Yesterday's Mass Shooting. i don't usually join in the political discussions, but people actually think that Russia, or any country for that matter, wants individuals in the US to have guns? that seems quite counter to any strategy they might have against the US. disarming a population would be a great strategy to make any nation more vulnerable to attack. just having dealt with my schizo brother, i can see how a human can just make up stuff to make themselves feel what they want. still, that doesn't make it make any logical sense independently. not saying it's right or not, it's just that claiming Russia wants us to have guns doesn't make sense. They don't. What they would really love is us to put our weapons down and let them take armed citizenry might cause a few problems for them as we are seeing in Ukraine as we speak. better yet, have internal conflict within ourselves.
Your idea won't work in America, because we have a bunch of nefarious motherfuckers...and most of them are in congress, sitting on the republican side of the room. If you could get them to pass such legislation, it would certainly help, but these people are invested in their careers, and bought and paid for with russian money through the NRA. They have cultivated a base that is mostly made up of people with deep self worth and social interaction issues, who freak the fuck out if you suggest anything of the kind, and the republicans aren't going to commit political suicide pissing them kids get to get really dead, to keep their sick, pathetic careers alive.
You just nailed the solution to the problem, vote out republicans.

lol. you don't get it. at all. they play both sides against you. and you fell for it. lol again. like my econometrics professor told us the last day of econ will make a lot more money worry about making more money that you ever will worrying about politics. that is what Russia and friends is really after. you're just helping them.
All I can say is -Things are going to get worse - who knows when these things going to stop _ Guess what - IT ISN'T - the answer is ???
The answer is in 24, that's where this and a bunch of other shit will be decided, and I must say Donald is doing a wonderful job of destroying the GOP while he's out running around loose. You would be surprised what properly written federal law can do about gun control in America, just by increasing the liability of owning one and increasing the burden and costs. If the federal government can regulate automatic weapons and calibers, then it can regulate semiautomatic weapons including pistols constitutionally. The 2nd is for national defense purposes, and many forget the well-regulated part, it does not mention guns, just arms and at the time it was written that included artillery, rockets, grenades and bombs, the government regulates those now too.
lol. you don't get it. at all. they play both sides against you. and you fell for it. lol again. like my econometrics professor told us the last day of econ will make a lot more money worry about making more money that you ever will worrying about politics. that is what Russia and friends is really after. you're just helping them. don't get it...the republicans lie through their teeth and claim that both sides are the same, and they are not...but you believe it... i don't usually join in the political discussions, but people actually think that Russia, or any country for that matter, wants individuals in the US to have guns? that seems quite counter to any strategy they might have against the US. disarming a population would be a great strategy to make any nation more vulnerable to attack. just having dealt with my schizo brother, i can see how a human can just make up stuff to make themselves feel what they want. still, that doesn't make it make any logical sense independently. not saying it's right or not, it's just that claiming Russia wants us to have guns doesn't make sense. They don't. What they would really love is us to put our weapons down and let them take armed citizenry might cause a few problems for them as we are seeing in Ukraine as we speak. better yet, have internal conflict within ourselves.

An actual invasion is nonsense, it would actually unify the population. We have dumped so much money into our military that we could just hand out guns if that was necessary.

It's about destabilizing a target country and causing internal strife and division. The Russians learned from us, we can regime change like a mofo. Make things bad in a nation so the population removes the leadership, no invasion necessary.
Nothing, you are the first one I´v heard talking about it. CZ alrady is in "Visegrad 4", with Poland, Slovakia and Magyars. I´m a fan of it, but it doesn´t work at all, 4 small countriues with the same interests but cant cooperate anyway.

"Something about Russians they didn't like. "-russians occupid this country for 20 years, and even here you can find people supporting them figting on Ukraine. Just don´t understand it, there are idiots everywhere...

Why? Did they forget what communism is like or because they never knew?
The Nashville police did their job and rushed in without hesitation to neutralize the shooter unlike those cowards in Uvalde. They should be commended for their bravery.

my lady is from Africa and doesn't really appreciate feminititiy in men so much. masculinity is supreme for her as it is across the whole of Africa as well as many other places in the world. you can't shame me. i fit in where i am. the real shame here is that a canadian cares so much about us domestic politics and social policy. so funny. there is a border for reason. Canada has some pretty big issues to sort and none of it has to do with social bullshit that you seem so concerned about. I suggest you should become a mom,that would let you police a bunch of children as to who they should could be very rewarding. just think about it. you can get a sex change paid by your government, then get pregnant. Isn't it so cool when a man gets prego? I think so.

The social stuff here is getting ridiculous. The far left wants to defund the police while crime rises and use the money for gender reassignment. If someone wants to change their gender then let them pay for it.
you are enabling them right now by picking a side. please stop for the rest of our sakes. the ONLY TWO PARTIES system has got you...heads up they aren't really different. there are super rich folks who don't like regime change....and that is why the regime doesn't really ever change. it would be detrimental to us all if we had a politcial revolution every 4 years....instead we just get alternating sides of the same coin. i bet you think it matters which side you pick when you flip a coin. if not voting helps republicans you should talk to the democrats who don't vote. there aren't really a lot of republicans. it's amazing so many people don't feel like you and voice that by not showing up.....because it doesn't matter. the people are not and never will be in control and that is true in most countries.
I just don't agree with you...I won't try to tell you that there are no bad democrats, no lazy or crooked one, but from all the evidence that i can see, it's about a ten to one ratio to the republicans.
The democrats are trying to ratify the rights of lgbtq people, they're trying to ratify the rights of women to make their own healthcare choices, without government interference. They're trying to get some meaningful gun laws passed, but are stonewalled at every turn by republicans.
They're trying to rebuild the crumbling infrastructure of the country. They're trying to make the ultra rich pay their fair share of taxes...

Republicans on the other hand, are trying to regress the country to 1948, where women and minorities didn't have a voice, and poor whites did as they were told, for fear of losing their jobs. They want to eliminate all social support programs, they want to close our borders completely, except for very well educated tech employable people, but those people are losing interest in coming to our backwards racist country that treats workers like shit.
They want to arm school teachers, hire racist militia members as police officers, burn books, and ban ideas...

If you can tell me those two parties are the same, then you have perceptual problems.

Why it does not like this? Png?
