Well-Known Member
ok, you keep going with that, i'll trust to the just pulled up 6 articles...there are thousands of shooting per year...but 6 is enough to negate those thousands...
but all of this is useless distraction from the fact that America has an enormous number of shootings every year, and the ONLY difference between us and most of the rest of the word that doesn't have one fifth of our shootings is that they have much tighter gun control...that's it. one difference makes the difference, period. but nope, the answer isn't less guns and tighter controls, it's fucking arming every fuckwad dumbass in the country...because some people value their personal freedoms more than they value the lives of innocent adults and school children. period. no arguing about it anymore. this isn't a freedom issue, it isn't a personal rights issue. it's a dead children issue, and you're either in favor of no dead children, or you consider them an unavoidable consequence of fat fucks getting to have any kind of weapons they want, on demand....pick a fucking side
you just said something like a total of 15 cases in 10 years and that was bs. I spent 2 minutes on google giving 6 examples in one month where an innocent person or family were safe because they defended themselves with their gun. All different colors and backgrounds with the common denominator being they were prepared to defend their lives or their families lives and not leave fate up to the real problem with this country. Violent criminals
the discussion about limiting gun ownership or certain reforms regarding gun laws is welcome in my mind. But guns are not going anywhere and they do in fact save many lives. If you could wave a wand and disappear every violent criminal in the world - I’ll hand over my guns. Until then the focus should be more on preventative safety measures and expanded background checks/wait times/mental health tests to actually reduce shootings carried out by bad people