Why I don't believe in god

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          • 5-31-09 <3

          ME & UB <3


All reply's are from a Christians (mine) point of view. Everything atheist ever say to me are usually scientific things that are to disprove god. Usually their scientific facts only help me support my belief in god. I merge their scientific facts with what I believe, and it only supports those ideas more.
1) Dinosaurs. If a god is behind this all, and he made us in his likeness (I'm flattered), then why did he fuck around for millions of years with dinosaurs and the like? Did he create them, only to kill them and let them marinate under ground for millions of years so we would stumble upon them and have fuel for our cars?

That's what I believe yes. Fuel, things for the earth, plants, tree's, etc. If he's all knowing then he did it for a reason. All the way until the last day of the earth.
Another thing on this most Christians don't believe the earth has been around for millions of years. To support the idea of the earth not being millions of years old he can do anything. Speed up the process, just make it appear, whatever. Kind of like superman moving the earth backwards to reverse time. Could he not speed up time? He created time itself he can destroy it. You can grow a plant, you can destroy it. The bible says "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." One day in heaven is like 1000 years. And 1000 years will feel like one day.

2) If there *is* a creator, then who created the creator? And who created the creator of the creator? How far back does this creator family tree go?
Who knows. Their was nothing before god. So if their was nothing then nothing can't create god. Only god existed. It also says something in the bible that man could not handle seeing god. "The view of such perfect righteousness would destroy us. "
Only in heaven can you see god, because "God is of purer eyes than to behold evil, and cannot look on wickedness" As long as we are tainted by sin."When god did talk to people on earth pre-christian times he would not come down in his form. Only the form of men. And that would drain all the energy from those who were around.

3) Talking snakes and magic apples. The bible is filled with ridiculous claims such as these. Why would god impress people with his magic tricks back then, and give us nothing to believe in now? My take is that people had no idea what lighting, thunder, rain, etc was 2000 years ago, and a man living in the clouds was all they could come up with to answer this.
I'm sure if you look at history you will certainly see men were smarter than what you think. They knew what lightning, thunder, and rain were...
God didn't make talking snakes, and magic apples to impress people. He has no reason to try and impress people. He gives you nothing to believe in now, because exactly what you're doing. He wants you to form your own opinions, and beliefs. Let you choose without his influence, because that shit wasn't working when he did visit people. People didn't listen to them when he did show them "magic tricks". If you read the first part of the bible the hebrew bible where god did visit us on earth you will see how crazy shit was then. An eye for an eye literally. Things were so violent then he had to take his hand off of it, and let people do their own thing.

4) Religion. There are more flavors of religion than there are Ben and Jerry's ice cream. If there is a god, why are there so many different versions?

Their are so many different versions, because the devil wants to distract. The fight of good, and evil. Heaven and hell. God will try to win you, as will satan. Satan created religions false deity's to distract you from the truth, or make you doubt, or choose the wrong thing.

5) Science. Science has given us some answers, and will continue to fill in the holes. I don't know if we have the capacity to ever truly know where we came from, and how it all started, but science has at least connected some dots for us. Religion, not so much.

Science has given us some answers, but only because god has made it possible. We could not of achieved what we achieved if god had not made it possible.

All I have to do is look at everything, the coulds, the sky, the moon, the sun, the tree's, any damn thing. And it only makes me know that god is real. How could anything be if something had not created it. How could your car be if something had not created it. How could your mcdonalds be if something had not created it. How could the moon be if something had not created it. Yea the big bang, space rock crashing into each other. But do you really want to say hey all that shit just happened, and the muck just formed, and we all just sprouted little fish legs, and we all just happened.

Good post, OP. My 11-year-old said to me the other day, "If there is a god, why do the things he made have so many design flaws?" Sun can give us cancer, and we would probably die from our own teeth if it wasn't for the dentist. Even we could design things better than he did, and we're just humans..." He went on to name similar observations. Always makes me smile. I think one reason, stemming from emotion, that some people don't want to believe in a god because if he were real, we would be living in a cosmos created by a petty/mean/selfish retard who does things in a very ineffective manner. That would be difficult to accept...
Design flaws. Not really. Sun gives us cancer to die. Our teeth kill us to die. If everyone lived for thousands of years always then the earth would be filled up by now, and their would be no more space, and we would all die due to the lack of food, and pollution, and etc. Cleanliness is next to godliness. If you don't want to die from your teeth clean them. Your body is a temple. Before dentist people dying from bad teeth wasn't some kind of epidemic. Maybe he allowed people to die from bad teeth so he could infect bad people, so they would die, and not harm other people. Doing things for a reason. You're right we're only humans, and you're wrong we can't design things better than he can. Can you make something perfect down to the molecular level? Is a pool ball perfect? No look at it microscopically and it's rough. God could make it absolutely perfect down to the molecular level. Can humans make the earth, or a sun? Nah.

