Why is Trump still allowed to Tweet?

you know a thread has digressed when the ole monsanto argument is wheeled out..ummmm, meanwhile minneapolis is burning.
you know a thread has digressed when the ole monsanto argument is wheeled out..ummmm, meanwhile minneapolis is burning.
If they don't care about 100,000 dead, murder and injustice, then they ain't worth a fuck, ideology before humanity, right or left, this time is different.
What do ya think if all those people that are storming the Capitol in Lansing, Were all Black People, believe we would see Gun Laws Change so fast our heads would spin, Ya see Trump Supporters that's just one issue with the Right wingers that think they own all of us and can do what ever the fuck they want to. So I say Get a few Hundred People of Color and get them some AR-15 s and see what the Cops do then, I would bet that those people would be singled out and fucked with. Can anyone imagine if that were a Black man Screaming in a Cops face ?(with a gun in his hands) That man would be arrested and Chucked in Jail.

MHO I Really don't even have to wonder what would happen because I am sure we all, Well at least most of us here knows what would happen to them, Jailed, Beaten, harassed, or worse Killed. This all boils down to the Incompetence of this Clown we have running our Country into a very Deep Ditch. Where are we all Created Equal ? It's a Joke. If the Clown would have Responded at half the Speed he did with Tweeter as with the Corona Virus I would bet that more than 3/4s of those who died would not have.

This is who we have leading us into a Polluted, Divided , Racist, Bigoted, hatred, of anyone who don't look or think like them...

Q : What more do we need to see from him ?

I've had plenty of Friends that voted for him, those same people have said they can't stand him anymore, that gives me hope that more former Trump supporters are Waking up to see what he really is.
Why should I have to, what is your point? I see your most likely a sock though from your post history another Trumper whose shame is hard the bear.

So do ya think Trump is an asshole? Are ya gonna vote for him?
Did you figure out what his point was?
What do ya think if all those people that are storming the Capitol in Lansing, Were all Black People, believe we would see Gun Laws Change so fast our heads would spin, Ya see Trump Supporters that's just one issue with the Right wingers that think they own all of us and can do what ever the fuck they want to. So I say Get a few Hundred People of Color and get them some AR-15 s and see what the Cops do then, I would bet that those people would be singled out and fucked with. Can anyone imagine if that were a Black man Screaming in a Cops face ?(with a gun in his hands) That man would be arrested and Chucked in Jail.

MHO I Really don't even have to wonder what would happen because I am sure we all, Well at least most of us here knows what would happen to them, Jailed, Beaten, harassed, or worse Killed. This all boils down to the Incompetence of this Clown we have running our Country into a very Deep Ditch. Where are we all Created Equal ? It's a Joke. If the Clown would have Responded at half the Speed he did with Tweeter as with the Corona Virus I would bet that more than 3/4s of those who died would not have.

This is who we have leading us into a Polluted, Divided , Racist, Bigoted, hatred, of anyone who don't look or think like them...

Q : What more do we need to see from him ?

I've had plenty of Friends that voted for him, those same people have said they can't stand him anymore, that gives me hope that more former Trump supporters are Waking up to see what he really is.
Preach, brother!

Cops strangling people who are handcuffed and officially under their care, didn't draw a single bit of concern from Trump. On the plus side, Twitter just flagged Trump's tweet about shooting protesters for violating the "glorifying violence" rule. Of course, Trump was outraged over that.
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That son of whore today accused Twitter of unfairly targeting himself and other Republicans, just hours after Twitter finally had the balls and said one of his tweets overnight violated the company's policies by glorifying violence.

Trump also called on Congress to revoke Section 230, a law passed two decades ago that offers platforms legal immunity for content posted by third parties and gives them cover to make good-faith efforts to moderate their platforms.

"Twitter is doing nothing about all of the lies & propaganda being put out by China or the Radical Left Democrat Party," Asshole-in-Chief tweeted.

"They have targeted Republicans, Conservatives & the President of the United States. Section 230 should be revoked by Congress. Until then, it will be regulated!"

"These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won't let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts.
Thank you"

Thank you?

Go fuck yourself, and while I'm on the subject, go fuck your imbecilic supporters.
That son of whore today accused Twitter of unfairly targeting himself and other Republicans, just hours after Twitter finally had the balls and said one of his tweets overnight violated the company's policies by glorifying violence.

