Why Vote Against Republicans?


Well-Known Member
You know you're a republican if:

You are more upset about Brokeback Mountain than Abu Ghraib.

You can’t stand Hilary Clinton’s hair but you have no problem with Tom DeLay’s.

You think Global Warming is no big deal but environmentalists are a major problem.

You support the "war on drugs" but think Rush Limbaugh is being prosecuted unfairly.

You think professional athletes make too much money but Sam Walton’s kids deserve

everything they have.

You like the way George Bush walks.

You think Al Gore is "wooden" and Donald Rumsfeld has charisma.

You think CNN is biased but Fox News is neutral.

You like the sound of Newt Gingrich’s voice.

You are sure the United States has the best education and health care systems in the world.

You think Dick Cheney is a straight shooter.

You think Michael Chertoff’s beard makes him look distinguished.

You think the problem with our health care system is lawyers.

You think it was more important to locate Monica Lewinsky’s blue dress than to locate weapons of mass destruction.

You don’t believe "terrorism" has made Rudy Giuliani an incredibly rich man.

You believe freedom of speech covers everything Pat Robertson says and does, but burning a flag should be illegal.

You can be in the same room with Brit Hume.

You have yourself convinced that the country and world are better off now than 5 years ago.

You believe the "greenhouse effect" means better gardens.

You believe God is everywhere - except your motel room.
And the truth shall set you free. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I think the title of that post Flylikeaneagle should have been "You know your a Neo-Con if:" That one change and its 4 out of 5 stars.


Well-Known Member

Both dems and republicans suck

I like rush though, but he is conservative.

I am a libertarian and think that everyone else has it wrong.

And people need to stop blaming bush for everything.

Sure he fucked up.

Did no one notice that obama just wasted a fuck load of OUR money.

And spent more than was spent in the history of our country..

The man is an amazing speaker.

But I am thinking he has no clue what to do.

It is common sense people, you cannot save/get money by spending it.

Republicans suck too, but I like them more because I want less gov.

People really like to think the gov can't tell them how to live but should provide for them.

Provide for yourselves people, do what you like. As long as no one is hurt.

Gov is there for protecting us, not to be a parental figure.



Well-Known Member
You know you're a republican if:

You are more upset about Brokeback Mountain than Abu Ghraib.

I thought both were stupid, irrelevant and had their importance inflated by the media.

You can’t stand Hilary Clinton’s hair but you have no problem with Tom DeLay’s.

She looks like she has a stick, wrapped in razor wire shoved up her ass, and she even talks like it. High pitched, squeaky nauseating voice. Who the fuck's looking at her hair?

You think Global Warming is no big deal but environmentalists are a major problem.

The world would be better off if the Environmentalists would pay more attention to the climate over the last 10 years, which has been showing a cooling trend.

You support the "war on drugs" but think Rush Limbaugh is being prosecuted unfairly.

Don't support the War on Drugs, and don't really care for Rush Limbaugh.

You think professional athletes make too much money but Sam Walton’s kids deserve everything they have.

I don't know if they deserve it, but they do deserve to keep it, because their father earned it, and thus did deserve it.

Besides, the alternative is the government, and the last thing I think the government needs is more money.

You like the way George Bush walks.

:: blinks :: You know, I'm beginning to understand why liberals act so stupid on a routine basis. They give a damn more about a politicians hair, clothing and how they walk than what platform they are campaigning on.

You think Al Gore is "wooden" and Donald Rumsfeld has charisma.

I don't think he's wooden, he's just a shit-eating-maggot as can be verified by his shit eating grin.

You think CNN is biased but Fox News is neutral.

Don't watch either, don't have an opinion.

You like the sound of Newt Gingrich’s voice.

Haven't heard him speak, but have seen his writings, and he actually has substance behind his belief's. It's just too bad he's a politician instead of a statesman.

You are sure the United States has the best education and health care systems in the world.

No, the education system sucks because it's been hijacked by the National Association of Teachers, or whatever their stupid union is. And as a result retarded teachers in New York are still on payroll doing nothing, while real teachers have to deal with lousy pay.

