Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

Of course the flaw in Bill's argument is we have those movies everywhere else and only a tiny fraction of the gun deaths and that fraction is larger with the more guns in a country. Canada has the same, video games, TV and movies as America and a fraction of the gun violence, or per capita gun death rate. Same with the UK and other countries with similar traditions and legal systems that America uses. It's the number of guns and lack of regulation and nothing else that is America's problem with gun violence, it's not movies, school doors, or lack of transparent backpacks used by students.

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Good guy with a gun

View attachment 5147634
you know why a good guy with a gun is news? BECAUSE IT HARDLY EVER FUCKING HAPPENS...make full advantage of this story, statistically you may see two more like it this year...

there were 20,726 shootings in the U.S. in 2021, excluding you want to winnow through the newspapers to find the number of times a "victim" having a gun stopped a crime? actually shouldn't take you long, because it doesn't happen very often...

the Washington times had to go back to 2007 to find 11 cases where a victim having a gun stopped the situation they were in...they had to go back 15 years to find 11 cases......

so keep pushing the bullshit that having a gun stops crime, 99% of the time it either does nothing or it gets even more people killed...
you know why a good guy with a gun is news? BECAUSE IT HARDLY EVER FUCKING HAPPENS...make full advantage of this story, statistically you may see two more like it this year...

there were 20,726 shootings in the U.S. in 2021, excluding you want to winnow through the newspapers to find the number of times a "victim" having a gun stopped a crime? actually shouldn't take you long, because it doesn't happen very often...

the Washington times had to go back to 2007 to find 11 cases where a victim having a gun stopped the situation they were in...they had to go back 15 years to find 11 cases......

so keep pushing the bullshit that having a gun stops crime, 99% of the time it either does nothing or it gets even more people killed...
Needed to be said again
you know why a good guy with a gun is news? BECAUSE IT HARDLY EVER FUCKING HAPPENS...make full advantage of this story, statistically you may see two more like it this year...

there were 20,726 shootings in the U.S. in 2021, excluding you want to winnow through the newspapers to find the number of times a "victim" having a gun stopped a crime? actually shouldn't take you long, because it doesn't happen very often...

the Washington times had to go back to 2007 to find 11 cases where a victim having a gun stopped the situation they were in...they had to go back 15 years to find 11 cases......

so keep pushing the bullshit that having a gun stops crime, 99% of the time it either does nothing or it gets even more people killed...
Man bites dog kinda happen!
you know why a good guy with a gun is news? BECAUSE IT HARDLY EVER FUCKING HAPPENS...make full advantage of this story, statistically you may see two more like it this year...

there were 20,726 shootings in the U.S. in 2021, excluding you want to winnow through the newspapers to find the number of times a "victim" having a gun stopped a crime? actually shouldn't take you long, because it doesn't happen very often...

the Washington times had to go back to 2007 to find 11 cases where a victim having a gun stopped the situation they were in...they had to go back 15 years to find 11 cases......

so keep pushing the bullshit that having a gun stops crime, 99% of the time it either does nothing or it gets even more people killed...

