Will You vote for Obama?

Public Poll: Will you vote for Barack Obama?

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and i'm still waiting for you to list exactly what regulations are preventing you from opening your super mega awesome business.

it shouldn't be that tough for such a genius with a big brain like yourself.

Taxes you fool, taxes and fees.. And high interest rates on hard to get, short term loans. You have to deal with getting business loans which the banks don't make it so easy to get, unlike when they give a loan to buy a house which one can not possibly afford. Gov, big corps, and banks are scratching each others backs

Life is a monopoly that the wealthy control. It's almost not even worth opening your own shop because big ugly corporations like walmart can sell for less and online sales are waay easier for the consumers. Did you know that Hillary Clinton was on the 15 member board of directors for wal-mart for 8 years? One of the biggest blood sucking corporations to sit its nasty ass in the USA. I just saw that the other day and wanted to share it. Movie is about to start so i g2g. have fun every one
Taxes you fool, taxes and fees.. And high interest rates on hard to get, short term loans. You have to deal with getting business loans which the banks don't make it so easy to get, unlike when they give a loan to buy a house which one can not possibly afford. Gov, big corps, and banks are scratching each others backs

Life is a monopoly that the wealthy control. It's almost not even worth opening your own shop because big ugly corporations like walmart can sell for less and online sales are waay easier for the consumers. Did you know that Hillary Clinton was on the 15 member board of directors for wal-mart for 8 years? One of the biggest blood sucking corporations to sit its nasty ass in the USA. I just saw that the other day and wanted to share it. Movie is about to start so i g2g. have fun every one

i had no idea that taxes were a regulation. and the fact that they are at historic lows makes me LOL @ you.

and banks not giving you a better interest rate? barely sounds like a regulation to me.

i see people opening businesses all the time, so it's not impossible like you make it out to be. i think you are just a professional victim who spends his time lamenting all those racist blacks and that cancerous hillary clinton instead of developing a solid business plan and procuring your loan.

and what about saving up some money so you don't have to take out a loan? can't you just pull yourself up by the bootstraps instead of blaming all your problems on "they"?

jeez, what a victim you are. i'll be sure to cry some crocodile tears for you.
Have to give it to you guys some really great trolling going on right here. Bravo.

i'm not even trolling, i'm making sport of 1shit1fool for his absolutely idiotic claims about racism.

also doing a little defending of the facts for others that are confused. before you call me an obama lover, keep in mind that i have defended rick santorum multiple times from unfair criticism and partisan hackery.

i mean, rick santorum. need i say more?

Don't take my statements out of context please, thanks..

I said "Most African Americans are racist, in my opinion of course. I feel like they are racist in a way of favoring their race over the Caucasian majority here in the U.S." Are you trying to say most African Americans are not racist towards Caucasian Americans? Common now, we used to whip them and make them pick our cotton, of course they are racist. It's not something that will be washed away after black rights, African Americans will surely always separate themselves from the white man. Do I blame them? No. Just because one is racist doesn't mean they don't have a good reason for being that way.

If Caucasian Anti-Obama citizens of the USA were indeed racist we would most likely have seen many assassination attempts. I am actually quite surprised there were no large scale attempts yet.. It's not a race thing at all. It's the fact that we feel like he is an under qualified puppet

Great point my friend…
Get use to Uncle Ben taking your statements out of context.:wall:
Taxes you fool, taxes and fees.. And high interest rates on hard to get, short term loans. You have to deal with getting business loans which the banks don't make it so easy to get, unlike when they give a loan to buy a house which one can not possibly afford. Gov, big corps, and banks are scratching each others backs

Life is a monopoly that the wealthy control. It's almost not even worth opening your own shop because big ugly corporations like walmart can sell for less and online sales are waay easier for the consumers. Did you know that Hillary Clinton was on the 15 member board of directors for wal-mart for 8 years? One of the biggest blood sucking corporations to sit its nasty ass in the USA. I just saw that the other day and wanted to share it. Movie is about to start so i g2g. have fun every one

