Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

3% of the population own 50% of the guns and if ya went to 10% you would have the vast majority of them. Most people would turn them in and then they can focus on the holdouts. Eventually technology will be the answer, with robodog coming out of the rubble with a gun in this jaw pincers and some will no doubt have cold dead hands attached. The ATF guys will be parked down the road having coffee in the van. :wink:
Makes me kinda wonder since we've been producing guns for a couple of centuries, how many private sales or barters/trades have been made with no tie to the ATF?... Im willing to bet that it's 50/50 from private (untraceable) sales to registered ATF guns. I've prob traded or sold 40-50 guns in my lifetime alone with no paper trail.... which, as far as I know is perfectly legal. You can even advertise in some local papers weapons that you have for sale.... FB is a no go, so you have to do word of mouth, or paper advertise. Some people will do these transactions to contact you with a burner, and a made up name. They never give you thier real name, and we make a transaction off base (not from your home), and don't take your smartphone with you. I don't think I've ever sold or traded with anyone under the age of 50. They're old, but smart.
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Makes me kinda wonder since we've been producing guns for a couple of centuries, how many private sales or barters/trades have been made with no tie to the ATF?... Im willing to bet that it's 50/50 from private (untraceable) sales to registered ATF guns. I've prob traded or sold 40-50 guns in my lifetime alone with no paper trail.... which, as far as I know is perfectly legal.
Oh, robocop and robodog will be busy for years and eventually it will be like Texas where yer neighbors can make 10 grand ratting ya out then sue ya for emotional trauma for even knowing about a gun, just like abortion. Ron and Gregg have broken new ground with burning books and attacking Micky mouse. It is amazing the things they can outlaw. What if a drag queen was doing open carry, would that count? So, I figure after the red state fascists are done, it will be illegal to have a sinful thought, much less own a gun! If they make contraception illegal, then men will have to go out of state for that secret operation, which the laws are causing their wives to demand! MAGA
Makes me kinda wonder since we've been producing guns for a couple of centuries, how many private sales or barters/trades have been made with no tie to the ATF?... Im willing to bet that it's 50/50 from private (untraceable) sales to registered ATF guns. I've prob traded or sold 40-50 guns in my lifetime alone with no paper trail.... which, as far as I know is perfectly legal. You can even advertise in some local papers weapons that you have for sale.... FB is a no go, so you have to do word of mouth, or paper advertise.
Totally legal to transfer firearms without any paperwork depending on the state and type of firearm. And since when does The Bandit abide by any laws, :smile:
Oh, robocop and robodog will be busy for years and eventually it will be like Texas where yer neighbors can make 10 grand ratting ya out then sue ya for emotional trauma for even knowing about a gun, just like abortion. Ron and Gregg have broken new ground with burning books and attacking Micky mouse. It is amazing the things they can outlaw. What if a drag queen was doing open carry, would that count? So, I figure after the red state fascists are done, it will be illegal to have a sinful thought, much less own a gun! If they make contraception illegal, then men will have to go out of state for that secret operation, which the laws are causing their wives to demand! MAGA
Well... thank god I'll prob be dead by then. ... and I'm already cut :) All's I know, it that I would not want to be raising a child up in today's World... it's just nuts. I grew up with no cell phones, left the house on my bike, back home before the streetlights came on, and drank out of the water hose, and I've done some really stupid shit, I've had 84 stitches in my head by the time I was 7, went septic and was in the hospital for 2 months, nearly died about that same time, broke about 8-9 bones racing motorcycles, had Covid twice, unvaxxed, but.. here I am at 54 still kicking' it... so really, getting shot is not at the top of my priorities to worry about, remotely, you just kinda gotta have some sort of plan/protection. If the grid got shut down tomorrow, we'd be fine. We have things to barter, free water, a freezer full of meat, local deer if we need more, and A LOT of ammo for looters.
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Well... thank god I'll prob be dead by then. ... and I'm already cut :) All's I know, it that I would not want to be raising a child up in today's World... it's just nuts. I grew up with no cell phones, left the house on my bike, back home before the streetlights came on, and drank out of the water hose, and I've done some really stupid shit, I've had 84 stitches in my head by the time I was 7, went septic and was in the hospital for 2 months, nearly died about that same time, broke about 8-9 bones racing motorcycles, had Covid twice, unvaxxed, but.. here I am at 54 still kicking' it.
If yer lucky, life is what ya make it and kids today will have to live with their young and stupid selves forever, we cringe at out high school photos, they will have a digital legacy to worry about. People can be pretty politically incorrect as callow drunk youths. Technology drives social change, look at the collection of freaks TV and cable produced in the 60s, 70s and 80s (many here :lol: ), who knows what the internet and cellphones will spawn next.
If yer lucky, life is what ya make it and kids today will have to live with their young and stupid selves forever, we cringe at out high school photos, they will have a digital legacy to worry about. People can be pretty politically incorrect as callow drunk youths. Technology drives social change, look at the collection of freaks TV and cable produced in the 60s, 70s and 80s (many here :lol: ), who knows what the internet and cellphones will spawn next.
I know right??!!??... Technology has made leaps and bounds in the past 20 years. I can see what's going on at my place from anywhere in the World real time, alerts for digital trip wires, tell a smartphone to play my favorite songs, watch any movie I want on Netflix on a plane, ask a robot any mathematical equation with just my voice, or directions,...... what's going to happen in another 20 years?
If you need to carry protection every time you go out, perhaps a personality correction is required.
I don't carry every time I go out... well, except If I go to L town... about 25 miles from me. Was once the highest crime rate per capita in the U.S. ... shady ass 100,000 pop town. Or If I sell something on FB or Marketplace that they have to come pick up... otherwise, im not a freak about it chief.
If you need to carry protection every time you go out, perhaps a personality correction is required.
Oh I dunno. Concealed carry can cover some hard choices.

