There's more than one way to fuck a monkey, I mean grow a plantSo guys i have grown now off and on for over 19 years i have grown Mexican brick weed seeds with miracle grow, grown coco, hydro, organic, notill, vert, flat, outdoor, gorilla, greenhouse, and even in a fucking speaker with floros. My point is there is a shit ton of ways to do this shit and a lot of FACT people post on here is bull shit. Truth is all these bottles and boosters are a waste of money and can be made at home. Or how about the best weed i have grown comes from making great soil and leaving them the hell alone. And the boiling works guys. From the time i boil till i put my flowers away now takes three weeks and it has walked all over bud from people been in this game for a lot longer than me. Did it at spring BBQ with bud i had just harvested. I don't fallow all his ways but you should appreciate he researchs and experiments. Iam running to right now one is outdoor hydro plants for a guy. The other is based on something from rid. I am not blacking out my flower and seeing what happens. This is how new intavations happen. What if some ass clown had told people to ignore the dude who decided to squasha bud with a hair straightene ? Answer is we might not have rosin now. His weed was good to by the way and tasted really good also
So guys i have grown now off and on for over 19 years i have grown Mexican brick weed seeds with miracle grow, grown coco, hydro, organic, notill, vert, flat, outdoor, gorilla, greenhouse, and even in a fucking speaker with floros. My point is there is a shit ton of ways to do this shit and a lot of FACT people post on here is bull shit. Truth is all these bottles and boosters are a waste of money and can be made at home. Or how about the best weed i have grown comes from making great soil and leaving them the hell alone. And the boiling works guys. From the time i boil till i put my flowers away now takes three weeks and it has walked all over bud from people been in this game for a lot longer than me. Did it at spring BBQ with bud i had just harvested. I don't fallow all his ways but you should appreciate he researchs and experiments. I am running two myself right now one is outdoor hydro plants for a guy. The other is based on something from rid. I am not blacking out my flower and seeing what happens. This is how new intavations happen. What if some ass clown had told people to ignore the dude who decided to squasha bud with a hair straightener ? Answer is we might not have rosin now. His weed was good to by the way and tasted really good also
There's more than one way to fuck a monkey, I mean grow a plant
The circles we operate in are with global footprint and reach but much smaller than we all think. Fukn healthy circle, very healthy circle
Absolutely. I was just giving this some thought myselfThis is indeed profound. The possibilities boggle the mind.
Ttystikk is NOT going on others people threads calling them a con man....difference my friend, BIG fucking difference!
Who cares what he knows? He is an ass.All i meant was he has some super sound knowledge. A lot of it on nutrients and plant foods, also a lot of it on lighting. Trust me i know what you guys sort of mean. Him and i have went a few rounds on here, but id never put him on ignore and miss what he has to say. That would be like putting ttystikk on ignore because all he talks about is how great his self is. But the fact of the matter ttystikk knows a lot of shit, so why would i put him on ignore and miss something he has to say. Id never do that.
Only the photoperiod will trigger parthenocarpy in flowering female marijuana plants. The longest photoperiod that will trigger parthenocarpy in unfertilized flowering homozygous(c) Indica female marijuana plants is 13 hours, give or take 15 minutes.
Out-of-doors, the same effect can be obtained in the month of August at 35 N, and because the capitate-stalked glandular trichomes received plenty of UVB during this month at this latitude, the harvested resin spheres had fully realized THC.
Rating: euphoria and hallucinations, major appetite boost and pain relief, deep dreamless sleep. These plants seldom grow taller than four feet but potency makes up for the reduced harvest. This gene pool is the basis for the "sensimillia" myth and no other gene pool will fit the bill which is why a lot of so-called "sensimillia" has so little THC.
The longest photoperiod that will trigger parthenocarpy in unfertilized flowering heterozygous female marijuana plants is 11 hours, give or take 15 minutes. Out-of-doors, the same effect can be obtained in the month of November at 35 deg. N. The harvested resin spheres evidenced slightly more THC than precursor compounds.
Rating: mild to medium euphoria, appetite boost and pain relief, good snooze. This may be the outdoor photoperiod that will produce a parthenocarpic marijuana best suited for medical use because of mild euphoria and no hallucinations as a result of the low level of UVB in sunlight at this latitude in November.
All unfertilized flowering female marijuana plants will become parthenocarpic in a 9-hour photoperiod (15-hour dark period).