There's a reason why Performance based Pay is a good thing.

As far as healthcare, it beats the alternatives. At least in our system if I don't need Healthcare I don't have to pay for it.

You think Dick Cheney is a straight shooter.

Don't know

You think Michael Chertoff’s beard makes him look distinguished.


You think the problem with our health care system is lawyers.

Actually Lawyer's are the problem with our entire society.

You think it was more important to locate Monica Lewinsky’s blue dress than to locate weapons of mass destruction.

Strange, I thought that was Bill Clinton's priorities, but at least unlike Clinton we don't think it's more important to get a BJ than to go after a Terrorist that has attacked our country.

You don’t believe "terrorism" has made Rudy Giuliani an incredibly rich man.

I don't honestly know.

You believe freedom of speech covers everything Pat Robertson says and does, but burning a flag should be illegal.

Personally, I think Freedom of Speech means that as long as its not slander or libel then it should be possible to say it.

Though speaking of burning flags, at least we don't get our panties in a wad when some one displays the Confederate Flag. Regardless of what you wish, that is part of our heritage. It does a lot of good to remember that the Federalists are intolerant fucks that will stop at nothing to take this country down in its entirety.

You can be in the same room with Brit Hume.


You have yourself convinced that the country and world are better off now than 5 years ago.

No, Obama's now in office, of course the World's not a better place.

You believe the "greenhouse effect" means better gardens.

No, I typically think of Venus, which is about 30 Million miles closer to the Sun.

You believe God is everywhere - except your motel room.

:: shrugs :: You really should figure out how many Democrats believe the same thing...

You might be a Democrat if...

... You think that it's more important to get a BJ from an Intern instead of accepting the offer from a foreign nation to arrest a terrorist leader that has already attacked your nation.

... If you pay more attention to what a politician wears, how they do their hair, and how they walk then what their stances are on a campaign issue.

... If you planned on voting for Hillary because she was a woman, or for Obama because he was Black, despite disagreeing with the vast majority of their platforms.

... If you actually watch CNN

... Believe that some speech should not be Free, because it's "mean"

... Still haven't gotten over Bush, despite the fact that he's no longer President.

... Actually believe in Global Warming, despite a lot of evidence in the contrary, former supporters speaking against it, and the fact that it's clear that Gore is just manipulating the issue for his own private gain.

... If you think that accepting contributions from corporations make Republicans evil, but doesn't have the same effect on Democrats.

... If you hide bribe money in a freezer.

... If you believe that people like Obama actually give a damn about you.

... If you think that Watergate was more massive than Clinton's Filegate Scandal.

... Believe that the government can make you "safer"

... Want the government to make you "safer" by taking away your fire arms and then releasing violent criminals on the streets where they can rob, rape and kill you.

... Believe that releasing violent criminals back into society will some how change them.

... Oppose the Death Penalty, but support Abortion



Well-Known Member
You think Michael Chertoff’s beard makes him look distinguished.


You know, the fascist that your boy Bush put in there as Secretary for Homeland Security who used the Constitution to wipe his ass with.
Did I mention he also wrote The Patriot Act?


Well-Known Member
You know, the fascist that your boy Bush put in there as Secretary for Homeland Security who used the Constitution to wipe his ass with.
Did I mention he also wrote The Patriot Act?
See, I don't really pay attention to small details like that, because they are irrelevant. Who cares about who wrote the Patriot Act, all that matters is that the idiot Bush signed it, and the idiots in Congress passed it.

Both parties are equally guilty of acting in a way that is contrary to the interests of the United States as a nation, economically, in global politics, and on Defense issues.

Both parties are guilty of sending billions in tribute to foreign nations by not pulling our soldiers back to the United States after a war.

It's the most comical thing ever when you think about it. Everyone goes on and on about how the United States does not build empires. Yes, we do, we just pretend not to.

We are still occupying Germany and Japan. We are still defending the Province of South Korea, and even after Obama's "Withdrawal" we're going to be defending the Province of Iraq with 50,000 soldiers.

Both parties are incompetent.

