Will You vote for Obama?

Public Poll: Will you vote for Barack Obama?

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I would love to open a sporting goods/firearms shop in my town and I think it would really take off but there is just too much regulation around it that I don't even want to bother.

please list all the regulations you are unable to overcome that others do overcome all the time.
No body hates Obama because of his race...



apparently, if black people vote for obama, it is because they are all racists.

but there does not exist a single person in the entire country who hates obama due to racism, according to you, the genius.

hey genius, you with the big brain, explain to me why the entire country went bluer in 2008 minus arizona (mccain's home state) and wide swaths of the south.


Instead we are saying that he is intentionally nosediving this country and pumping the wealth and life out of it.



if i were "intentionally nosediving the country", i wouldn't bother helping the jobs situation in any way possible.

don't make me put up graphs of the GDP or the stock market, you'll just look like even more of a big-brained genius.

It's like a cancer taking over our states, nation, and world. I like to refer to this cancer as the progressive movement

you heard it here first folks.

the movement responsible for eradicating child labor, bringing you workers' rights, the 40 hour work week, minimum wage, the social safety net, civil rights, and so much more is "a cancer".

folks, the genius with the big brain said it, so it MUST be true.
Well to start with proof...prior to election Obama stated he would leave the medical states alone and keep his goons in DC, however this has not been the case. We saw it all come to a head when they raided Oaksterdam University. Great lie Obama!!!

you have proof that oaksterdam was fully compliant with all state laws? answer: no, you don't.

by the way, the crackdown came courtesy of california state attorneys, if the feds didn't help them, someone else would have.

i bet you can't find me any cases of people in full compliance with state laws getting busted by the feds. not a single one. i've been asking for a while now.
you left out the part where he says he favors decriminalization.

although i disagree with him adamantly on legalization vs. decriminalization, mr. romney believes in neither. mr. romney doesn't even believe in medical cannabis. i have access to youtube as well, ya know.

you did not present the whole truth. that's telling of partisan hackery.

I am glad you have Youtube & glad you actually state some fact and what seems to be self-appointed opinion. However my RIU friend lets be honest about decriminalization…Medical Marijuana is the basic foundation for decriminalization and the Obama run government has done real well with that procedure.
I was using this to show the two-faced, double-sided answers and B.S. he claims. The fact is neither political party is fair, for the people or functioning for the anything besides their largest financial gain, however with that being understood Obama has not done anything to be voted back in for another 4 years.

"Obama Supporters" (die-hard, Obama does nothing wrong) are as bad as the Voters who don't vote for him because his color
you have proof that oaksterdam was fully compliant with all state laws? answer: no, you don't.

by the way, the crackdown came courtesy of california state attorneys, if the feds didn't help them, someone else would have.

i bet you can't find me any cases of people in full compliance with state laws getting busted by the feds. not a single one. i've been asking for a while now.

For somebody so concerned about "taking out of context" you sure do keep grabbing partial quotes from people and then trying to discredit their statement/opinion (Like most Obama Supporters…)

Also you claim to not be able to find Legal Grows being busted, thats because the cases with most Law-Abiding Citizens being busted are with individuals who can't afford the proper media exposure/lawyer...

Or wait maybe we could use Marc Emery or any of the countless un-violent medical marijuana users???

How about these Grandparents: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ni7TNeS4tqs


Ahh UncleBuck, nice to see you trolling something other than the politics section..

apparently, if black people vote for obama, it is because they are all racists.

Most African Americans are racist, in my opinion of course. I feel like they are racist in a way of favoring their race over the Caucasian majority here in the U.S. when most Caucasians could care less. I personally am not racist

but there does not exist a single person in the entire country who hates obama due to racism, according to you, the genius.

Sorry let me rephrase myself; the vast majority of U.S. citizens that do not support Barack Hussein Obama II are not racist.

hey genius, you with the big brain, explain to me why the entire country went bluer in 2008 minus arizona (mccain's home state) and wide swaths of the south.



That's an easy one. They stacked the deck by making Americans hate George W. Bush and the GOP intentionally conditioning the sheeple for a Democratic president. A democratic president that was charismatic, just the right age, and supposedly intelligent speaking of change and helping the economy. Where is that now? What is this change?


if i were "intentionally nosediving the country", i wouldn't bother helping the jobs situation in any way possible.

don't make me put up graphs of the GDP or the stock market, you'll just look like even more of a big-brained genius.

First of all job creation is not the Presidents job it is the individual persons duty to take life by the balls and make a job. Call them an entrepreneur call them motivated.

That is a private sector graph of George W's second term while we were fighting in the Iraq War of course the private sector was low. He had something like 168,000 troops in Baghdad in September of 2007. That probably explains for the lack of a private sector other than the fact that we have been in a recession since (depending on who you are) 09/11. BHO II has been withdrawing troops and ended the Iraq war making more people look for jobs. Wal-mart and McDonalds employees are part of the private sector but that doesn't mean its a strong economy or that the jobs "created" are well paying. Probably most of BHO II's jobs that were "created" are 10k-35k jobs keeping people in poverty and relying on the Welfare Nation of Waste to pay for their food, children's food, health, and prescription pills.

you heard it here first folks.

the movement responsible for eradicating child labor, bringing you workers' rights, the 40 hour work week, minimum wage, the social safety net, civil rights, and so much more is "a cancer".

The movement that is also responsible for making people dependent on the state so that the people have no choice but to comply. The movement that is destructive of all the pain and hard work that our great great grand parents conducted. The movement that has ruined a high schoolers chance of ever getting an honest retirement plan. The movement that is turning the euro and the u.s. dollar inside out. The movement that is splitting the social classes into wealthy and poverty. The Middle Class has been a dying breed and it all could have been prevented by some good old fashioned management. The movement that is changing the world

folks, the genius with the big brain said it, so it MUST be true.

