Your Grandpa's Weed or is UV supplementation really needed?

10 days plus they got 25 hours of darkness yesterday while I moved them to the " mothership"
ya know something vnsmr
I'm thinking I gotta try this grandpa herbs for of you Colorado cats come to Vermont will ya? we need grandpa herbs to "Enlighten" the smoker who thinks kiefed outdoor or chemmy indoor is topshelf
I already told RM3 when I am able I'm going to buy some of his beans. Yeah looks like what I need in my life too. Give some cob curing a try then....
don't ask how

light, you see it is designed to penetrate 3 feet of water to grow coral in aquariums (if you read the whole page I posted the link to you would know this)

even bullets from my sks can't penetrate water that well lmao
huge difference in the speed of light and the speed of a bullet, not mention the drag coefficient in relation to size

a way to measure light penetration in water happen in 1933

Not to mention the review where the guy hung the lights and saw over an inch of new coral growth the next day ?
Why would that be ?

I know it's true I give a lot away and it's shared all over the world but I'm truly curious bout your humble opinion
Why charge him? My point being if the dudes on a tight budget being generous is fine. I can't wrap my head around " I won't help ya unless ya pay"
Why charge him? My point being if the dudes on a tight budget being generous is fine. I can't wrap my head around " I won't help ya unless ya pay"
I help folks every day and not just here, I'm on a few forums, I do it because I enjoy it
But I'm not the only one sellin seeds and I'm actually only doin it to try and save my home, it's not new news that I've been unable to work for the last few months. Hell if that wasn't the case I'd already have that light. But fair enough, I asked
Why charge him? My point being if the dudes on a tight budget being generous is fine. I can't wrap my head around " I won't help ya unless ya pay"

Funny, I'll bet you don't hold Walmart or home Depot to that same standard; what's your problem with letting a guy earn a lil extra money from his own hard work?!

How about you come mow my yard for free, while you're at it?!
Its the way the world operates at the present time. Considering it's the only way to get quality beans from most everyone, I definitely don't mind paying when I got it to pay with. Also considering the fire which is attained on this end from those beans, very small price to pay.
I disagree with what that article stated. I see a lot of genetics flowering at 14/10 or even 14.5/9.5. Some will flower with more light.

Sativas tend to need less. Around 12/12 or less.

I do it myself indoors. I lower the light by a little each week. 30 min or so. All except the purest sativas flower around 14/10.
Ill correct myself. I guess the article would be right. The article was talking about ripening. I was referring to flower onset.
Why charge him? My point being if the dudes on a tight budget being generous is fine. I can't wrap my head around " I won't help ya unless ya pay"
That was never said.

Rm3 has let me pick his brain without trying to sell me a thing. Rm3 has never once solicited money from me or anyone else that needed help.

Nothing wrong with making a dollar off ones own work.
You posting that and churchaze liking it says more about you two than the person you are attacking.

See It shows you are shallow on several levels. You think less of someone because of their looks. You also make baseless attacks.

I would be willing to bet both of you are pompous asses and bullies. Probably picked on the weak in school.

Its cool though, I and others see you for what you are.

You should control your own behavior.
20 years later and people on forums still wonder if UV-B actually does anything (useful)... therefore it must be conclusive! UV-B is what produces THC!

HPS has little to no UV-B, therefore the weed you grow with it has very low THC. That sounds about right. (sarcasm)