I think we need a new political party. Of course, in my opinion, the best candidates would be the combination of the Constitutional Party and Libertarian Party with some of the dumber ideas thrown out.

Like the Libertarians stance on the borders, and the Constitutional Party's stance on Nationalizing all Foreign Assets here in this country. Of course, the second depends on how they intend on accomplishing that nationalization. If they intend to purchase the assets from the foreign corporations with their voluntary assent or through eminent domain, then I don't see a problem with it. If they intend on not compensating the foreign corporations for their property here, then I see a problem with it.

There's some other issues that would need to be modified for them to be truly viable.

But even in their current forms, both parties represent better alternatives than the Democrats and the Republicans.

bucket head look how many wars were fought by dems= (cowardcrats) last century? how many dem war dead???ww2 over 450,000 Vietnam 63,000 all dem wars, bush 5,000 just look at the numbers dumb ass trader you should be hanged!


Well-Known Member
Are you all kidding me??? Maybe people should start to look into just exactly how and when this recession started. Bush until 2006 even with the war cut government spending by 18% and had an aproval rating of over 65%. in 2006 we elected a vast democrat majority in both the house and senate. then came the regulation over freddy and fanny. yes they were made to give sub prime mortgages to people who would otherwise not qualify for shit. thats what started the recession not Bush's war or spending. Look at history, every time the house and senate are democrat controled there has been a recession... every time. the president no matter who he is doesnt write law he can merly aprove or veto and in a veto case the senate just revotes. study a little bit about your government America... No wonder this country is going to shit. its because we elect socialist. do some research and turn off the mainstream media ie: Clinton News Network-cnn


Well-Known Member
PS.... modern republicans are no better, they are all a bunch of big government socialists... Its time we have a new major contender for a party, a new Conservative party in which we... idk... get back to what the hell the constitution says....


Well-Known Member
ok well i'm not gona read any of that. Just this.

Democrat in power = no debt

bush in power = 10 trillion dollar debt.

This is how i choose who to vote for and no
i'm not saying obama was the right choice.
are you ignorant? I think you are.
Obama just spent ten trillion in the first month and a half.he just beat bush's record


Well-Known Member
You might be a Democrat if...

... You think that it's more important to get a BJ from an Intern instead of accepting the offer from a foreign nation to arrest a terrorist leader that has already attacked your nation.

... If you pay more attention to what a politician wears, how they do their hair, and how they walk then what their stances are on a campaign issue.

... If you planned on voting for Hillary because she was a woman, or for Obama because he was Black, despite disagreeing with the vast majority of their platforms.

... If you actually watch CNN

... Believe that some speech should not be Free, because it's "mean"

... Still haven't gotten over Bush, despite the fact that he's no longer President.

... Actually believe in Global Warming, despite a lot of evidence in the contrary, former supporters speaking against it, and the fact that it's clear that Gore is just manipulating the issue for his own private gain.

... If you think that accepting contributions from corporations make Republicans evil, but doesn't have the same effect on Democrats.

... If you hide bribe money in a freezer.

... If you believe that people like Obama actually give a damn about you.

... If you think that Watergate was more massive than Clinton's Filegate Scandal.

... Believe that the government can make you "safer"

... Want the government to make you "safer" by taking away your fire arms and then releasing violent criminals on the streets where they can rob, rape and kill you.

... Believe that releasing violent criminals back into society will some how change them.

... Oppose the Death Penalty, but support Abortion

that explains it pretty good...
"When the governments stops governing for the people and begins governing over them it is every patriots duty to rise up with arms and begin anew..."-John Adams
"The tree of liberty must be watered in the blood of patriots..."-Thomas Jefferson

Yes I'ld say start buying and hiding your guns. Times are getting interesting...