im sure the individual in Detroit that stopped the guy cares a lot about those skewed propaganda pieces. There are exponentially more cases than that where a gun stops the would be criminal
would you have let him (the violent would be intruder with a gun) end your life?
of course not, i would have shot the fucker dead, then went outside with all my neighbors wondering along with them, "where did that come from?" "sounded like a gun shot."....then i would have bagged the fucker up and took him to my friends hog farm...i sure as fuck wouldn't have told the police or talked to any reporters...
but...what i do and what a normal person would do are two separate things...
most people would have either slept till the guy shot them, or scared him off before they ever got a shot at him.
the whole home protection thing is fine, until you realize that most of the twats that own "home protection weapons" have never had one second of training, they probably fire their guns once a year at a range, and most of them couldn't hit a human sized target at over ten feet...and what about those cases you hear from time to time about gun owners killing their own children or spouses because they thought they were intruders?...maybe a little training should be required? just a little?....¿
of course not, i would have shot the fucker dead, then went outside with all my neighbors wondering along with them, "where did that come from?" "sounded like a gun shot."....then i would have bagged the fucker up and took him to my friends hog farm...i sure as fuck wouldn't have told the police or talked to any reporters...
but...what i do and what a normal person would do are two separate things...
most people would have either slept till the guy shot them, or scared him off before they ever got a shot at him.
the whole home protection thing is fine, until you realize that most of the twats that own "home protection weapons" have never had one second of training, they probably fire their guns once a year at a range, and most of them couldn't hit a human sized target at over ten feet...and what about those cases you hear from time to time about gun owners killing their own children or spouses because they thought they were intruders?...maybe a little training should be required? just a little?....¿
Most gun deaths in America are suicide, by the owner of the gun, proving that gun owners are mentally unstable! :lol: If they ain't depressed, they are under siege or paranoid, fear does drive up gun sales and that is a well known fact. In prison the first thing people do is make a weapon, a shive, because prison is a dangerous place!
im sure the individual in Detroit that stopped the guy cares a lot about those skewed propaganda pieces. There are exponentially more cases than that where a gun stops the would be criminal
no there weren't...produce some of can't....they don't exist.
people tell stories, but i dare you to find those stories in print anywhere...
there are so few documented cases that it is a waste of time to look, but go ahead, i'll wait, prove me wrong.... :D.
we're in the middle of this year, and there are two stories in print for those 6 months....2....this one, and the woman who killed the guy with the rifle in Charleston....2....
but 2 makes it alright to arm everyone in the country, on the off chance you might get a third person who gets lucky and actually kills the shooter, instead of missing them and enraging them further....
all those statistics, they're all just skewed.....:lol:
im sure the individual in Detroit that stopped the guy cares a lot about those skewed propaganda pieces. There are exponentially more cases than that where a gun stops the would be criminal
Anecdotes and testimonials are used to sell scams everyday, including miracle cures. The only truth in these matters is statistical and a gun is 4 times more likely to kill the owner or a family member than be used against some one else. Most gun deaths are suicides by the owner, fear and paranoia drive gun sales, both suicide and paranoia indicate mental instability.
no there weren't...produce some of can't....they don't exist.
people tell stories, but i dare you to find those stories in print anywhere...
there are so few documented cases that it is a waste of time to look, but go ahead, i'll wait, prove me wrong.... :D.
we're in the middle of this year, and there are two stories in print for those 6 months....2....this one, and the woman who killed the guy with the rifle in Charleston....2....
but 2 makes it alright to arm everyone in the country, on the off chance you might get a third person who gets lucky and actually kills the shooter, instead of missing them and enraging them further....
all those statistics, they're all just skewed.....:lol:

takes two seconds to disprove the silly anti gun lobby pieces with actual reality people live every day. These are all just in May of this year alone - and a drop in the bucket if we’re talking about 10 years.

ironically you just proved another point by saying “I wouldnt report shit and just handle it myself” in that there are countless cases that are not reported where something small like a gas station hold up or attempted robbery is halted because a store owner or Good Samaritan stops the criminal with their gun
I believe we Americans have this wild west,frontier,don't tread on me mentality,and a beneath the surface, anxiety(somewhat like Russia) of being ready for an invasion or civil war and if shit hits the fan "I'm gonna get mine" mentality and any potential invader must certainly pause at a armed to the teeth civilian pop where the gun pop outnumbers the actual pop. Of course being buffered by 2 oceans and a friendly neighbor to the north makes this scenario preposterous. Consequently,having more firearms than people sure as hell doesn't bode well when peoples's emotions run high as clearly evidenced by the almost daily events occurring here.
44% of Americans own guns and of those that do the vast majority favor dramatically increased federal gun regulation.

