Well hello there Mr Bd. How life treating you bro

?: good I sure hope.
Sorry I haven't been around. Been busy with all the information I have to gather for the seedbank. Its a lot of work, but it'll be worth it in the long run!
And I had sent you an email, hadn't received an reply back from you as of yet.
Seen where you had stopped in on my thread.

glad you come & said hello..
* Hey! I'm starting the 2nd guessing game.! *
However this time I will NOT be able to give out free strains to the winner. Due to "RIU" rules. Not mine.
But it still should be fun and informative to growers looking to find information on certain strains that I mayh be running. Hell I have around 50 some going now!

started 8 more the other morning. So if you would like stop on in again and drop your guesses on me.
I will be posting "hints" as to what each strain is for everyone to make there guesses on them.. so "look" for hints every so often. Thanks 4 everything bro..
Your buddy, Dank.