Well-Known Member
You republicans need to stop using Obama/liberals as a distraction for Bush fucking up not only the country but the planet, people will not forget no matter how you all try to twist it.
they will know who to blame for the 6 million foreclosures this year.the 7 million lost jobs.
they will know who to blame for inflation through the roof and a unemployment rate of over 10% advertised and 25%. unadvertised(the government cooks the books real bad when it comes to numbers,they are always in the government favor the real numbers are always different)
obama and the democrats are going to get the blame.you said you all would fix it..well get to fixing .all you seem to be able to do is point fingers .try and place blame,this is going to be a ugly four years.oh yea .dont think you are pulling the wool over anyones eyes around here.the federal reserve under greenspan when clinton was in office took interest rates to 1% snf held them there for a year.this is what created these bubbles .why did greenspan do this shit? cause greenspan is a fucking liberal and used monetery policy as a tool in favor of his politics.
who was it that dictated to private banks to loan to inner city FOLKS who had no track record or ability to repay? oh yea..it was the democrats under clinton wasnt it?i bet you forgot that didnt you?i bet you have also forgot about NAFTA and GATT and permanent most favored trade status all under clinton didnt you?
liberals are such ignorant losers.
they think they can bull shit their way through life.
well let me tell you something,there is always a time when you have to pay the band for the dance.t
time to pay up.


Well-Known Member
Are you all kidding me??? Maybe people should start to look into just exactly how and when this recession started. Bush until 2006 even with the war cut government spending by 18% and had an aproval rating of over 65%. in 2006 we elected a vast democrat majority in both the house and senate.
Where do you get your facts from? Rush Limpballs? Bush's approval rating sunk to below 40% starting in 2005 and was down to 31% by 2006.



Well-Known Member
they will know who to blame for the 6 million foreclosures this year.the 7 million lost jobs.
they will know who to blame for inflation through the roof and a unemployment rate of over 10% advertised and 25%. unadvertised(the government cooks the books real bad when it comes to numbers,they are always in the government favor the real numbers are always different)
obama and the democrats are going to get the blame.you said you all would fix it..well get to fixing .all you seem to be able to do is point fingers .try and place blame,this is going to be a ugly four years.oh yea .dont think you are pulling the wool over anyones eyes around here.the federal reserve under greenspan when clinton was in office took interest rates to 1% snf held them there for a year.this is what created these bubbles .why did greenspan do this shit? cause greenspan is a fucking liberal and used monetery policy as a tool in favor of his politics.
who was it that dictated to private banks to loan to inner city FOLKS who had no track record or ability to repay? oh yea..it was the democrats under clinton wasnt it?i bet you forgot that didnt you?i bet you have also forgot about NAFTA and GATT and permanent most favored trade status all under clinton didnt you?
liberals are such ignorant losers.
they think they can bull shit their way through life.
well let me tell you something,there is always a time when you have to pay the band for the dance.t
time to pay up.
Max your imitation of an uneducated, raving nut job is spot on!:clap:


Well-Known Member
are you ignorant? I think you are.
Obama just spent ten trillion in the first month and a half.he just beat bush's record
hey max....that ten trillion dollar figure is still fairly stinky, you should give those numbers a little time to air out after you pull them out of your ass next time cause it reeks in here. in all seriousness where did you get that figure? rush? billo? almost half if not more of the money that has been allocated since obama took office was already intended to be spent And allocated by the next president. most of it was there already, so the question sir is, are you ignorant?


Well-Known Member
hey max....that ten trillion dollar figure is still fairly stinky, you should give those numbers a little time to air out after you pull them out of your ass next time cause it reeks in here. in all seriousness where did you get that figure? rush? billo? almost half if not more of the money that has been allocated since obama took office was already intended to be spent And allocated by the next president. most of it was there already, so the question sir is, are you ignorant?
when max has to flat out lie to make a point, what's the point? :wall:


New Member
Thanks guys ...

I honestly believe that a new, viable political party will be formed sometime within this year.

There ARE some libertarians in the Republican Party, folks as I described in my above post ... folks who sincerely believe in individual liberty and in chaining the federal government. There are more of these folks than we know. Some are brilliant and have the ability to lead. Some are already working in congress. Some were in congress and are no longer there. Most are Republicans but some are Democrats. Some are in state governments ... but there are enough of them that if they came together and formed a new, truly conservative libertarian based party, I'd support it. Would you?