Regulations were killing me in my bussiness. Mostly state regs and city policies. So I moved to a different state with lower taxes and way fewer regs. I paid nearly 50% of what I made before in taxes, licence fees and then insurance was 15% on top of that. Now we pay 1/2 of that in taxes, licences and insurance. Having your own bussiness means long hours and a lot of sacrifices. A good job with benefits, that I had before I started this bussiness paid me more per hour than I make now. Carpenters Union $50 per hour whole package- hard to beat.
You should read the politics section. DessertDude and UncleBuck nearly overload the servers

I stopped listening to a few people on this site. They are like rabid dogs and don't know how to have a conversation without losing control. It's their way or the highway and can't understand why people no longer listen to them.
i'm not even trolling, i'm making sport of 1shit1fool for his absolutely idiotic claims about racism.

also doing a little defending of the facts for others that are confused. before you call me an obama lover, keep in mind that i have defended rick santorum multiple times from unfair criticism and partisan hackery.

i mean, rick santorum. need i say more?

You changed your av, who is it? He looks familiar.
I stopped listening to a few people on this site. They are like rabid dogs and don't know how to have a conversation without losing control. It's their way or the highway and can't understand why people no longer listen to them.
I know. Everybody stopped listening to me. :( I can't understand it...
i had no idea that taxes were a regulation.

Well now you do ass face. ;-)

and the fact that they are at historic lows makes me LOL @ you.

Actually you're wrong, the historic low was from 1912-1916 at 7% and 1924-1932 at 25%. That makes me LMFAO @ You

And I didn't know that a $22,250+39% Federal Corporate Income Tax on businesses making $100,000 to $335,000 was considered low, it should be lower in my opinion. And an additional State Corporate Income Tax of 8% to top it all off. Thank God there is no carbon tax, yet. That will be coming in the next term... Like Moses Mobetta wrote, he was paying nearly 50% of his income in taxes to the government. Fifty fucking percent?!?!?!? Do "they" deserve that?

and banks not giving you a better interest rate? barely sounds like a regulation to me.

Didn't call it a regulation now did I. I was simply stating how hard it is to get started once you have a good idea..

i see people opening businesses all the time, so it's not impossible like you make it out to be.

Didn't say it was impossible, more like not worth it lol

i think you are just a professional victim who spends his time lamenting all those racist blacks and that cancerous hillary clinton instead of developing a solid business plan and procuring your loan.

I am not a victim of anything lol You're trying to make me look like a little bitch when actually you are the bitch.. And this is the first convo I have had involving race. A convo that you have instigated and drug out to make me out to be a racist or bigot, again something that I am not.. I don't even want to talk about race, I was only stating that we don't hate obama because of his skin but because hes undesirable. And Hillary Clinton was just a fun fact I wanted to slip in. I rarely think about her awesome doings..

and what about saving up some money so you don't have to take out a loan? can't you just pull yourself up by the bootstraps instead of blaming all your problems on "they"?

I wish I could. I was pulling in $660 a week but still couldn't save enough capital to start a business. The cost of living is so high due to inflation of the U.S. dollar which was caused by printing more $ to "stimulate" the economy. Thinking about starting one online first to get some products flowing... And I'm not blaming any of my problems on "they" hahahaha I'm saying watch your back because "they" are coming

jeez, what a victim you are. i'll be sure to cry some crocodile tears for you.
Again I'm no victim, only wishing for some120px-Change_We_Can_Believe_In.svg.png but thank you for the tears... Pick away you little crow, pick away. I'm sure you'll find some minor problem with my wording.
i'm not even trolling, i'm making sport of 1shit1fool for his absolutely idiotic claims about racism.

So correct my idiotic mistake Mr. Perfect. Are you saying that most African Americans are not racist towards U.S. Caucasians for what we did during the cotton picking days? And most Caucasians dislike Barack Hussein Obama II because of his skin color?
The amusing part of this thread is the realization that the alternative to O'Bama will be Romney. Which means, no more medical marijuana. Stiffer penalties and tougher Marijuana laws. Not to mention how he is going to wreck social security, medicare, public schools, college grants, the health care system, unemployment, minimum wage, equal pay for women, etc., etc., etc.. Every safety net and resource for the middle class will be gutted or ended.

Yes, by all means, vote for Romney. Vote against your best interests. Help him finish this country off simply because you don't like that scary black man in the white house who is going to take all your stuff.