Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

Ask yourself when they have humanoid robots that can do many tasks a human can do, what will most people do. As an example electric trucks have no gears and can be automated, picking up a driver outside town if required and can be recharged on the move from pantographs like trolleys and trains, only part of the main route need be electrified lanes, the trucks will have batteries. There are hundreds of thousands of truck drivers in the states and it is beginning to happen. Just using shipping containers caused major changes and that wasn't rocket science, just innovation. So, in 30 to 50 years people are gonna be living lives of luxury and recreation or be useless mouths to feed and warehouse by an elite. Some serious economic and political changes will be required to get us from here to there and it looks like it could be a rough road for some.
Humans adapt to their environment and I'm sure we will figure something out.

Humans adapt to their environment and I'm sure we will figure something out.

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It is the nature of that adaptation that concerns me, we are on a technological ride into the future with no getting off. I believe the internet and cellphones are causing some maladaptation now and the mental health statistics of young people are very concerning. When you can buy a humanoid robot to do work for you like take care of the house and other such shit for a reasonable price, then those with capital will buy not just them, and if you thought things like railways and the internet concentrated wealth, wait until you see AI...
What if a drag queen was doing open carry, would that count? So, I figure after the red state fascists are done, it will be illegal to have a sinful thought, much less own a gun! If they make contraception illegal, then men will have to go out of state for that secret operation, which the laws are causing their wives to demand! MAGA

Californians.... can you check a firearm into a Cali airport from out of State? The internet is kinda all over the map on this. I've done Alaska, and other places, but I know Cali has some weird rules.
Californians.... can you check a firearm into a Cali airport from out of State? The internet is kinda all over the map on this. I've done Alaska, and other places, but I know Cali has some weird rules.
Somewhat helpful... I'll give it a whirl tomorrow, if TSA says no go, I'll just leave it in OKC and pick it back up Fri.