WTF can't germinate a seed to save my life


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Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I wound suggest doing this:

Soak in a cup of water for 24 hours. If you can push the seed and it sinks after 24 hours, put it between two paper towels that are soaked. Ensure the towels stay soaked and in 2-3 days you should have a taproot. Can take up to 2 weeks before you should write off the seed. Here’s my girl already.


The breeders of some of the best beans for sale......
Will not honor any type of Guarantee on their beans if you soak them, at all!
Soaking can "drown" beans easy.
Some waters contain little to no dissolved o2. This alone helps to drown seeds and/or deprives o2 to the developing sprout to stall and die off, even after moving a popped bean to it's first media.

I don't agree with "soaked" at all! "DAMP' would be my suggestion!

For the most part. I get the bulk of my beans ready to put into root riots in 24 hrs. A few might go 48 but, after that. The beans that have taken longer then 2 days, have proven to be weaker and fussy when running them out... It has been the rule of thumb so far that only twice (2) have I saved a late popping bean for it's trait. One later failed due to crappy growth patterns and poor vigor to he other simply not wanting to clone for shit....

I do still attempt to run those out in any pheno hunting. Hard to kill off a plant before seeing if it will grow out of it's original problems.

2 weeks? I have never seen anything pop after 4-5 days.. These were old, poorly stored beans.

The whole point here anyway, is......The OP's beans were not viable. Poorly stored and most likely dried out...