Trump also called on Congress to revoke Section 230, a law passed two decades ago that offers platforms legal immunity for content posted by third parties and gives them cover to make good-faith efforts to moderate their platforms.

"Twitter is doing nothing about all of the lies & propaganda being put out by China or the Radical Left Democrat Party," Asshole-in-Chief tweeted.

"They have targeted Republicans, Conservatives & the President of the United States. Section 230 should be revoked by Congress. Until then, it will be regulated!"

"These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won't let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts.
Thank you"

Thank you?

Go fuck yourself, and while I'm on the subject, go fuck your imbecilic supporters.
He can try but he can't rewrite the laws. Congress passed that law and any action by Trump to act outside of it will go to court. Of course, simply threatening to tie up a company through legal wrangling is an effective form of coercion, so, catch 22. I don't think the framers of the Constitution thought the Senate would become a rubber-stamp body for a President who assumed the powers of a king and protect him regardless of his illegal actions.

233 days, 9 hours, 20 minutes before Trump is no longer president. That's less than 8 months or 34 weeks. We can make it.
Did you figure out what his point was?
He is not who he says he is, refused to engage and refused to call Trump an asshole, I always ask early lately, most seem to choke on the words. He seemed to be trying to do the no difference between them routine, it's about all they have left.

I fear Trump is gonna stoke the riots over the recent murder by cops and try as much as he can to spread the chaos, if he wants a "race war" or any distraction he can get from the death. The hypocrisy of how different groups are treated by police was stark between Michigan and Minneapolis. I used to live a couple of hundred miles north of there in Winnipeg and never visited and had no clue what it was like there.
Yet another nothing post from you.

Feel free to vote whoever you want, but all you do is cheerlead Trump cult logic, and run away. It is lame. I wish people that actually wanted to talk about things, but until you get out of the bubble you put yourself in, you add nothing to any conversation. So it is hard to worry about what the reasoning is behind your getting moderated in here, if that is even true and you're not just bullshitting us. Trump trolls are endless, because they get paid to post their garbage, are one of the cult, or know they are full of shit and troll on because they are dicks.

So it is hard to tell which one is which and people who may actually want to figure out what is happening in the political world without having to deal with the lies and propaganda. People have a hard time de-programming from what they have been pumped full of on hate radio, Trump TV, and years of internet propaganda coupled with a very specific trolling on social media giving you tailor made false information. And essentially become (at the extreme end) indistinguishable from the militarized Trump trolls (foreign and domestic).

Hopefully you eventually except the reality that what you are saying is lies and have a honest discussion about the attack on our democracy that Trump is allowing to happen because it benefits him, and he really, really, really doesn't want to go to jail. Maybe you an actually have a human response and not something that is about as interesting as a bot.

.bro..i mentioned before its not "running away" its just

i don't live on this forum like you..can you understand this..?..[no]

but yes :

Donnie Donnie Donnie Trump!

is the best thing that has happened to USA and the WORLD

BOTH need him for another term
.bro..i mentioned before its not "running away" its just

i don't live on this forum like you..can you understand this..?..[no]

but yes :

Donnie Donnie Donnie Trump!

is the best thing that has happened to USA and the WORLD

BOTH need him for another term
So did you enjoy the video of the cop slowly murdering that black guy?
Make you feel like a real man?
How about Donald's reaction to it?
What do you think of his performance in leading the country in mourning 100,000 deaths? Joe had to do it.
How about his response to the pandemic and all the unnecessary deaths?

The Devil is in the details here, answer these questions in detail and defend them morally and ethically, according to your own personal values. Considering this is not your country and what is going on in America, you must be a resentful and angry person in deed. Raised with certain attitudes that never changed much from your teenage years and experiences as a young man, you never learned and evolved with many of your peers, never found wisdom. Here you are carrying Donald's water and triggering the libs like some fucking kid, is it because deep down inside a kid is still running the show and you didn't grow?
.bro..i mentioned before its not "running away" its just

i don't live on this forum like you..can you understand this..?..[no]

but yes :

Donnie Donnie Donnie Trump!

is the best thing that has happened to USA and the WORLD

BOTH need him for another term
So more nothing from you but cult logic, got it. Maybe one day you will do something other than just be a cheerleader for him and actually contribute to a discussion.

Donald Trump is a weak ineffective leader that has done next to nothing but line his own pockets with our tax dollars.