Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

i know the premise, but never watched any of them...killer earthworms don't do anything for me...
You can fuck right off with that bullshit ya commie! The Tremors series of movies, and one season as a TV show, are the finest cinematic masterpieces of their time.

Edit: school shooter drills started in at least first grade here, I imagine kindergarten though. It's sad and weird, extremely frustrating that it's needed and we aren't willing to try and fix it.
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Open carry in Tennessee someone could legally walk right up to that guard or a school with an AR15, shit the guard would be breaking the law if they tried to get the drop on them FFS. Tell me racism doesn't keep these kinds of people in power, it is statistically impossible for people to be this fucking stupid on their own, they need help.

Tennessee governor proposes putting armed guard in public schools

3,674 views Apr 3, 2023 #Tennessee #GunReform #SchoolSafety
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee is set to propose new school safety measures in the wake of a recent Nashville mass shooting, and one of the measures is placing an armed guard at every public school and provide grant funding for private schools to also have an armed guard.
Open carry in Tennessee someone could legally walk right up to that guard or a school with an AR15, shit the guard would be breaking the law if they tried to get the drop on them FFS. Tell me racism doesn't keep these kinds of people in power, it is statistically impossible for people to be this fucking stupid on their own, they need help.

Tennessee governor proposes putting armed guard in public schools

3,674 views Apr 3, 2023 #Tennessee #GunReform #SchoolSafety
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee is set to propose new school safety measures in the wake of a recent Nashville mass shooting, and one of the measures is placing an armed guard at every public school and provide grant funding for private schools to also have an armed guard.
i just sent him an email, suggesting that stopping all person to person sales would do much more than armed guards...i'm sure it will trigger an epiphany... :roll:

care to send one as well?
i just sent him an email, suggesting that stopping all person to person sales would do much more than armed guards...i'm sure it will trigger an epiphany... :roll:

care to send one as well?
You live there and I would just be an evil socialist foreign interest, they say phone calls and actual letters make a bigger impact Other than vote, donate, work for the democrats and sow division among the morons around you, there is little else to do but write letters and carry signs. The polls say one thing about what people say they want to do about guns and another when it comes to the ballot box when they elect republicans. This republican just signed the open carry law, good luck with the email.
You live there and I would just be an evil socialist foreign interest, they say phone calls and actual letters make a bigger impact Other than vote, donate, work for the democrats and sow division among the morons around you, there is little else to do but write letters and carry signs. The polls say one thing about what people say they want to do about guns and another when it comes to the ballot box when they elect republicans. This republican just signed the open carry law, good luck with the email.
i can't just drive to his office, and they wouldn't let me talk to him if i did...he probably won't ever see that email, some aid will glance at it and delete it, but i did SOMETHING...and i'm thinking about doing something more...i'll get back to you about that, once i decide exactly what it is.
i can't just drive to his office, and they wouldn't let me talk to him if i did...he probably won't ever see that email, some aid will glance at it and delete it, but i did SOMETHING...and i'm thinking about doing something more...i'll get back to you about that, once i decide exactly what it is.
Other than making comments on a pot forum, I try to steer clear of internal domestic US politics, it's not my business and It's not an Americans in Canadian policy issues. It is a social issue however and, in my face, and on my TV screen too and it has an impact in my back yard. We had a mass murder of 22 people in NS a bit more than a year ago and the owner was banned from owning firearms, guess where he got them? Some local people with FACs gave him some ammo are in deep shit, so are the RCMP, since he was dressed like one of them and was driving a fake cop car... There is still an ongoing inquiry.

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i just sent him an email, suggesting that stopping all person to person sales would do much more than armed guards...i'm sure it will trigger an epiphany... :roll:

care to send one as well?
my local state representative recognized my name when I met her at a local Democratic Party event. I never met her before and did not register for the event, she said she recognized my name from messages she read. So, yeah, e-mails are easy to send and they get read. Send them to everybody who represent you because your vote matters to them.

Your problem, I think, is the voters who support lax gun laws outnumber those who don't or are more active politically. So, perhaps supporting a gun law reform group who is working to change public opinion?

These people were very helpful to the group in Oregon that managed to squeak through Measure 114.

They got donations from me, along with Lift Every Voice Oregon, who did the heavy lifting.
Guns costs America in hospital expenses and other costs to municipalities like this and don't forget the cops who are often scared for their lives and act rashly or maliciously and kill people with and over guns, real or imagined. Here are some of those costs inflicted on taxpayers by gun nuts and they should tax guns at least enough to make up for the annual damage they do, an annual tax that all gunowners have to pay along with the additional costs of managing the system of registration and taxation, the more guns you own, the more you pay every year to keep them. It's time to get these freeloaders off the taxpayers back and let them pay their costs to society call it a sin tax, a moral failing of personal courage and the need to hide behind a gun. We won't go into the human costs of this mass stupidity, but tax it anyway.

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Man...was going to crack a joke that we should shoot gun violence right in the trigger...but my joke is a common view so not very funny

Guns murdered humor. Shot it in the dick
I wonder how long it will take for a gun magat to try to use this as an excuse? "See? crazies will kill people with or without guns."
Yeah, that's true, but the guns just make it so much easier to kill so many more...which is their only real use.
Hand gun designers must be so proud, their designs work like a charm.
Oh the hypocrisy of the GOP
Edibles don’t kill people, people kill people :lol: