Your Grandpa's Weed or is UV supplementation really needed?


Well-Known Member
The thing is, most of the people I have noticed talking shit or bucking what he does are like 12 fucking years old. Most still living at mommy's house coming on here talking shit behind a computer screen. Pisses in my cheerios


Well-Known Member
Mexican mountain grown sativa... long growing season, plenty of UVB, carefully bred strains.

No, it isn't a coincidence that T5 lighting with plenty of UVB and low RH along with carefully selected and bred for traits would come up with similar results.

Who gives a shit if T5 isn't the most efficient lighting available if it's affordable and meets the specs?

Quibbling over details is the sure sign of an amateur, and @churchhaze meets the spec.


Well-Known Member
Dude....I'm an amateur at best but I spent a few hours reading over @RM3 threads. At his level of experience, to do the crazy things he does, must have merit. How many fellas with his growing knowledge are using T5s to FLOWER?????? Seriously????? There's something to learn there no matter what experience you have. Also...I'm a fan of the type of meds he likes.......
Whether you agree with or wish to follow his methods or not, there's plenty to learn there.


Well-Known Member
Seriously? That dude has super knowledge. Always good to read what he has to say.
That may be, but his personal style is so abrasive it's not worth putting up with it for whatever nuggets there may be.

Nothing he says is unique, someone else has the same knowledge- without the attitude problem.

It appears that I'm far from alone in my assessment.

My grandfather had the same problem; very smart, but such an asshole no one cared to listen. I learned that lesson long ago... he gives every indication of being unwilling to learn.

His loss, not ours.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
That may be, but his personal style is so abrasive it's not worth putting up with it for whatever nuggets there may be.

Nothing he says is unique, someone else has the same knowledge- without the attitude problem.

It appears that I'm far from alone in my assessment.
Well i would just recommend no one putting that dude on ignore is all.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry that calling out a con artist is abrasive. Sometimes I let my ethical concerns get the better of me.
So I'm a first time never grown before noob. Didn't know Dyna-Gro from General Hydroponics, I was super confused when I read FFOF.. Only time I'd ever even seen a grow was after I started this one on May 13th this year and it was @Dr.D81 garden . (it was BEAUTIFUL by the way)

Anyway, this man that you choose to call "con artist" has helped me learn more in a few months than in the year I spent on the innerwebs reading crapola that trolls like you post. Here is my garden today, 20 strains and nearly 50 plants. All because of the Rids generous and giving nature. Not to mention the help of people like @ttystikk and @DCobeen and other folks that follow his teachings on how to grow and, maybe even more importantly, how to be generous in spirit with their knowledge and time. It's easy to see why so many people have you on ignore.

Anyway, here's what a first time 100% noob grow can look like if you listen to Rid. Some of that is even his strains.
9-7 de garden.JPG

Not a con artist, the man knows his shit and he can teach it to even the greenest rookie IF they are only willing to listen.

You are an offensive, rude, poorly raised jerk with no manners or honor. Climb back into your Mom's basement and let the grownups talk.


Well-Known Member
So I'm a first time never grown before noob. Didn't know Dyna-Gro from General Hydroponics, I was super confused when I read FFOF.. Only time I'd ever even seen a grow was after I started this one on May 13th this year and it was @Dr.D81 garden . (it was BEAUTIFUL by the way)

Anyway, this man that you choose to call "con artist" has helped me learn more in a few months than in the year I spent on the innerwebs reading crapola that trolls like you post. Here is my garden today, 20 strains and nearly 50 plants. All because of the Rids generous and giving nature. Not to mention the help of people like @ttystikk and @DCobeen and other folks that follow his teachings on how to grow and, maybe even more importantly, how to be generous in spirit with their knowledge and time. It's easy to see why so many people have you on ignore.

Anyway, here's what a first time 100% noob grow can look like if you listen to Rid. Some of that is even his strains.
View attachment 3775630

Not a con artist, the man knows his shit and he can teach it to even the greenest rookie IF they are only willing to listen.

You are an offensive, rude, poorly raised jerk with no manners or honor. Climb back into your Mom's basement and let the grownups talk.

Following directions is a valuable skill, don't ever let anyone tell you differently.

The best cook I've ever met was that good specifically because she could follow a recipe with precision and consistency.

It's a skill I admire because I don't come by it easily; I'm much more a by the seat of my pants kind of practitioner. Very creative, but with the occasional spectacular disaster thrown in, lol

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
If you want to listen to his shit thats fine, I choose not to
All i meant was he has some super sound knowledge. A lot of it on nutrients and plant foods, also a lot of it on lighting. Trust me i know what you guys sort of mean. Him and i have went a few rounds on here, but id never put him on ignore and miss what he has to say. That would be like putting ttystikk on ignore because all he talks about is how great his self is. But the fact of the matter ttystikk knows a lot of shit, so why would i put him on ignore and miss something he has to say. Id never do that.