Quick story ....we live pretty remote. The house is about 1000 yards from a "country road". Paige was bragging to me that 2 men showed up at the door while I was gone trying to sell her insurance even tho I have cameras and a "No Trespassing" sign at the entrance. She showed a .410 shot gun and told them to leave. She told them "Did you not see the no trespassing sign"... they said "Thats for criminals"... they eventually left, but as she was telling me this story, I asked her "Do you know where the safety is on this gun?"..... she lowered her head.... I said, "They could have easily taken you over and beat you to death with your own weapon that you don't even know how to operate".... Yeah, we've gone over it 100 times already. Sometimes, you just need guns, but you also need to know how to operate 15-20 (I lost count) them. We've started a training system since then.
I know right??!!??... Technology has made leaps and bounds in the past 20 years. I can see what's going on at my place from anywhere in the World real time, alerts for digital trip wires, tell a smartphone to play my favorite songs, watch any movie I want on Netflix on a plane, ask a robot any mathematical equation with just my voice, or directions,...... what's going to happen in another 20 years?
AI, eventually right and left ideologies will be meaningless, we steadily produce more stuff with fewer people and still we have labor shortages. Even though the super-rich are stealing us blind, there are mountains of perfectly good things thrown out every year by neighbors and myself and I live in a middle-class neighborhood, my father's generation would be appalled at the waste, they repaired or fixed everything. You live better than the King of England did after the war, have a better car, more comfortable home, better food and better access to information and better healthcare, technology made it so.

Ask yourself when they have humanoid robots that can do many tasks a human can do, what will most people do. As an example electric trucks have no gears and can be automated, picking up a driver outside town if required and can be recharged on the move from pantographs like trolleys and trains, only part of the main route need be electrified lanes, the trucks will have batteries. There are hundreds of thousands of truck drivers in the states and it is beginning to happen. Just using shipping containers caused major changes and that wasn't rocket science, just innovation. So, in 30 to 50 years people are gonna be living lives of luxury and recreation or be useless mouths to feed and warehouse by an elite. Some serious economic and political changes will be required to get us from here to there and it looks like it could be a rough road for some.
AI, eventually right and left ideologies will be meaningless, we steadily produce more stuff with fewer people and still we have labor shortages. Even though the super-rich are stealing us blind, there are mountains of perfectly good things thrown out every year by neighbors and myself and I live in a middle-class neighborhood, my father's generation would be appalled at the waste, they repaired or fixed everything. You live better than the King of England did after the war, have a better car, more comfortable home, better food and better access to information and better healthcare, technology made it so.

Ask yourself when they have humanoid robots that can do many tasks a human can do, what will most people do. As an example electric trucks have no gears and can be automated, picking up a driver outside town if required and can be recharged on the move from pantographs like trolleys and trains, only part of the main route need be electrified lanes, the trucks will have batteries. There are hundreds of thousands of truck drivers in the states and it is beginning to happen. Just using shipping containers caused major changes and that wasn't rocket science, just innovation. So, in 30 to 50 years people are gonna be living lives of luxury and recreation or be useless mouths to feed and warehouse by an elite. Some serious economic and political changes will be required to get us from here to there and it looks like it could be a rough road for some.
Totally true.