Why Is She Such A Bitch?


Active Member
One thing i've learned is there is 3 sides to every story, theirs, yours and the truth. Seems like if both her and your kids are in school/daycare she really needs to get a car. If i were you i would'nt give her any cash, i would just buy the groceries/household stuff she needs and bring it over. If you're paying her bills you could always pay em with a debit card or give her a filled out money order.At least that way you are making sure your kids are getting what they need, and if she needs anything for herself she'll have to find someone else to get it for her. It also might not be a bad idea to consult with a attorney, just because you weren't married doesn't mean you don't have rights. Best of luck to you!!!


Active Member
sorry about the legal trouble guys , it sucks but youl get thrue it i think all of us had to do a little time at one point are the other


Well-Known Member
i will be going to tehachappi because thats the yard i paroled from last time. im not looking forward to the hill billy gaurds or the cold weather... as for me and the girl. i have worked things out. we are not together but i go fuck her when i want and when she wants. seems like that will work out lol i told her have fun when im in prison then when i get out we will work on our realationship for our kids sake. i went and boned her last night and when i got back i had food poisoing and have been throwing up like a mad man. lol what a night.