The fact that we don't know, and may never know the precise size of the universe means something to me, there are so many reasons a deity doesn't make sense, the first that came to me I think was the amount of different religions. It really snowballs from blind belief to rational disbelief once you start thinking about it.
The size of the universe doesn't matter. It's all empty space. It's nothing, so what does nothing matter? Nothing. The heavens were split to make the universe. The universe is like a big clock asteroids spinning round, and round until the timer goes off and a big rock hits the earth, and destroys it.

Just as when me, and my athiest friend have these religious debates his points only make me strengthen my views, and I cannot sway his opinions. All I can really do is say you just have to believe, because that's all you can really say. I will give you any answer I can that isn't "you just have to believe." to try and sway you, but in the end you just have to believe.
All reply's are from a Christians (mine) point of view. Everything atheist ever say to me are usually scientific things that are to disprove god. Usually their scientific facts only help me support my belief in god. I merge their scientific facts with what I believe, and it only supports those ideas more.

That's what I believe yes. Fuel, things for the earth, plants, tree's, etc. If he's all knowing then he did it for a reason. All the way until the last day of the earth.
Another thing on this most Christians don't believe the earth has been around for millions of years. To support the idea of the earth not being millions of years old he can do anything. Speed up the process, just make it appear, whatever. Kind of like superman moving the earth backwards to reverse time. Could he not speed up time? He created time itself he can destroy it. You can grow a plant, you can destroy it. The bible says "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." One day in heaven is like 1000 years. And 1000 years will feel like one day.

Who knows. Their was nothing before god. So if their was nothing then nothing can't create god. Only god existed. It also says something in the bible that man could not handle seeing god. "The view of such perfect righteousness would destroy us. "
Only in heaven can you see god, because "God is of purer eyes than to behold evil, and cannot look on wickedness" As long as we are tainted by sin."When god did talk to people on earth pre-christian times he would not come down in his form. Only the form of men. And that would drain all the energy from those who were around.

I'm sure if you look at history you will certainly see men were smarter than what you think. They knew what lightning, thunder, and rain were...
God didn't make talking snakes, and magic apples to impress people. He has no reason to try and impress people. He gives you nothing to believe in now, because exactly what you're doing. He wants you to form your own opinions, and beliefs. Let you choose without his influence, because that shit wasn't working when he did visit people. People didn't listen to them when he did show them "magic tricks". If you read the first part of the bible the hebrew bible where god did visit us on earth you will see how crazy shit was then. An eye for an eye literally. Things were so violent then he had to take his hand off of it, and let people do their own thing.

Their are so many different versions, because the devil wants to distract. The fight of good, and evil. Heaven and hell. God will try to win you, as will satan. Satan created religions false deity's to distract you from the truth, or make you doubt, or choose the wrong thing.

Science has given us some answers, but only because god has made it possible. We could not of achieved what we achieved if god had not made it possible.

All I have to do is look at everything, the coulds, the sky, the moon, the sun, the tree's, any damn thing. And it only makes me know that god is real. How could anything be if something had not created it. How could your car be if something had not created it. How could your mcdonalds be if something had not created it. How could the moon be if something had not created it. Yea the big bang, space rock crashing into each other. But do you really want to say hey all that shit just happened, and the muck just formed, and we all just sprouted little fish legs, and we all just happened.

Design flaws. Not really. Sun gives us cancer to die. Our teeth kill us to die. If everyone lived for thousands of years always then the earth would be filled up by now, and their would be no more space, and we would all die due to the lack of food, and pollution, and etc. Cleanliness is next to godliness. If you don't want to die from your teeth clean them. Your body is a temple. Before dentist people dying from bad teeth wasn't some kind of epidemic. Maybe he allowed people to die from bad teeth so he could infect bad people, so they would die, and not harm other people. Doing things for a reason. You're right we're only humans, and you're wrong we can't design things better than he can. Can you make something perfect down to the molecular level? Is a pool ball perfect? No look at it microscopically and it's rough. God could make it absolutely perfect down to the molecular level. Can humans make the earth, or a sun? Nah.