Out-of-doors, the same effect can be obtained in the month of December at 35 deg. N. At this latitude in this month there is not enough UVB in sunlight for precursor vitamin D3 to develop in human skin. The phytochemical process will not produce fully realized THC when UVB falls below a certain level of intensity as expressed in µW/cm2.
Rating: no euphoria, hallucinations, appetite boost, pain relief, sleep aid.
...Homozygous is loosely used here. Even though marijuana is not normally a monoecious plant, unfertilized Indica flowering females can have both anther and stigma growing from a floral bract. This phenomenon can be forced with a 10-hour photoperiod. In the Indica gene pool, this female pollen carries an allele for long-day parthenocarpy (parthenocarpy occurring before the autumnal equinox the author considers "long-day," and parthenocarpy occurring after the autumnal equinox is considered "short-day"). This female pollen and its allele for long-day parthenocarpy is carried into the gene pool by self-pollination and cross pollination.
In areas of India, where the capitate-stalked glandular trichome is triggered into growth by parthenocarpy rather than by fertilized ovum, great care is taken to make sure that all male marijuana plants are destroyed as soon as they reveal their sex. This is to insure that only female pollen will be floating around locally to attach to stigma. Seeds resulting from this female pollen will produce another generation of female plants that will exhibit long-day parthenocarpy during flowering. But if pollen from male plants is introduced into this gene pool, the resulting seeds will produce a generation of females that will exhibit short-day parthenocarpy instead.
I just love how much you don't get it, how stuck in your mind you seem to be, tis truly entertaining and sad but I still love ya. To think that hundreds of folks just blindly follow me is so laughable. Like I meet em at the door and hand em the Kool AidHave you ever considered that RM3 actually is a con man? He's trying to get you to donate him money so he can sell you back an LED lamp with epileds. You'd actually be better off with garbage T5 than those led lamps. Again, too stubborn to suggest HPS despite it clearly kicking epiled and T5's ass for less money up front than either. If you're going to go the route of LED, at least get something good. RM3 knows full well he's making a shitty product. It's funny how his ad says that most led lamps look like they were designed by kindergartners yet it's clear to me that his competition will wipe the floor with him. The only thing his company has going on for him is a cartoon logo with a leprechaun on it that has a moderately sized cult following that will believe anything they're told.. (it's also kind of funny how he thinks he can take those types of shots at other people's designs while expecting nobody to attack his shitty design. Just wait until people start asking about his light in the LED section and see how receptive the crowd is there. His product will be ripped to shreds.)
Also, let me remind you that this isn't RM3's forum, nor is it his thread. I have just as much right to post in this thread as any of you. (it is in the advanced section after all, not a journal)
@a mongo frog , I disagree with you that ttystick has anything worth listening to and would argue that he is the one who is extremely rude.
Genotypes and phenotypesI found some interesting stuff in the last article linked in the first post of this thread.
How do we know if our plants are heterozygous or homozygous? Damned if I know. From the quote it looks like femmed seeds might be homozygous, but who really knows? I've noticed that with 12/12 my plants never really expand their calyxes as much as I would expect. Maybe I need to hit them with 11/13 for the last 7-10 days, maybe even 9/15 for the last 3-4 days. The last 7-10 days would also be the appropriate time to employ the lizard lights. The combination of reduced light cycle and adding UV might just do the trick. It said that a 10 hour photoperiod causes herms, so you wouldn't want to use the 9/15 until the last few days, when there wouldn't be time for male flowers to form anyway.
I only use fem seeds so there's a good chance they can ripen with up to 13 hours light, assuming the parent had that trait. Guess the only way to find out what light cycle any particular pheno will require to produce calyx fattening is to try shorter cycles than 12/12 and see if there's an improvement. I'll try the shortening cycle I mentioned earlier and see what happens.Genotypes and phenotypes
Considering the alleles of a gene present in an organism and the physical results, brings us to the terms genotype, phenotype, and trait. An organism's genotype is its specific combination of alleles for a given gene. So, for example, in the pea plants above, the possible genotypes for the flower-color gene were red-red, red-white, and white-white. The phenotype is the physical manifestation of an organism's allellic combination (genotype). For the pea plants, if the red allele is dominant and the white allele is recessive, only two phenotypes are possible. Both the plants with red-red and red-white genotypes will have the red phenotype, while the plants with the white-white genotype will have the white phenotype. A trait is the general aspect of physiology being shown in the phenotype. So, for example, the trait being discussed in this paragraph is the flower-color of the pea plant. The phenotype can be either red or white flower color, depending on the genotype.
