Why Is The Bible So Revered As The "Word of GOD"?

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Active Member
". . .you missed the main points in my post and that was at your statement asking for proof of god which you have to admit, youve made up your mind about this subject obviously(close minded) and you don't want to discuss it so why are you discussing it? And the second important point you missed is that there is lots of things in this world that can't be proven, simple as that.

and really watch some more zeitgist with your 'pagan sun worshiping comment' lol lol
I notice that many in this thread miss the point!!

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Because those things happened under the "Mosaic Law" and where done away with, because they had served their purpose-mainly to convince his followers to follow him and his father.
So with so few people following the Bible why not throw out some more Miracles? My problem is that these TV preachers get on TV and swindle little old ladies out of their money! LOL Doesn't sound to christian to me. I believe the Bible was written to controll the masses and now they are using it to take advatage of people and get money from them. JMHO The reason you don't see miracles today is because they never happened, it is just a story. I find " religious " people are the most hipocritical deceptive people i have ever met. As soon as I find out people believe ever word in the bible I do loose respect for them and know that they don't have the ability to think for themselves. Every religion is the same, some make believe all powerfull entity up in the sky that you don't want to piss off or you will pay! Believing in God is as silly as worshiping a rock. Actualy I would rather believe in a rock, at least you can see a rock! ;)


King Tut
It's good to see that yournot "straddling" the fence.
Well, some view it that way. Others view it more positively.

MY personal belief is that MY God would want me to be independent and think for myself. That's why we have the choice to accept Him or not. I CANNOT put my faith in man, but am confident in my faith in God. And MAN has coddled, re-written(translated from the original Hebrew language without a full grasp of said language), and edited beyond anything NEAR what was originally written. Have you ever played that game where 10 friends sit around, one telss a secret and passes it to the right(kinda like a chiefing session!)? I have. And the end result has NEVER been the same as the original. MANKIND CORRUPTS THE INTENT/MEANING OF THE BIBLE, imho. :)

jimmy jones

Active Member
Corrupts the meaning? The meaning of it is CONTROL. There isn't much choice. Believe or be condemned. Its the same scare that wife beaters and slave owners use. Do as I do and do what I say or worse things will happen. Some savior. You CHOOSE to buy into it and be controlled. Dude you're being brainwashed. How much do you donate every week? The same ten percent my coworker gives EVERY week? What does "god" need my money for? All knowing, all powerful just can't seem to handle money. Does giving every week make you a good person? Does that get you a good seat in heaven?


King Tut
Corrupts the meaning? The meaning of it is CONTROL. There isn't much choice. Believe or be condemned. Its the same scare that wife beaters and slave owners use. Do as I do and do what I say or worse things will happen. Some savior. You CHOOSE to buy into it and be controlled. Dude you're being brainwashed. How much do you donate every week? The same ten percent my coworker gives EVERY week? What does "god" need my money for? All knowing, all powerful just can't seem to handle money. Does giving every week make you a good person? Does that get you a good seat in heaven?
I guess it depends on perspective. There's no control from what I gather, disregarding man's hand. It's love and freedom for me.


King Tut
Corrupts the meaning? The meaning of it is CONTROL. There isn't much choice. Believe or be condemned. Its the same scare that wife beaters and slave owners use. Do as I do and do what I say or worse things will happen. Some savior. You CHOOSE to buy into it and be controlled. Dude you're being brainwashed. How much do you donate every week? The same ten percent my coworker gives EVERY week? What does "god" need my money for? All knowing, all powerful just can't seem to handle money. Does giving every week make you a good person? Does that get you a good seat in heaven?
When I give, it is for a cause I believe in. Have you never donated to a cause you deemed worthy? Please do.


Active Member
The Jews called Jesus all kinds of names, then handed him over to Pontius Pilate, for death.

I think you better "think" again bud.
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