ZenithXalaga's stealth AK-48 PC grow (w/ free sarcasm)


Well-Known Member
What's up ZenithXalaga, using a stick to tie Lanky to is a good idea until her stem is strong. Stubby is going to grow up proving her name:) If the carbon filter you made increase your temps, then buy a pack of those filters in a box cut it in half and put it over the exhaust fan. Get some Ona gel it's really strong and put it behind your case as well.


Active Member
Well I made the decision to sacrifice lanky.. 1 id have to keep them both in veg longer than id like if I saved her and 2 id rather use all my available light on the plant that is doing well; I may veg stub for 3 weeks now and then switch to flowering. But in other news I may start 2 white widow plants in a few weeks. We will see. I have another case for those.


Active Member
Yea my phone takes good pictures but the memory card in it broke so it can't take pictures unless I put a new sd memory card in it


Active Member
Yea when I get some extra cash to get a new sd card I'm gonna start one I'm switching my girls to 12/12 at the end of the month


Active Member
Well being the unorganized slacker I am I havnt really kept exact track should be like 3 weeks and I'm using cfls


Active Member
Day 7

Hey everybody,

So I'm starting to get very excited with Stubby's growth. She's taking off like a weed! Lanky did not die in vain though, Stubby will use the extra light and space very well I'm sure. I'm planning on 3 weeks vegging before I start 12/12. Well.. here's the pics!



Active Member
Thanks bud, I think I'm going to add some more lights in a few days, one on each side of it. I'll update a little later today.


Well-Known Member
haha Thanks for the bud.
sorry haha that was funny when i read it. Pshhhh adding mroe lights like apro


Active Member
Well now that I only have one plant there's plenty of room and better circulation so.. haha I have tons of lights just sitting around.. you don't want to know how much money I've put into marijuana cultivation...

The Freebird

Active Member
Awesome setup Zenith, I really want to start a 12/12 from seed party cup grow in a pc case! would probably fit 3 or 4 in there no? Stubby looks great man, very green and from the pictures looks pretty fat... subbed up for sure, cant wait to see what you get outa her. Good luck bro!


Active Member
Thanks for stopping in Freebird. You know I actually was wondering about a Sog type setup, which I MAY do if I can set up a cloner because I don't want to pay 50 bucks for seeds and get small plants for each seed. But I am very curious as to what I can get from Stubby.. I'm trying not to get my expectations too high but if I get higher than 10g I will pleased! But my goal now is 15g since I'll be vegging a week longer than I originally wanted to. If you used party cups I'm betting you could fit at least 6 under 4 lights... but you could probably add at least 8 cups in here.