Less than 30% of that 44% own most of the guns and around 37% own 2-4 guns

I believe we Americans have this wild west,frontier,don't tread on me mentality,and a beneath the surface, anxiety(somewhat like Russia) of being ready for an invasion or civil war and if shit hits the fan "I'm gonna get mine" mentality and any potential invader must certainly pause at a armed to the teeth civilian pop where the gun pop outnumbers the actual pop. Of course being buffered by 2 oceans and a friendly neighbor to the north makes this scenario preposterous. Consequently,having more firearms than people sure as hell doesn't bode well when peoples's emotions run high as clearly evidenced by the almost daily events occurring here.
None of these incidents proves that increased gun regulation for law abiding citizens would be harmful, they could have been armed if they wished, under regulation and federal law. Making guns scarce and difficult to obtain, makes them scarce for criminals and the insane too, drives the street price of illegal guns out of the range of most crooks. You register your car with the big guberment and are licensed to drive it with your picture on the license too, the license plate on the car can be used to track your movements and your car is required to be insured by law. It's all about individual responsibility, I hear republicans are big on the concept, or were before Trump, and he accepts responsibility for nothing. Strangely there is a video of him saying, "just take the guns", without due process I might add, the gun crowd never noticed, since most have an even larger cause and guns are just part of it.
None of these incidents proves that increased gun regulation for law abiding citizens would be harmful, they could have been armed if they wished, under regulation and federal law. Making guns scarce and difficult to obtain, makes them scarce for criminals and the insane too, drives the street price of illegal guns out of the range of most crooks. You register your car with the big guberment and are licensed to drive it with your picture on the license too, the license plate on the car can be used to track your movements and your car is required to be insured by law. It's all about individual responsibility, I hear republicans are big on the concept, or were before Trump, and he accepts responsibility for nothing. Strangely there is a video of him saying, "just take the guns", without due process I might add, the gun crowd never noticed, since most have an even larger cause and guns are just part of it.
Hear ya Led, currently I'm fortifying my position on the beach for the coming Chinese amphibious operation:):peace:
takes two seconds to disprove the silly anti gun lobby pieces with actual reality people live every day. These are all just in May of this year alone - and a drop in the bucket if we’re talking about 10 years.

ironically you just proved another point by saying “I wouldnt report shit and just handle it myself” in that there are countless cases that are not reported where something small like a gas station hold up or attempted robbery is halted because a store owner or Good Samaritan stops the criminal with their gun
So regulations that say, you can own a gun for home defense, just don't take it off your property, since it is for home defense, on the street yer on yer own, have courage and register or buy back guns to reduce their number, federal tax on their sale and even private resale. Sue owners, sellers and makers, safe storage should be the law too. Most people work during the day and they can't bring their guns to work, so they are laying around the house. Recently there was a family murdered by an escaped convict, a grandfather and four kids. Where do you think he got the gun so quickly after escaping jail?
Republicans pitch religious, family values as gun violence solution
Republicans are pushing traditional religious and family values as a solution to the epidemic of mass shootings in addition to their calls to harden schools and focus on mental health.

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) pointed to a lack of school prayer when talking about gun violence. “We had AR-15s in the 1960s. We didn’t have those mass school shootings,” Scalise said during a press conference Wednesday.

“Now, I know it’s something that some people don’t want to talk about. We actually had prayer in school during those days,” Scalise continued. “We had other things going on in our society, where we took a different approach to our young kids. And let’s look at that. These are tough conversations we shouldn’t be having that we’re not having about why we’re seeing more young kids go astray.”

takes two seconds to disprove the silly anti gun lobby pieces with actual reality people live every day. These are all just in May of this year alone - and a drop in the bucket if we’re talking about 10 years.

ironically you just proved another point by saying “I wouldnt report shit and just handle it myself” in that there are countless cases that are not reported where something small like a gas station hold up or attempted robbery is halted because a store owner or Good Samaritan stops the criminal with their gun
ok, you keep going with that, i'll trust to the just pulled up 6 articles...there are thousands of shooting per year...but 6 is enough to negate those thousands...
but all of this is useless distraction from the fact that America has an enormous number of shootings every year, and the ONLY difference between us and most of the rest of the word that doesn't have one fifth of our shootings is that they have much tighter gun control...that's it. one difference makes the difference, period. but nope, the answer isn't less guns and tighter controls, it's fucking arming every fuckwad dumbass in the country...because some people value their personal freedoms more than they value the lives of innocent adults and school children. period. no arguing about it anymore. this isn't a freedom issue, it isn't a personal rights issue. it's a dead children issue, and you're either in favor of no dead children, or you consider them an unavoidable consequence of fat fucks getting to have any kind of weapons they want, on demand....pick a fucking side