i used to get xanax prescribed for my GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) but they were the little ones. im not gonna lie i still pop them once in a while just to get blasted but be calm and relaxed at the same time lol. ive never been addicted to them even when i was a teen. i know plenty of people that have gotten all fucked up off those pills. and ive gotten so fucked off them that i didnt remember shit the next day lol
oh god, OXYCOTIN. That shit was AMAZING. But it seriously fucked me up. I don't like pills that much anymore cuz they fuck with your CNS (Central Nervous System)
So its adderall and smack huh... I win lol, I figured the 2 out :wink:

Im picking up footballs today... .5mg all the wayyyyyy all dayyyyy