Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

that's not true, most weapons are owned by white, rural men. 46% of people who live in a rural area own guns, 28% own guns in the suburbs, and 19% are owned by inner city dwellers. 44% of republicans own guns, and 20% of democrats do. most rural people are republicans, and most urban people are do the math about where guns are concentrated....rural white areas have at least twice as many guns per capita than urban areas, whether they're predominately white or ethnic...
why would anyone yell racist at the cops who are eventually sent to collect weapons that are then illegal to own? they will be collecting them from everyone, no matter what color they are. actually, they won't ever have to collect any weapons, all they have to do is restrict ammo sales and reloading can have all the assault rifles and pistols you want, just good luck getting any ammo for them, good luck even finding any place to ask about it without getting reported....better make those thousands of rounds you stockpiled last, cause there ain't gonna be no more
Those rural white people would register their guns and follow the law, the more expensive each gun is to own, the more likely large collections will be either turned in or made permanently inoperable with welded barrel plug. A machine could be made to do it in seconds, say $10 a pop. Registration with a carrot and stick approach, sue the chain of responsibility from the owner to the maker. Not all weapons need be registered just all military style with removable mags and all mags are limited to 5 rounds. It would be a start.

Like the drone and RC world, if you wanna fly over 250 grams you need to register the craft and have a pilots license. If you want to do it for a living or make money (in America) and fly long range, you need a commercial pilot's license, plus an FCC radio license to use some long range frequencies. Next anybody with a cellphone can point it at your drone or RC plane and instantly ID you, the world is full of paranoid Karen's! It's like a white person calling the cops on a bothersome black person usually and often ends up that way!
Also I truly believe those stats are garbage. How would anyone know your political party. Ive never once have seen or heard of your political party on any application, permit, license. As a matter if fact i dont believe race is either. Hair eye color, weight citizenship never race or political party so how they get them. And even if they did it would be guns that are known about. So you think if there was a way to count all them, even illegal and ghost and you counted all major cities in a state it wouldn’t be close to number in suburbs? Thats funny
It appears people who own guns are psychological unstable and prone to be fear driven and depressed since more of them kill themselves than murder other people. A gun and psychological or emotional instability seem to go gun in hand. These days it's getting to be like a Trump voter, people have to be selfish and ignore the tremendous social and human cost of unrestricted gun ownership. A gun has a higher chance of being used against the owner and if it is used to kill another 99% of the time it destroys the user's life as well as the victim's.

Spare me the responsible gun owner bullshit, if you were responsible you would be in favor of strict federal regulations, but most aren't responsible and that is demonstrated by putting selfishness and guns before children and public safety. Hiding behind the lie that the 2nd amendment is absolute, when in fact the federal government could constitutionally regulate guns out of existence in America or dramatically reduce their ownership, while increasing the expense.

How do US gun deaths break down?
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a total of 45,222 people died from gun-related injuries of all causes during 2020, the last year for which complete data is available.

Chart showing a breakdown of gun-related deaths in the US

And while mass shooting and gun murders generally garner more media attention, of the total, 54% - about 24,300 deaths - were suicides.

A 2016 study published in the American Journal of Public Health found there was a strong relationship between higher levels of gun ownership in a state and higher firearm suicide rates for both men and women.

Advocates for stricter gun laws in the United States often cite this statistic when pushing lawmakers to devote more resources to mental health and fewer to easing gun restrictions.
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You realise your giving mean stats on lawfully owned right?
who do you think owns most of the "unlawfully owned" weapons? the same middle to upper class rural white guys that own the "lawfully owned" weapons...
there are about 1 million gang members in the united states...
there are an estimated 393 million guns in the U.S., just how many guns does each gang member own? even if you give them 4 each, that's still 389 million guns...shit, give em ten each, and that's still 383 million...where do you think those guns are? sitting right next to the ones those rural guys bought legally...they got ghost guns, they got bump stocks, they got the kits to make semis go full auto...they have all the plans to print parts that can be printed, and buy generic parts to fill in the rest, usually at gun shows so there is no record of any of it.
Also I truly believe those stats are garbage. How would anyone know your political party. Ive never once have seen or heard of your political party on any application, permit, license. As a matter if fact i dont believe race is either. Hair eye color, weight citizenship never race or political party so how they get them. And even if they did it would be guns that are known about. So you think if there was a way to count all them, even illegal and ghost and you counted all major cities in a state it wouldn’t be close to number in suburbs? Thats funny
look up the pew foundation...they're very reputable, they know what their talking about, they've been doing this for decades with no major fuck ups
at least we beat France :(
Considering the pursuit of happiness is right near the top of the Declaration of independence. Ya need a road map for how to get there, happiness and liberty are in danger in America and there is just one party responsible for all the bullshit.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

Texas Paul REACTS to Republicans' Stupidest Comments Yet on Guns
2,522 views Jun 9, 2022 During a congressional hearing, the Republican Party reached new lows with their excuses about why they won't take any action after Uvalde. It was a greatest hits of the worst people, including Louie Gohmert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ted Cruz and other. Texas Paul reacts!
Multiple victims reported in ‘mass shooting’ in Maryland town
Officials reported there were multiple victims following what one lawmaker described as a “mass shooting” in the Maryland town of Smithsburg on Thursday.

“We are actively monitoring the mass shooting in #Smithsburg right now, and our office is in contact with officials on the ground. If you’re local, please stay away from the area as law enforcement responds,” Rep. David Trone (D-Md.) tweeted shortly before 4 p.m. Thursday.

The Washington County Sheriff’s Office said in a post on Facebook that deputies had responded to the shooting at around 2:30 p.m. in the 12900 block of Bikle Road. Multiple news outlets have reported the shooting occurring at a Сolumbia Machine factory.

“At this time the Sheriff’s Office can confirm that there are multiple victims and the suspect is no longer a threat to the community. This is a rapidly evolving incident and we will release information as we are able,” the Washington County Sheriff’s Office wrote.

Details about the victims or suspects were not immediately available.

Good thing this type of thing is a rare occurrence.

3 dead after shooting inside of Maryland business, police say
Three people are reportedly dead after a shooting at a manufacturing facility in Smithsburg, Maryland, according to authorities.

Only three? I thought a mass shooting doesn't happen until at least four.
Democrat gaveled out as he tries to read names of children killed by guns this year
Rep. Sean Casten (D-Ill.) took to the House floor on Thursday to read the names of young children killed by guns this year, but was forced to conclude his remarks due to time constraints after getting through only a fraction of the 600 names.

Casten’s comments came minutes after the House passed a bill to nationalize red flag laws, which aim to keep guns out of the hands of individuals deemed a risk to themselves and others. The legislation was brought up in the wake of last month’s mass shootings in Buffalo, N.Y., and Uvalde, Texas.

Casten, who voted in favor of the legislation, asked to address lawmakers for one minute.

“I wanted to take a moment after the shootings this week just to read the names of the children under 10 years old in America who have been killed by guns so far this year,” the Illinois Democrat said on the House floor.

He then proceeded to read the names and ages of more than 20 young children killed by gun violence this year. A video of the remarks posted to the congressman’s Twitter account show images of the children as their names were read.

After roughly a minute and 15 seconds of reciting names, Casten recognized that the clerk of the House was gaveling him to conclude his remarks, as is customary when a lawmaker exceeds their allotted time to speak.

“I realize you’re gaveling me out. There are 600 names on this list,” he said, showing the sheets of paper he was reading from.
“I can’t read these in a minute. Are we gonna act, or are we gonna throw up useless thoughts and prayers? It’s time to act,” he added.