Hey I'm just trying to help this nation strive and be the super country that it has the potential of being. Is Pres. Barack Obama II the only one who can help? Are we all doomed without him winning his second term? What if I'm right? What if we are living like Russians in two years? Then what UncleBuck?

I am not claiming to be a genius or have a big brain silly. Besides, it's not how big the brain but how you use it. Your wife knows that I'm sure..
Also you claim to not be able to find Legal Grows being busted, thats because the cases with most Law-Abiding Citizens being busted are with individuals who can't afford the proper media exposure/lawyer...


basically you are saying "i can't find any examples of grows that are fully compliant with state law being busted, so here is my excuse".

Most African Americans are racist... the vast majority of U.S. citizens that do not support Barack Hussein Obama II are not racist.

hey everyone, the genius with the big brain is educating us on who is and who is not racist, using nothing but his pre-judged thoughts!


too fucking easy. i'll take the rest of your mindless drivel to task later on. but fuck, just look at how easy it will be for me to make sport of you when you make profoundly big-brained, genius comments like the one above.


Don't take my statements out of context please, thanks..

I said "Most African Americans are racist, in my opinion of course. I feel like they are racist in a way of favoring their race over the Caucasian majority here in the U.S." Are you trying to say most African Americans are not racist towards Caucasian Americans? Common now, we used to whip them and make them pick our cotton, of course they are racist. It's not something that will be washed away after black rights, African Americans will surely always separate themselves from the white man. Do I blame them? No. Just because one is racist doesn't mean they don't have a good reason for being that way.

If Caucasian Anti-Obama citizens of the USA were indeed racist we would most likely have seen many assassination attempts. I am actually quite surprised there were no large scale attempts yet.. It's not a race thing at all. It's the fact that we feel like he is an under qualified puppet

Don't take my statements out of context please, thanks..

I said "Most African Americans are racist, in my opinion of course. I feel like they are racist in a way of favoring their race over the Caucasian majority here in the U.S." Are you trying to say most African Americans are not racist towards Caucasian Americans? Common now, we used to whip them and make them pick our cotton, of course they are racist. It's not something that will be washed away after black rights, African Americans will surely always separate themselves from the white man. Do I blame them? No. Just because one is racist doesn't mean they don't have a good reason for being that way.

If Caucasian Anti-Obama citizens of the USA were indeed racist we would most likely have seen many assassination attempts. I am actually quite surprised there were no large scale attempts yet.. It's not a race thing at all. It's the fact that we feel like he is an under qualified puppet

i'm so thankful for the white guy with the big, genius brain to tell me who is racist and who is not.

what would i ever do without big brain white guys to tell me who is and who is not racist? why, i'd have to judge people by the content of their character, and we can't be having that.
i'm so thankful for the white guy with the big, genius brain to tell me who is racist and who is not.

what would i ever do without big brain white guys to tell me who is and who is not racist? why, i'd have to judge people by the content of their character, and we can't be having that.

Hahaha typical UB.. Dismissive troll. Making fun of someone through over used sarcasm to make yourself seem intelligent or correct. Ohhh big brain, duuuuhhhh, I'm unclebuck all i do is inflame but never back up my thoughts, duuuuuhhhhhh... I asked you questions and like always, you failed to answer... "Are you trying to say most African Americans are not racist towards Caucasian Americans?"

And who you calling white guy? Your're white! You say white guy like a racist lol do you hate your self?

I don't even know why You and I are talking about race lol... I was simply responding to jbondrock saying that it's not a race thing making people against Obama, but an ethnics and values problem. You always ruin the convo.. Always. Unless you are going to say that anti obamaist are indeed racist, stay the fuck out of the way

I really find it wholly funny how many people have no idea what they are talking about. I would have more respect for the racist assholes if they would just admit it. Please come out of the closet and be a man.
No body hates Obama because of his race or we would be calling him a wide nosed, oily skin, stinky, watermelon eating, Kenyan. Instead we are saying that he is intentionally nosediving this country and pumping the wealth and life out of it.



apparently, if black people vote for obama, it is because they are all racists.

but there does not exist a single person in the entire country who hates obama due to racism, according to you, the genius.
Most African Americans are racist, in my opinion of course. I feel like they are racist in a way of favoring their race over the Caucasian majority here in the U.S. when most Caucasians could care less. I personally am not racist

I made the mistake of saying no body when I should have said, the vast majority of U.S. citizens that do not support Barack Hussein Obama II are not racist. And in your predictable trolling manner you jumped on it...

You're all about twisting words and taking things out of context to quickly belittle someone while attempting to sound intelligent.
I don't even know why You and I are talking about race...

because you made the profoundly stupid claim that "most blacks are racist and no white person is a racist".

did you go around conducting a survey of black people? asking them all, one by one, if they were racist and 51% said that they were?

you crack me up.

i'm surprised people like you manage to eat food without stabbing your eyeball with a spork.
I've been waiting all day.. By the time you attempt to rebut I'll be gettin high with my hunny watching hunger games so take your time

and i'm still waiting for you to list exactly what regulations are preventing you from opening your super mega awesome business.

it shouldn't be that tough for such a genius with a big brain like yourself.
i bet you can't find me any cases of people in full compliance with state laws getting busted by the feds. not a single one. i've been asking for a while now.

I personally know 3 collective owners in WA that were raided even though they were in full compliance with state law and the city ordinances.

Fact of the matter is....it's still federally illegal. State rights don't exist when it comes to medical cannabis