Genotype and phenotype can also be demonstrated using the human examples from above. For cystic fibrosis, people with the normal-normal or normal-mutant genotypes have the normal phenotype, while people with the mutant-mutant genotype have the disease phenotype. For Huntington's, people with the normal-normal genotype have the normal phenotype, while people with the normal-mutant or mutant-mutant phenotypes develop the diseased phenotype.
Often, organisms will carry a dominant and a recessive allele of a gene. These organisms can be referred to as carriers of the recessive allele. For example, if a pea plant has a red flower-color allele and a white flower-color allele, then it is a carrier of the recessive white flower-color allele. In humans, people who have both a normal and a mutant allele for the CF gene are carriers for the mutant recessive CF allele. While carriers have the dominant/recessive genotype for a given gene, they only show the phenotype caused by the dominant version of that gene.
If someone has the phenotype caused by the "disease" allele of a gene, we say they are affected. People who do not have that phenotype are unaffected. So, for example, in a family of four where the mutant CF gene is present, the terminology would go as follows:
Individual Genotype Phenotype
---------- --------- ---------
mother normal-mutant Unaffected (carrier)
father normal-mutant Unaffected (carrier)
child 1 normal-normal Unaffected
child 2 mutant-mutant Affected
Remember that the key is that affected people show the disease phenotype. The term affected does not dictate whether a person has one or two bad alleles. The number of bad alleles needed for the diseased phenotype to manefest, depends on the dominant-recessive relationship of the alleles for the gene in question.
Organisms can be homozygous or heterozygous for a gene. Homozygous means that the organism has two copies of the same allele for a gene. An organism can be homozygous dominant, if it carries two copies of the same dominant allele, or homozygous recessive, if it carries two copies of the same recessive allele. Heterozygous means that an organism has two different alleles of a gene. For example, pea plants can have red flowers and either be homozygous dominant (red-red), or heterozygous (red-white). If they have white flowers, then they are homozygous recessive (white-white). Carriers are always heterozygous. People with CF are homozygous recessive. Since Huntington's disease is autosomal dominant, people with the disease can be either homozygous dominant or heterozygous.
I disagree with what that article stated. I see a lot of genetics flowering at 14/10 or even 14.5/9.5. Some will flower with more light.I only use fem seeds so there's a good chance they can ripen with up to 13 hours light, assuming the parent had that trait. Guess the only way to find out what light cycle any particular pheno will require to produce calyx fattening is to try shorter cycles than 12/12 and see if there's an improvement. I'll try the shortening cycle I mentioned earlier and see what happens.
Nah he ain't ever asked me to donate money......had mreduck invite me to his website where things were chill.....I just didn't agree that unstressed plants don't stink but in all fairness I digressHave you ever considered that RM3 actually is a con man? He's trying to get you to donate him money so he can sell you back an LED lamp with epileds. You'd actually be better off with garbage T5 than those led lamps. Again, too stubborn to suggest HPS despite it clearly kicking epiled and T5's ass for less money up front than either. If you're going to go the route of LED, at least get something good. RM3 knows full well he's making a shitty product. It's funny how his ad says that most led lamps look like they were designed by kindergartners yet it's clear to me that his competition will wipe the floor with him. The only thing his company has going on for him is a cartoon logo with a leprechaun on it that has a moderately sized cult following that will believe anything they're told.. (it's also kind of funny how he thinks he can take those types of shots at other people's designs while expecting nobody to attack his shitty design. Just wait until people start asking about his light in the LED section and see how receptive the crowd is there. His product will be ripped to shreds.)
Also, let me remind you that this isn't RM3's forum, nor is it his thread. I have just as much right to post in this thread as any of you. (it is in the advanced section after all, not a journal)
@a mongo frog , I disagree with you that ttystick has anything worth listening to and would argue that he is the one who is extremely rude.
If your into that stuff ..there's a few farms up by Hardwick where the heifers come running for some lovin and Milking. Caught one Mexican letting the calfs sick him offThere's more than one way to fuck a monkey, I mean grow a plant