The size of the universe doesn't matter. It's all empty space. It's nothing, so what does nothing matter? Nothing. The heavens were split to make the universe. The universe is like a big clock asteroids spinning round, and round until the timer goes off and a big rock hits the earth, and destroys it.

Just as when me, and my athiest friend have these religious debates his points only make me strengthen my views, and I cannot sway his opinions. All I can really do is say you just have to believe, because that's all you can really say. I will give you any answer I can that isn't "you just have to believe." to try and sway you, but in the end you just have to believe.

"FAITH". The ONLY way religion works is faith. Because without faith, you would call your minister a blathering idiot. "Faith" forces you to change the parameters of your logic. Why does deductive reasoning work for every other scenario in life EXCEPT religion? Hmmmm. Also, the universe is not, "Nothing." Just because you were sold a religion, doesn't mean you should ignore science. There are two earth type planets we have discovered SO FAR. We are also on the verge of discovering how matter can shed mass. This would answer the "Something from nothing".

Since we're on the Bible, some good 'ol Christian reading for ya!

Exodus 21:1
Judges 11:29
Isaiah 13:16
Hosea 13:16
Psalms 137:9
Joshua 6
Judges 21

In total God kills 371,186 people directly and orders another 1,862,265 people murdered.
He condones slavery, child abuse, as well as devaluing females.

You should REALLY ask yourself, if GOD is without time, why would he state the same ignorant bull shit that farmers 1,500 years ago thought. The reason why Atheists are in awe is because if you hadn't been sold a religion, you would NEVER condone these behaviors, ever. The same passage that condemns homosexuals ALSO condemns shaving your face! So grow a fat beard before screaming at gays, or GOD will hate you.
And don't say the big foreplay

There is not enough information to draw a reasonable conclusion. My money is NOT on a jealous genocidal maniac, or a Great Joo Joo up the mountain. We only are aware of about 6% of our universe. Why and how could any one know that. And again, if their were gods, they would communicate in Mathematics, not local dialects. And I think they would communicate more than every 2,000 years. Just a guess.
who created the creater is equal to what was before the big bang. you can not prove them. All the universe condensed down to a single point, hard to wrap your mind around
who created the [creator] is equal to what was before the big bang. you can not prove them. All the universe condensed down to a single point, hard to wrap your mind around

A classic instance of begging the question. Must there have been a creative intent? cn
A classic instance of begging the question. Must there have been a creative intent? cn

Humans' ego will seldom allow thoughts of purposelessness. Are we an accidental colony of pests? Ohhhh, nooooo. We are important. Cuz not being important sucks. So we're important.
who created the creater is equal to what was before the big bang. you can not prove them. All the universe condensed down to a single point, hard to wrap your mind around

Who created the creator is a relevant question because, creation is being used as an explanation for complexity. When we ask how the creator came to be, we expose the false terminator. God does not answer the complexity question, he confounds it.

What came before the big bang is also a relevant question, but does nothing to expose any flaws in the theory. The big bang theory is simply an explanation of the evidence we see when we look.
If the lord is timeless then there would be no time before its existance

I don't understand how something could be 'timeless'. That seems like a word someone made up to bypass these types of logistical issues. By the very nature of existing, you're subject to the effects of what we would define as 'time'. Time is simply a measurement from past instances to present ones to future events. It's a concept. It's a rule that even a God would not be able to bypass, and if it could by simply using magic, what value would that have?
all points of time exist at once. Kind of like you can climb a mountain and explore the different creavices and look at lichen because you live in a third dimentional world. Being able to travel in such a way would be impossible seeming to a second dimentional being
all points of time exist at once. Kind of like you can climb a mountain and explore the different creavices and look at lichen because you live in a third dimentional world. Being able to travel in such a way would be impossible seeming to a second dimentional being

That again seems like just a cop out. You can simply say 'this god has this ability and is above our realm of understanding' - and that's that because any statement made must be accepted on faith. I asked you what the value of that is? Why does it matter to us as humans who can't measure it?
That again seems like just a cop out. You can simply say 'this god has this ability and is above our realm of understanding' - and that's that because any statement made must be accepted on faith. I asked you what the value of that is? Why does it matter to us as humans who can't measure it?

The universe only came into existence 10 seconds ago. All of your memories of time before that are false and put there by god for your own benefit. And all those fossils and structures and planets and things suggesting an older universe, that's god again. You can try to prove this wrong all you want, but in the end you will see that the only choice left is to believe.