Well-Known Member
U don't know wtf your talking about. Ur the dude who said u ran from the police and then blew .70. Then when I called u out u said oh it was .47...I didn't call u out again b/c I didn't want to b a dick. But, it's obvious your a liar. So, I have no respect for your opinion, whatsoever. You're probably a young kid with no life experience trying to talk shit about something u know nothing about.You are still a
I agree with most of what u said but I call bullshit on this one. I'm not even making that assumption based on personal experience since you obviously believe I'm too young to jump to such conclusions. I know others who are much older than me and quite successful who would say that's bullshit. I know 40 and 50 year olds who love to snort coke once in awhile. Others who like to take pills. My dad for one. I got many other examples. Some may ruin their lives but not all do. Everybody is different...Bottom line use the drug. Don't let the drug use youIt's a chemical that effects a chemical system. In particular quantities it has particular effects, in a particular setting it has particular effects. The reality is that just because a person has some experience with a drug doesn't mean they have enough experience to determine that taking that particular drug won't cause harm. The concept of a mighty WILL that remains unperturbed when a person introduces a substance into his or her body is a concept carried by those with very little experience with drugs over time. I say "over time" because spending the two years between 16-18 as a miscreant drug addict certainly isn't enough experience to determine much of anything.
One conclusion that most who use drugs over time reach is that some substances influence our moods and behaviour more negatively than others. Those who are able to integrate drugs into their lives in such a way that they enhance their lives are able to do so because they care enough about themselves to take there own suseptabilities seriously.
I enjoy the effect of xanax on rare occasions but have found I'm likely to be irritable and depressed the day after using it so It's rare that I use it. Xanax is also so easy to use habitually. I mean it doesn't stink like weed or alcohol. Doesn't spill or require smoking, is hard to detect a person who is on a reasonable dose, helps with social anxiety and sleep (which means added vectors of possible of dependence), and there is an entire industry that will gladly supply the justifications one might need to use the stuff habitually (the psychiatric industry if you were wondering).
Also, and perhaps I'm wrong here but I think that it can be fairly accurately said that just about every individual who fucks over themselves and their loved ones through substance abuse starts out with the belief that it can't happen to them.