Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

ok, you keep going with that, i'll trust to the just pulled up 6 articles...there are thousands of shooting per year...but 6 is enough to negate those thousands...
but all of this is useless distraction from the fact that America has an enormous number of shootings every year, and the ONLY difference between us and most of the rest of the word that doesn't have one fifth of our shootings is that they have much tighter gun control...that's it. one difference makes the difference, period. but nope, the answer isn't less guns and tighter controls, it's fucking arming every fuckwad dumbass in the country...because some people value their personal freedoms more than they value the lives of innocent adults and school children. period. no arguing about it anymore. this isn't a freedom issue, it isn't a personal rights issue. it's a dead children issue, and you're either in favor of no dead children, or you consider them an unavoidable consequence of fat fucks getting to have any kind of weapons they want, on demand....pick a fucking side

you just said something like a total of 15 cases in 10 years and that was bs. I spent 2 minutes on google giving 6 examples in one month where an innocent person or family were safe because they defended themselves with their gun. All different colors and backgrounds with the common denominator being they were prepared to defend their lives or their families lives and not leave fate up to the real problem with this country. Violent criminals

the discussion about limiting gun ownership or certain reforms regarding gun laws is welcome in my mind. But guns are not going anywhere and they do in fact save many lives. If you could wave a wand and disappear every violent criminal in the world - I’ll hand over my guns. Until then the focus should be more on preventative safety measures and expanded background checks/wait times/mental health tests to actually reduce shootings carried out by bad people
you just said something like a total of 15 cases in 10 years and that was bs. I spent 2 minutes on google giving 6 examples in one month where an innocent person or family were safe because they defended themselves with their gun. All different colors and backgrounds with the common denominator being they were prepared to defend their lives or their families lives and not leave fate up to the real problem with this country. Violent criminals

the discussion about limiting gun ownership or certain reforms regarding gun laws is welcome in my mind. But guns are not going anywhere and they do in fact save many lives. If you could wave a wand and disappear every violent criminal in the world - I’ll hand over my guns. Until then the focus should be more on preventative safety measures and expanded background checks/wait times/mental health tests to actually reduce shootings carried out by bad people
thats not going to work, what works is restricting access to guns and ammunition. no real reason to debate it...look at pretty much every developed country in the world, the ones with strict gun control laws don't have this horseshit happening, the laxer those laws get, the closer you get to America...

that is what it comes down to, that is what works...locking school doors and arming teachers doesn't work. doing nothing doesn't work. denying that there is a problem doesn't work. providing better health care will almost certainly have eventual impact, but it's not going to do much in the immediate future. better background checks would help, but again, that will take time. banning person to person sales nation wide would help a lot, but again, would do nothing to reduce the current amount of weapons out there.
what works almost immediately is banning some weapons. i personally would go with no handguns at all, and shotguns and rifles are all single shot...and large enough to be impossible to conceal.
it's that, or more school kids die, more people just buying groceries or having a picnic die....
Senators announce bipartisan agreement on gun proposals
A bipartisan group of 20 senators led by Sens. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and John Cornyn (R-Texas) on Sunday announced they have agreed to a “a commonsense proposal” to curb gun violence in response to the mass shooting in Ulvade, Texas, that left 21 people dead at Robb Elementary School.

In a major development, 10 Republicans signed onto the bipartisan framework, which means any legislation based on its principles has a good chance of mustering 60 votes and overcoming a filibuster on the Senate floor.

A longer article.
thats not going to work, what works is restricting access to guns and ammunition. no real reason to debate it...look at pretty much every developed country in the world, the ones with strict gun control laws don't have this horseshit happening, the laxer those laws get, the closer you get to America...

that is what it comes down to, that is what works...locking school doors and arming teachers doesn't work. doing nothing doesn't work. denying that there is a problem doesn't work. providing better health care will almost certainly have eventual impact, but it's not going to do much in the immediate future. better background checks would help, but again, that will take time. banning person to person sales nation wide would help a lot, but again, would do nothing to reduce the current amount of weapons out there.
what works almost immediately is banning some weapons. i personally would go with no handguns at all, and shotguns and rifles are all single shot...and large enough to be impossible to conceal.
it's that, or more school kids die, more people just buying groceries or having a picnic die....
Blah blah continue wasting time while Trump plays golf till his death
Of course the flaw in Bill's argument is we have those movies everywhere else and only a tiny fraction of the gun deaths and that fraction is larger with the more guns in a country. Canada has the same, video games, TV and movies as America and a fraction of the gun violence, or per capita gun death rate. Same with the UK and other countries with similar traditions and legal systems that America uses. It's the number of guns and lack of regulation and nothing else that is America's problem with gun violence, it's not movies, school doors, or lack of transparent backpacks used by students.

Normalizing the use of guns through movies and video games is largely a result of American gun culture and it’s thus safe to assume that’s a bad influence for kids. Especially for those who potentionally can get access to a real gun. You get the same video games, tv, movies but with one difference, they’re foreign to you. Canadian kids and adults can dismiss the actions in those movies as something americans do. I agree the number of guns and lack of regulation is the real problem, but those are also for now a given. Which arguably makes it at best irresponsible to create so many gun porn movies and at worst partly responsible for what happens. If people really gave enough shits, they would boycott movies and games that involve guns and force writers to come up with more creative “entertainment“ than people getting shot with guns and bullets.
Yeh "cancel" me like a fair and honest demoRAT, par for the course
that's how the world works under support products you like, and do not support products you don't like.
you are a product i do not like, so why would i support you? why would i not want you cancelled? just like you want me cancelled, and every one who thinks like i you deny it? hypocrite...just like all trump lovers, you are a hypocrite by necessity, you say you want to make America great again, but all you do is turn it into more of the swamp trump told us all he was going to drain...which was yet another lie in a list of nothing but lies