Why Is The Bible So Revered As The "Word of GOD"?

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Among the eleven caves, Cave 1, which was excavated in 1949, and Cave 4, excavated in 1952, proved to be the most productive caves. One of the most significant discoveries was a well-preserved scroll of the entire book of Isaiah.

The famous Copper Scrolls were discovered in Cave 3 in 1952. Unlike most of the scrolls that were written on leather or parchment, these were written on copper . . ."

What are the Fucking odds that this copper scroll, the book of Issah, reads today as it did then, 2,000 year-ago?
Now, when you take your head out of your ass, you think about that!! :lol:
Yes the Isaiah we know today is the same as it was after Ezra completed the first redaction of the Tanak, the book you call the Old Testament. In case you forgot, Ezra led exiles from Babylon back home to Israel. That happened hundreds of years before the Dead Sea Scrolls were written. Virtually all of the Hebrew bible can be traced back to Ezra and this time period. It is still hundreds of years after Isaiah and also after the fall of Babylon. It is no surprise that the written versions of Isaiah found in Qumran are virtually identical to versions today. That proves absolutely nothing except that scribes are meticulous. There still is zero evidence that Isaiah wrote the prophecies that are attributed to him.

Here's your problem in a nutshell.
~700 BCE -Isaiah was a prophet. His words may or may not have been preserved in writing.
~539 BCE - Babylon is invaded by Cyrus
~450 BCE - Ezra puts together the first written compilation of the books and stories that comprise the Hebrew bible... including Isaiah.

In case you missed it, there's about 80-100 years for Isaiah's prophecy to be "enhanced" or even completely fabricated.

Quit acting so defensive and look at the facts. You can believe what you want but name calling and childish insults won't change the facts that you have been unable to dispute. You rely on the bible's word that everything in it is true. Other historical documents get a lot more scrutiny and skepticism, probably even by you, than you appear to give the bible.
It has been written that Saint George slew a dragon. Are you as credulous about that claim?
When i was studying GCSE history, one thing we were taught when using a quote as a fact etc, was to find out it's source, and more importantly whether it was first hand etc. The idea that people think that a book written hundreds of years down the line fro the actual events basesd on word of mouth and wives tales, just makes me chuckle. Someone actually tried to justify the CONTENTS of the bibble by a carbon dating study :lol: religeous types are fools, it's nothing but a weak personality that needs some imaginary friend to comfort them.

Here's something that right cracked me up this morning "
The widow of a businessman shot dead at his home during an attempted robbery has said his killer's jail sentence was close to her "prayers being answered".
Darren Kernohan, 35, of Moss Drive, Antrim, was given a life sentence"

Apparently god answers prayers for revenge, last i checked jesus said turn the other cheek..some people are dumb shits. Another story today was the american todddler that fell from a balcony and was caught by a british woman. The woman who was looking after the child claimed it was the work of god, and that the woman was an angel sent from the heavens :lol: idiots.
Here's your problem in a nutshell. ". . ."
In case you missed it, there's about 80-100 years for Isaiah's prophecy to be "enhanced" or even completely fabricated.

Here's your problem for all to see. What are the Fucking odds that this copper scroll, the book of Issah, reads today as it did then, 2,000 year-ago?
Now, when you take your head out of your ass, you think about that!!
When i was studying GCSE history, one thing we were taught when using a quote as a fact etc, was to find out it's source, and more importantly whether it was first hand etc. The idea that people think that a book written hundreds of years down the line fro the actual events basesd on word of mouth and wives tales, just makes me chuckle. Someone actually tried to justify the CONTENTS of the bibble by a carbon dating study :lol: religeous types are fools, it's nothing but a weak personality that needs some imaginary friend to comfort them.

Here's something that right cracked me up this morning "
The widow of a businessman shot dead at his home during an attempted robbery has said his killer's jail sentence was close to her "prayers being answered".
Darren Kernohan, 35, of Moss Drive, Antrim, was given a life sentence"

Apparently god answers prayers for revenge, last i checked jesus said turn the other cheek..some people are dumb shits. Another story today was the american todddler that fell from a balcony and was caught by a british woman. The woman who was looking after the child claimed it was the work of god, and that the woman was an angel sent from the heavens :lol: idiots.

I say live and let live. If you want to worship the 1 eyed, 1 horned flying purple people eater, so be it. MY problem comes when someone tells you that you can't OR when you try to force ME to believe in it. Faith cannot be forced.(Not saying you do this, just a comment about religion in general).
Here's your problem for all to see. What are the Fucking odds that this copper scroll, the book of Issah, reads today as it did then, 2,000 year-ago?
Now, when you take your head out of your ass, you think about that!!

i'd say it would be pretty good odds seeing as it would have been copied word for word over the ages and theres no reason why they couldnt back check against earlier copies to test accuracy. its hardly proof of god
i'd say it would be pretty good odds seeing as it would have been copied word for word over the ages and theres no reason why they couldnt back check against earlier copies to test accuracy. its hardly proof of god

You just defied the opinion of most in this thread. Thanks! lol
:wall: :wall: What school did you go to? :shock: lol

a school that showed me i can copy pieces of text by hand without errors (if i tried really hard), where the teachers went threw my work afterwards to check spelling errors and grammar...

this isnt a case of chinese whispers over the last 2000 years this is copied text which can be stored for hundreds of years and used to back check for any accumulative errors

so how do you think that its magical that the text is so unchanged?
You can believe what you want but name calling and childish insults won't change the facts that . . ."


"Ha, I'm talking in circles? You're fucking delusional."

Looks like you started name calling first. Now who's really delusional? ;-) This is the story of your life lol
Here's your problem for all to see. What are the Fucking odds that this copper scroll, the book of Issah, reads today as it did then, 2,000 year-ago?
Now, when you take your head out of your ass, you think about that!!
I explained why that's not all that surprising. Maybe you need to re-read my post.
Other people understand so I don't think my post is that confusing. Maybe KlosetKing can explain it to you better.
its always funny watching religious sorts get to the point where their logic fails they nigh always forget their religious teachings and turn to anger and aggression

its also pretty kinda sad
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