Will You vote for Obama?

Public Poll: Will you vote for Barack Obama?

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Well to start with proof...prior to election Obama stated he would leave the medical states alone and keep his goons in DC, however this has not been the case. We saw it all come to a head when they raided Oaksterdam University. Great lie Obama!!!
Dont get me started with Obama's signing of the NDAA or the Executive Order, Obama is puppet for the banksters.
How bout his "I inhaled thats what your suppose to do isn't it?" attitude, which recently was changed when he claimed that Legalization of marijunia was not the answer for the War on Drugs...

Down with Obama...
p.s. I have nigga-ricans for children, I am not a racist.


jbondrock:7309948 said:
Well to start with proof...prior to election Obama stated he would leave the medical states alone and keep his goons in DC, however this has not been the case. We saw it all come to a head when they raided Oaksterdam University. Great lie Obama!!!
Dont get me started with Obama's signing of the NDAA or the Executive Order, Obama is puppet for the banksters.
How bout his "I inhaled thats what your suppose to do isn't it?" attitude, which recently was changed when he claimed that Legalization of marijunia was not the answer for the War on Drugs...

Down with Obama...
p.s. I have nigga-ricans for children, I am not a racist.



I viewed these 2 articles and they hold no weight...
Just like most Obama supporters you point out the splinter in another persons eye, never noticing the lumber in your own.

I am aware Republicans for the most part help & or stand for war on drugs, but so the hell does Obama.
Obama is not willing to end war on drugs or Legalize Weed or Hemp! Obama said this himself.

This is from Obama's mouth "I am not in favor of legalization"
I viewed these 2 articles and they hold no weight...
Just like most Obama supporters you point out the splinter in another persons eye, never noticing the lumber in your own.

I am aware Republicans for the most part help & or stand for war on drugs, but so the hell does Obama.
Obama is not willing to end war on drugs or Legalize Weed or Hemp! Obama said this himself.

Read them instead of looking at the print on the page lol
mitt romney sure is pro legalization........:clap::clap::clap:
them republicans of course have we, the peoples best interest in mind. even though we dont realize it because it sure doesnt seem that way.........we are not smart enough to understand why their policies will work this time even though they failed horribley in the past.
If you are voting on the President based on their stance on marijuana, you are an idiot.

BushCo and the GOP took a budget surplus and in less than 8 years nearly ran the country into the ground, creating a massive deficit and national debt (just like Reagn/Bush before him). He signed the Patriot Act I and II stripping us of our rights. BUSH SIGNED THE NDAA FIRST.


People who think they are intelligent just because they smoke weed give us all a bad name. Do your homework.
Mitt Romney will sell this country and destroy it within his first two years. News story today states he needs $800M to run against Obama. That's a lot to repay in shady deals. ALL politicians are scrofulous. Get a clue.
just so everyone is clear i was commenting on the article that the one guy linked to that showed what some of mitt romneys thoughts are(all very negative towards mmj). i was being sarcastic about them being more mmj friendly than obamas thoughts.
Interesting you don't call out the majority of Blacks that voted based on the color of his skin.

blacks vote 90% democrat no matter who the candidate is.


I can't stand black people anymore.

awww, poor fella.

close your eyes, tap your feet together three times, and maybe, just maybe, all the blacks will disappear so that you will not be inconvenienced in any way. you poor soul.
I think it shows a true flaw in your logic and reasoning if you vote for him twice. The first time I can forgive you because you are either black or got swept up in the hopey changey rhetoric and you wanted to feel cool like the rest of the dumb-masses.

lol, what excellent "logic and reasoning".

some people, myself included, voted for the guy for one reason first and foremost: SCOTUS picks.

imagine if we had mccain in there appointing two conservative picks. do you really think that would do cannabis growers any favors?

lol, no.

This time around you are either too stupid to recognize failure, too lazy to make it through life on your own, or have succumbed to the class warfare rhetoric or the "war" on women...If you think you are voting for him because you think you are a logical, well educated voter....please...start thinking...because you're not. You are voting for the leader of the free world, NOT AMERICAN IDOL!!!

i just love conservative SCOTUS picks who make decisions like in raisch vs. gonzalez.

but of course, such an excellent thinker like yourself knows that.

This is from Obama's mouth "I am not in favor of legalization"

you left out the part where he says he favors decriminalization.

although i disagree with him adamantly on legalization vs. decriminalization, mr. romney believes in neither. mr. romney doesn't even believe in medical cannabis. i have access to youtube as well, ya know.

you did not present the whole truth. that's telling of partisan hackery.
dude rom wants to cut the HUD program and reduce education by half. what the fuck are they hiding if they are going to let someone in who wants to cut school by half?its bad enough as it is. but to make it worse. how do i change my vote to i will vote obama? id rather not let someone take out what i need. shit it will be my first year in school come fall if rom gets in i might end up on SSI for good. FUCK THAT!!!!