Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

Many of us remember the 80s and 90s when “common-sense” gun laws were restrictive. So the words “common sense” have been, if you’ll excuse the expression, weaponized.
Well, there are several possible ways to mitigate the problem and since guns don't kill people, people do, focus on the owner. License and candle their heads and make sure all reports of domestic violence and animal cruelty are reported on a database along with acts of domestic terrorism et. We know the traits and risk factors, more focus on character flaws than on mental illness, though being psychotic or depressed should be warning signs too. The problem is there have been many solutions and ways to limit the carnage, but nothing can pass the grid locked congress. Humans create problems and most of the time humans can solve the problems they create, but not always.
Regulation isn’t an encroachment on your 2A rights, so why is it so complicated?
Guns are big business I'd guess? I dont think certain guns should be protected because of 2A, but because there are guns out there that can do just as much damage that dont look military. Not very hard or time consuming to rack slugs in a shotgun and this latest shooter had 45 fucking minutes to roam halls.

I have no idea why it's so complicated. How complicated would it be for parents to lock their guns up in a safe ? Wouldn't have done any good in this particular tragedy but it may have prevented others.
Guns are big business I'd guess? I dont think certain guns should be protected because of 2A, but because there are guns out there that can do just as much damage that dont look military. Not very hard or time consuming to rack slugs in a shotgun and this latest shooter had 45 fucking minutes to roam halls.

I have no idea why it's so complicated. How complicated would it be for parents to lock their guns up in a safe ? Wouldn't have done any good in this particular tragedy but it may have prevented others.
I had a luxe gun safe. Divorced, no safe.
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Furious Texas Paul EXPLODES at Fake Christians after Uvalde
20,723 views May 26, 2022 Texas Paul eviscerates his Christian neighbors for refusing to speak out against the massacre in Uvalde.

I understood this concept at 16 when I read LaVey's The Satanic Bible and Satanic Masses.

Don't judge.
What kind of gun would Jesus own? I remember it as an important theological question among the evangelical, born yesterday crowd a few years back. Why I remember a time when every republican had a "personal relationship" with Jesus, even the president had an imaginary friend. Jesus and family values used to be real big in America until Trump, then Cheeto Jesus the antichrist, blew the dog whistle through the bullhorn and Satan seduced them and evil slipped into their horts, but really, the Devil was already there, waiting for the messenger, they had no hearts really, only fear and hate.

Seems they didn't have their tickets pre punched through the pearly gates and were recently seen worshipping the golden calf in the form of Cheeto Jesus, the embodiment of the 7 deadly sins. Amazingly "Grab them by the pussy" became acceptable to the family values crowd as did infidelity and multiple marriages, an illegal immigrant and foreign slut with a portfolio of nude pictures could even be first lady! The list goes on and on.
Do you think mental illness plays a roll in these kids deciding to shoot innocent children? If yes, you dont believe that a kid, a teenager with no proper guidance at home, or worse, cant be influenced by a realistic first person shooter game?

I've already stated I dont believe the games alone cause shootings ( Adam Lanza was obsessed with COD but also loved dance dance revolution) But i think they can warp an already fragile mind.

It starts at home imo
The door was unlocked or this wouldn’t have happened. Somebody keeps it open so they don’t have to get buzzed in after grabbing a smoke or nip in the parking lot. Shouldn’t happen but its the same at the majority of schools i bet.
The door was unlocked or this wouldn’t have happened. Somebody keeps it open so they don’t have to get buzzed in after grabbing a smoke or nip in the parking lot. Shouldn’t happen but its the same at the majority of schools i bet.
Blame the victims, they had lax security because morons want to own toys with out restrictions or regard for others safety. The problem wasn't locked doors, the problem is guns and living in an armed camp full of lunatics, fanatics and bigots.
Blame the victims, they had lax security because morons want to own toys with out restrictions or regard for others safety. The problem wasn't locked doors, the problem is guns and living in an armed camp full of lunatics, fanatics and bigots.

Every door ion every school in my city is pretty much open to the public. No mass shootings in our schools. Weird. Must of lucked out or something.