Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

Its not the tool but the tools using the tool. Humans take credit when good and blame tools when bad. We dont talk about the warning signs given by shooters nearly as much as we cry its the muzzle length, magazine capacity, ease of access etc.
Plenty of other nations with a similar economy and society to ours don't have the same high rates of homicides by guns and mass shootings. Humans live in those countries too. This is not inevitable.
The answer is enforcing the laws. Then actually sentencing and punishing the offenders. Its already been mentioned that nobody can read minds and the element of surprise sudden shit happening but that’s really not what is happening. In almost all these cases there were signs of problems. They almost always purchase these guns within days of the crime. Mag caps are silly because they take a fraction of a second to change, especially in proficient hands. I feel if this monster had a rig of 5 rounders and 70 minutes not alot would of changed. Maybe because he probably never used one before this. But not in the big picture imo.
The answer is enforcing the laws. Then actually sentencing and punishing the offenders. Its already been mentioned that nobody can read minds and the element of surprise sudden shit happening but that’s really not what is happening. In almost all these cases there were signs of problems. They almost always purchase these guns within days of the crime. Mag caps are silly because they take a fraction of a second to change, especially in proficient hands. I feel if this monster had a rig of 5 rounders and 70 minutes not alot would of changed. Maybe because he probably never used one before this. But not in the big picture imo.
That is very hard to do. Cops stick together even when one or more of theirs are dirty. Propose how to enforce the law on law enforcement.
Im by no means a cop defender. I’ve always believed if you wear a uniform or hold a position of authority and break laws , the penalties should double and go from there but your right how do you know except demanding more and more transparency but……
How many people will be knelt on ,beat, worse. You just saw some stand down for a lone 18 yr old murdering kids basically in front of them. I know ALOT are braver than I’ll probably ever be however what about a militia? A hundred member gang? What about the profiling ? Stop and frisk ? No knock Raids?Thats what it takes to even make a dent on illegal/ unknown guns in America
This is not inevitable.
those that need their guns to have a positive self image will try to make it inevitable...if everyone else in the country gives up their handguns, assault weapons, high capacity magazines, then i will to. i don't have any assault weapons or high capacity magazines, but if i did, i would.
there are 120 firearms per 100 people in this country...what the fuck, really?
this won't be a quick fight, an easy one, or a civil one...but it's coming.
I totally agree with you I’m in The same group with you bud It wouldn’t hurt my feelings to turn over anything like that for the country to be a better place for our kids and ourselves
I wonder if Matthew and the other actors are gonna visit Chicago on their way to Canada…..doubtful
As doubtful as their security giving up their guns. Thats why they have the clause for security lol.
Tell me if America can get rid of guns why would celebs politicians and police need them? Also does it bother any of you to hear your president say the second, just like All your other rights are not absolute? Hahaha
Stuff like this changes hearts and minds on the SCOTUS, when it comes to gun control, when they or their family's become victims. Like many of the republican the politicians, they live in the safe, gun free enclave of Washington DC. The more they are targeted by gun violence, the more sympathetic to regulation they become, when their own ass is on the line.

Armed Man Arrested Near Justice Brett Kavanaugh's Home
44,776 views Jun 8, 2022 An armed man was arrested overnight near the home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, several law enforcement officials say. NBC's Pete Williams has details.
Stuff like this changes hearts and minds on the SCOTUS, when it comes to gun control, when they or their family's become victims. Like many of the republican the politicians, they live in the safe, gun free enclave of Washington DC. The more they are targeted by gun violence, the more sympathetic to regulation they become, when their own ass is on the line.

Armed Man Arrested Near Justice Brett Kavanaugh's Home
44,776 views Jun 8, 2022 An armed man was arrested overnight near the home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, several law enforcement officials say. NBC's Pete Williams has details.
no, this cocksucker will just use it to double watch...he'll try to spin it to his benefit somehow. "see, the bad guys do get caught."......
the guy wasn't serious, anyway. he called a prevention center and was still on the phone with them when the cops came to arrest him. not the behavior of a serious assailant. too bad, we could have almost balanced the court, without a messy impeachment
no, this cocksucker will just use it to double watch...he'll try to spin it to his benefit somehow. "see, the bad guys do get caught."......
the guy wasn't serious, anyway. he called a prevention center and was still on the phone with them when the cops came to arrest him. not the behavior of a serious assailant. too bad, we could have almost balanced the court, without a messy impeachment
They live in a giant NRA convention in DC, no guns allowed there according to the open carry crowd. According to that bunch DC ain't even a state and can't regulate guns, since it's a state's right FFS!

America will have to fix itself at the polls, hard to do when the minority rules in so many ways. House seats are gerrymandered so much they produce crooks and lunatics. The senate represents geography, but that doesn't produce enough minority power so they have to have 60% on top of not being democratic to begin with. Then the presidency is wide open to cheating as we have seen and is not elected by a majority anyway. Finally the politicized courts will play a game of judicial twister, tying themselves in hypocritical knots. Basing decisions and overturning precedent using specious arguments with ideological or religious motives.

