Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

Oh they are? I bet thats how they defeat body armor, they fragment and lose inertia....

Good thing no one's ever shot a deer with a 30-06, there'd be nothing left.....
Then what are all those trauma doctors who treat gunshot wounds talking about? Are they lying? You know the medical examiners who look at what's left of children slaughtered by these weapons of war, they describe such wounds in detail.

Trust me, it won't matter to the increasing numbers of people who want guns regulated and they won't care at all about gun owners as the mass murders stack up, so will the new laws and regulations. You had better come up with some better arguments if you wanna keep your toys than the technical details of murder weapons, most people won't pay attention to them.
Of course it will,prob be called something super macho,testosterone dripping,"The Eliminator",when did anger,unacceptance,rejection turn from yelling or pounding the ground to exhaustion or lighting the fire of motivation for changing or making self corrections to alter one's fate or circumstances to crossing the threshold in which executing humanbeings then eating a round or dying by cop became a weekly occurence and a uniquely American phenomenon?
Canna did a good job of correcting the narrative. The article I picked out about that gun was not a good one at representing what will actually happen when this new military rifle is sold into the consumer market. It's something to revisit in a few years but I'm thinking now that this development is unlikely to do worse than the AR-15 and the like.
Canna did a good job of correcting the narrative. The article I picked out about that gun was not a good one at representing what will actually happen when this new military rifle is sold into the consumer market. It's something to revisit in a few years but I'm thinking now that this development is unlikely to do worse than the AR-15 and the like.
The discussion encompasses more than the minutiae of weapons, it is actually about a rapidly shifting social and political dynamic on guns in general. If the democrats win, there will be a demand for action and how much action could depend on how much they win by, but they will need to moderate the radical future voices to keep appealing to the middle of America. They need to shift as the public shifts, the mass murders will continue to drive demands for action when they attain power and are responsible for ending or reducing it. America needs to reduce guns and fear, both will harm the republicans and fascism in America, but it needs to be done smart and gradually as opinion and polls permit. They cannot risk a reactionary election of republicans, they are not just unfit, but a real and present danger.

My arguments have been primarily focused on the mechanisms to do this federally and there are state laws that can be passed too. Reducing the total number of guns in circulation should be a long-term goal and it can be accomplished by increasing the burden, liability and annual expense of gun ownership. Just 3% of the population owns 50% of the guns, so it would be logical to assume that 10% of the population would have the vast majority of guns and most of the 40% who own guns are not particularly attached to them.
The discussion encompasses more than the minutiae of weapons, it is actually about a rapidly shifting social and political dynamic on guns in general. If the democrats win, there will be a demand for action and how much action could depend on how much they win by, but they will need to moderate the radical future voices to keep appealing to the middle of America. They need to shift as the public shifts, the mass murders will continue to drive demands for action when they attain power and are responsible for ending or reducing it. America needs to reduce guns and fear, both will harm the republicans and fascism in America, but it needs to be done smart and gradually as opinion and polls permit. They cannot risk a reactionary election of republicans, they are not just unfit, but a real and present danger.

My arguments have been primarily focused on the mechanisms to do this federally and there are state laws that can be passed too. Reducing the total number of guns in circulation should be a long-term goal and it can be accomplished by increasing the burden, liability and annual expense of gun ownership. Just 3% of the population owns 50% of the guns, so it would be logical to assume that 10% of the population would have the vast majority of guns and most of the 40% who own guns are not particularly attached to them.
You mean like in 2021 when the dems had control?
I'm accurate enough Teflon tipped bullets were banned in many places and AR15s cause horrific damage to the human body and such a weapon is not needed for hunting. If you can't bring an animal down with 5 rounds and a scope, you should not be allowed in the woods armed.

I don't care much about the latest toy for those who wanna dress up like real soldiers because they were to fat or stupid to get into the military. I'm more focused on policy and constitutional issues and what it is possible for the federal government to do to resolve this issue. The answer is clear enough and proven in many other places that are as free as America, and the government has the power to implement such solutions. It is just a matter of political will and that is determined by elections that are fair and free.

So, man up and talk policy, not toys for adult children who watched too many war movies and suffer the military version of Dunning Kruger syndrome. It's about solutions and saving the lives of kids, not the details of death machines. If ya wanna play war, both the Russians and Ukrainians are looking for volunteers, it's like America, pick a side.
4 states put of 50 does not equal many.
A 308 bolt action causes more damage.
Need is a funny word when it comes to government. Who determines the need?
If you need more than 1 bullet you are probably a terrible shot.
Those guys who play dress up are wanna be douche bags.
4 states put of 50 does not equal many.
A 308 bolt action causes more damage.
Need is a funny word when it comes to government. Who determines the need?
If you need more than 1 bullet you are probably a terrible shot.
Those guys who play dress up are wanna be douche bags.
looks like a lot more than 4 to me...
who gives a fuck about the rest of that irrelevant shit you listed....
You mean like in 2021 when the dems had control?
They also had Manchin and Sinema with a bottle neck in the Senate, but no republican helped, they blocked. There were plenty of bills in the house.
You appear to have a rather simple-minded narrative of events, almost like you are a victim of propaganda and are easily fooled, by bullshit. Are you still watching Tucker?
4 states put of 50 does not equal many.
A 308 bolt action causes more damage.
Need is a funny word when it comes to government. Who determines the need?
If you need more than 1 bullet you are probably a terrible shot.
Those guys who play dress up are wanna be douche bags.
Being even more dressed up I guess these guys are even more douches, don't you think?

Being even more dressed up I guess these guys are even more douches, don't you think?

It is generally ok to be in drag if you are armed to the teeth too, nobody will give you a hard time, most of the assholes will think yer crazy or looking for a chance to kill them, and being well armed and in drag speaks pretty loudly about how you feel about your rights as an individual! They will STFU, most are cowards anyway and bigots are basically just afraid all the time.
If you vote for a democrat then you vote for gun regulation, no need for further discussion, make your points inside the democratic party, that is where the power will be. They have made up their minds about guns, the only question will be the internal fight about how hard and fast to come down on them using some of the solutions I outlined and more.
I think you should make your points inside the democratic party, you seem to feel very strongly about these things.
It is generally ok to be in drag if you are armed to the teeth too, nobody will give you a hard time, most of the assholes will think yer crazy or looking for a chance to kill them, and being well armed and in drag speaks pretty loudly about how you feel about your rights as an individual! They will STFU, most are cowards anyway and bigots are basically just afraid all the time.
What's being in drag have to do with anything?
And yes bigots are cowards. Anyone who paints with a vroud brush tends to be.