Why Is My Sprout So Hairy???


Active Member
i recently germinated afew seeds, and one of them has grown almost 3 times as big as the rest in such a short amount of time [2 days].... and the root which is about 1/2 an inch long and VERY THICK it also has many fine white hairs all over the middle part. i just finished planting it, n im curious if anyone knows why this seed is so different from the others?


Active Member
Shouldn't be fucking around with the roots.
huh? i didnt do anything to them... it just grew like it was on steroids or somthing.... this is my first time growing so for all i know it could be normail.... but im just confused. it was a pretty big seed to begin with....


Active Member
The hairs are just Micro roots on the main root. Don't worry about it. It grew them because it need more nutrients than the other seeds. Should be a good plant!


Active Member
heres a bad pic of it, but as u can see its big compared to the other 2... and they were only in the papertowel for like 2 days tops.

if u look at the big one you can see the really thick white part of the root; thats where the hairs are

Farm Friend

Well-Known Member
Your post was hilarious! I wanted to comment on it but I could not think of a funnier response. All I could picture was bean sprouts - they kind of look hairy.