It's an uphill climb, but there is little choice but to climb it, they already know that with all their many advantages, they need to cheat to win and are on the wrong side of history. So that has to tell ya something.
I wonder if Matthew and the other actors are gonna visit Chicago on their way to Canada…..doubtful
As doubtful as their security giving up their guns. Thats why they have the clause for security lol.
Tell me if America can get rid of guns why would celebs politicians and police need them? Also does it bother any of you to hear your president say the second, just like All your other rights are not absolute? Hahaha
your "rights" are not absolute, and never have been. there are no "god given rights". rights are a human construct we use to convince ourselves that what we're doing is ok. they're controlled by public opinion...when the opinion of the public changes enough, your rights change as well. in the recent past, most white people had the right to treat minorities like shit, and they were just supposed to take it...over the last 50 years or so, public opinion has shifted, and it is not only no longer alright to treat minorities like shit, it can get you in a world of trouble. right now, the majority of Americans are in favor of stricter gun control, mostly because having practically no gun control has led to an epidemic of mass murders...let that keep on for a while, and as soon as democrats get a decisive majority in the house and the senate, you can kiss a lot of gun "freedoms" goodbye. if the republicans don't get their heads the fuck out of their asses and pass some meaningful gun control laws, they won't have the option to do anything about it once they're out of power. and they will be out of power, their base shrinks every year, and the democratic base grows...
so convince the republican politicians that they need to make some real changes now, or step aside as they fall out of power and the reforms are made without any input from them.
The real agenda is revealed
the real agenda is to make it a lot harder for crazy fuckers to get weapons they can kill large numbers of people with in a short time...that's all the agenda has ever's all it will ever be.
if it requires restrictions on gun ownership, then fuck gun owners, they get to bite the bullet with the rest of us, their "right" to own weapons doesn't supersede the right of children to not only stay alive, but to live in an environment where they don't experience daily anxiety, wondering if today will be the day a crazy fucker comes to their school to kill them and their friends...
and i include myself in that too, as a responsible gun owner, i will have to suffer for the stupidity and laziness of those who refuse to act responsibly. i won't be happy about it, but i won't be blaming the government, i'll be blaming irresponsible fucks who can't follow the rules the rest of us follow
Stuff like this changes hearts and minds on the SCOTUS, when it comes to gun control, when they or their family's become victims. Like many of the republican the politicians, they live in the safe, gun free enclave of Washington DC. The more they are targeted by gun violence, the more sympathetic to regulation they become, when their own ass is on the line.

Armed Man Arrested Near Justice Brett Kavanaugh's Home
44,776 views Jun 8, 2022 An armed man was arrested overnight near the home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, several law enforcement officials say. NBC's Pete Williams has details.
Hey, nothin' we can do about it. We just have to live with it. Give Kavanaugh a bullet proof door.
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I agree with about 99.5% of that rog. Something to consider though is that it seems alot of peeps seem to think this is something thats only going to effect trumpers or repubs but the fact of the matter is there are just as many war weapons if not more in the inner city than one rednecks closet. So remember not to yell racist or why did you have to shoot and shit when the cops most appear to despise are sent to handle everyone ,everywhere
Hey, nothin' we can do about it. We just have to live with it. Give Kavanough a bullet proof door.
The truth is the federal government could do a lot, to first reduce, then eventually eliminate the problem. There must be the political will to do it, a large majority of the country must value children more than guns, love more than hate, courage more cowardice, truth over dishonesty and common sense over stupidity and ignorance.
I agree with about 99.5% of that rog. Something to consider though is that it seems alot of peeps seem to think this is something thats only going to effect trumpers or repubs but the fact of the matter is there are just as many war weapons if not more in the inner city than one rednecks closet. So remember not to yell racist or why did you have to shoot and shit when the cops most appear to despise are sent to handle everyone ,everywhere
that's not true, most weapons are owned by white, rural men. 46% of people who live in a rural area own guns, 28% own guns in the suburbs, and 19% are owned by inner city dwellers. 44% of republicans own guns, and 20% of democrats do. most rural people are republicans, and most urban people are do the math about where guns are concentrated....rural white areas have at least twice as many guns per capita than urban areas, whether they're predominately white or ethnic...
why would anyone yell racist at the cops who are eventually sent to collect weapons that are then illegal to own? they will be collecting them from everyone, no matter what color they are. actually, they won't ever have to collect any weapons, all they have to do is restrict ammo sales and reloading can have all the assault rifles and pistols you want, just good luck getting any ammo for them, good luck even finding any place to ask about it without getting reported....better make those thousands of rounds you stockpiled last, cause there ain't gonna be no more