Why is weed so much better in california than anywhere else?

Yeah but your have shown no credible info to back up your claim. I asked you to show me where that article says OG kush is from somewhere other than Cali.

Did you "learn" all about strains by taking random people's word for it? I don't do that. If that's how you learned all this info, then you really know nothing.

Your statements don't mean too much to me coming from the man who thought the Jack Herer strain originated in Cali.
It was Oregon in 1973

The states are Alaska, California, Colorado, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, Maine, Minnesota, Ohio, and Oregon. These state legislatures (except Alaska's) decriminalized marijuana possession in the 1970s. Oregon was the first, in 1973, following the recommendations of the Nixon administration's National Commission on Marijuana Use (also known as the Shafer Commission). Nebraska was the last, in 1979. Another state, Mississippi, decriminalized marijuana possession in the '70s but later recriminalized it as a misdemeanor offense.

That's decriminalization, not legalization. There's a difference. If weed's decriminalized, you still get a ticket and a fine for possession, you just don't go to jail and get put on probation and shit. California WAS the first state to legalize it (meaning absolutely NOTHING happens to you if a cop finds herb on you) for medicinal purposes. So... I'M RIGHT haha! Just fucking with you, bro, a lot of people confuse decriminalization and legalization. We both know our history.
This reminds me of the show Bullshit with penn & teller.... the episode "the best". There is no such thing as "the best"..... so saying cali has the best weed... is really delusions from fantasy island.
people just hate on cali cause we have the best weather and the best weed, and we have the best clubs in the united states. we have a shit load of strains that are Created here. .....i've always wonder why other states dont have good weed either, I mean, Dont get me wrong u can get decent weed ANYWHERE, But I've lived in a bunch of difference states and IF I HAD SOME WEED BROUGHT FROM NORTHERN CALI, I WOULD HAVE MOTHER FUCKERS LINED UP LIKE A WALMART CHECKOUT ISLE JUST TO SMELL IT....lmao
also, The mother fuckers that had Good weed in other states THAT I KNEW, They got it from cali...lol..


Your statements don't mean too much to me coming from the man who thought the Jack Herer strain originated in Cali.

And you know where every single stain originated in? Damn dude. I was just thanking a guy for telling me where the strain came from and you're acting like I'm a horrible person for doing such a thing. Get over yourself dude.
And you know where every single stain originated in?

When it comes to legendary strains, yes.

Damn dude. I was just thanking a guy for telling me where the strain came from and you're acting like I'm a horrible person for doing such a thing. Get over yourself dude.

Your not a horrible person, just uninformed and I'm not the one making claims my state has the best weedwhen it's all subjective.
Cali,cali,cali,cali,cali,cali, cali,
cali,cali,cali,cali,cali,cali, cali,
cali,cali,cali,cali,cali,cali, cali,
cali,cali,cali,cali,cali,cali, cali,
cali,cali,cali,cali,cali,cali, cali,
cali,cali,cali,cali,cali,cali, cali,
cali,cali,cali,cali,cali,cali, cali,
cali,cali,cali,cali,cali,cali, cali,
cali,cali,cali,cali,cali,cali, cali,
cali,cali,cali,cali,cali,cali, cali,
cali,cali,cali,cali,cali,cali, cali,
cali,cali,cali,cali,cali,cali, cali,
cali,cali,cali,cali,cali,cali, cali,
cali,cali,cali,cali,cali,cali, cali,
cali,cali,cali,cali,cali,cali, cali,
cali,cali,cali,cali,cali,cali, cali, what!
I just read this thread and I can't believe the venom thrown at stonedmetalhead.

He has consistently been "fair" in his statements and not once did he begin any argument/discussion with name calling. He has provided info to back up his sh*t and I have seen no others do the same. You know, like articles ect...

He may be wrong in how much is grown in what type of "medium" - but can anyone say FOR F'in sure what the percentages are anyway? Thread is about BEST.

Entire thread is subjective. Designed for hate and thread mongering.
Cali has tons of weed. Many of us know it and have had it (like me ~60 mins ago - the reason why I kept reading LOL soooo high)
Most have never had original Afghani, grown at altitude - or sick SE Asia bud.

Ive had some awesome strains, did great with them. Give someone else the same clones and if they dont know what the fuck theyre doin, you look at them and say... " this shit is from the clones you got off me? What the hell did you do to it?" Someone alrady said something similiar, if you dont know what youre doin your 'dank' goes to 'bunk' in a hurry !!!
Seriously? I never said hydro grows dont exist, but these "MASSIVE hydro grows" which you keep talking about (that I and many others have repeatedly told you dont produce the majority of herb for profit here) simply is misinformation. Im just trying to help you get your facts straight that way you dont sound like a dumbass trying to tell people about weed in California. But since your skull is too thick to comprehend that, go right on ahead thinking there are multimillion dollar huge fucking hydroponic grow warehouses littering the state that cut down weed a week early just to sell shitty product for a profit.
I never said that right now there are all kinds of massive hydro grows but there are some I've seen them and when this legalization bill gets passed there will be more do to the marijuana corporations waiting to take control. I said there is a lot of good organics while at the same time many people in Cali grow hydro. Every one and there brother grows out there and half of them don't have a clue what there doing. Also, I never said anything about weed being cut down early. When I said they can harvest every week I meant they had perpetual harvests set up to harvest frequently. Just because you live in Cali it doesn't make you a master grower or apparently have a clue about what's going on there .
By Peter Henderson

SAN FRANCISCO | Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:17am EDT

(Reuters) - Jeff Wilcox, a middle-aged, clean-cut man who dresses in the Bay Area casual business attire of clean jeans, collared shirt and running shoes, may be the face of Marijuana, Inc, the corporatization of cannabis.

He has just persuaded Oakland to legalize industrial-sized marijuana farms, touting a study that promised millions in city taxes and hundreds of high-paying union jobs.

The long-struggling city, which has failed spectacularly to capitalize on the high-tech boom, could be the Silicon Valley of pot, Wilcox told the City Council this week before its historic vote to grant four permits for urban, industrial-size marijuana farms.

But as Wilcox points out, his business model -- a nonprofit -- will be less Google or Apple and more Trader Joe's, a California cut rate gourmet grocery chain. The store's best-known product is $2 per bottle Charles Shaw wine, known affectionately as Two Buck Chuck and considered a great glass of wine for the price.

"The new Two Buck Chuck will be $40 an ounce pot," Wilcox said in an interview, looking forward to a day of full legalization. Boutique growers could produce the high-end stuff in their "gardens," he explained, while he supplied the masses with a clean, controlled, great-value product.

This is just an example of what's about to come. Do you really think the $40 an oz pot is going to be grown in soil? The company I was talking to already has two labs set up that are sterile environments that solely grow aeroponics and produce a good bit of herb. Keep thinking that these operations don't exist, you sir are naive.
Yo, I dont know who your mother is but she raised one dumb ass kid. You apparently can't read english so I'm done with this thread.

LOL!!! good stuff!:joint::joint::joint:

fuck its so simple. we don't have the "best" weed. we have A LOT of the GOOD SHIT. even the dealers weed is pretty decent here, because theres just a lot of fucking dank in california, not the best.. just ALOT because its fucking california and we're fuckin chillin with the purps, chrons, frosts n shit.. stop trippin n calm the fuck down.
I'm in norcal, and my house is half a mile from a club. It's hella nice:weed: and we go through so many strains you wouldnt believe. Today I got some A+++ GDP, chocolope, and grape romulan. Perfect A+++ smoooth smokin herb. 40 an eighth :p