a point), what I'm saying is that in order for a racist to stop being a racist, they need to change the way they think about things, no? They need to change the way they view people of other ethnic backgrounds, to accept the idea that these people are equal.

Now, perhaps I'm misinterpreting your quote. Perhaps what you meant was something akin to, "If you have to abandon critical thinking to accept an idea, then stop right there." If that's the case, then yes, I'd agree, and you can disregard the above paragraph.


And right. ;)

The thing is, most people use critical thinking every day. Seat belts. Car insurance. Shopping for the best deal on lamb shanks. When ever we need to accomplish something, most (I know of whom you speak that comprise the rest) people use a very scientific approach. Even a racist will talk to a black guy to cash his pay check. But it's when you abandon the rational thought patterns we use, I.E. Red means stop, that things go south. In order to embrace racism, or bigotry, you can NOT navigate through the justification without changing the parameters of your logic.
This kind of debate always makes me chuckle.

Well one thing I will say is that I don't believe in an old bearded guy sitting on clouds, but do believe that something made the universe. It could simply be a form of energy with no intelliegence that couldnt relate to ourselves yet is still responsible for all of creation. I am in awe of it, but don't fear it or use it as some kind of guide to bettering myself as a person as you might find with the roles of many other religions.
I don't believe in the "Old guy on a cloud" either. I do wonder if there is heaven and hell. Do we do good for goodness sake? Is there an eternal reward?Are we so small and insignificant that we can't possibly know or grasp the concept of afterlife?
my 4 year old keeps coming out of school saying god this and jesus that and worrying that we dont have an ark ect.
do they need to shove this down our kids throats at all ,never mind a 4 year old.
it should be up to familys to promote religion, i dont want my son worrying about going to hell if he is naughty.

why is it though that when things are really bad and out of my control, i myself have looked up and prayed like fuck that all will be ok lol.
my 4 year old keeps coming out of school saying god this and jesus that and worrying that we dont have an ark ect.
do they need to shove this down our kids throats at all ,never mind a 4 year old.
it should be up to familys to promote religion, i dont want my son worrying about going to hell if he is naughty.

why is it though that when things are really bad and out of my control, i myself have looked up and prayed like fuck that all will be ok lol.

Thats messed up man, I'd be PISSED if teachers were preachin religion at preschool to my kids... If I ever have kids lol